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posted 2 years ago by helloimhere in Dieversity (+7 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by helloimhere in Dieversity (+7 / -0 )
it disappeared
Story time!
I bought a washer and dryer set that I found on Craigslist or maybe Facebook Marketplace. I drove out to the place and found out it was a warehouse in an industrial park. The guy selling it was a Russian with a whole warehouse full of used appliances and while I was following him to show me my set he had others come up and pay him -- business was good. He demonstrated that the appliances worked and gave a "one week guarantee" if something went wrong. I thought it was weird that the ad looked like a personal ad compared to this big business but it was a great brand (Speed Queen) at a great price and I went home happy.
After getting the set home I noticed that one of the feet was bent and couldn't be adjusted. Red flag but the other foot was still adjustable so I just leveled it with that one. After using the dryer for a few weeks I noticed the arrow on the knob did not line up with the cycle that was running. Another red flag but not a big deal and I took the opportunity to 3D print a replacement knob as a project. I could have bought a replacement for $6.
Last week, the heat quit working. I open the front panel to most likely replace the heating element and instead I found one of the wires was charred and burned out of the connector. Looking closer at the heating element (and watching a few videos) I found out that all the wires were backwards. This was a dangerous problem that could have caused a house fire and I am telling this story because I think it wouldn't happen with a normal homeowner selling their appliances but since it was a warehouse they probably grabbed parts they had and slapped it together good enough to sell. So the moral of the story is to be cautious when buying appliances and if the place or guy seems a little sketchy he probably is.
So anyway, that's how a Russian almost burned down my house. Thanks for reading! Like™, Subscribe™, and hit that bell for Notifications™!
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+16 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+12 / -0 )
May have had a post like this some time before
I can't tell what natsoc is through the propaganda, plus a lot of self-identified natsocs online seem like classical liberals with a nationalist bent to them
I generally like freedom over authoritarianism and capitalism over socialism, so those would be my complaints
I like conservative / nationlist things and voluntarily taking care of people instead of socialism though
so what do you define natsoc as and if you're natsoc why do you like it and if not natsoc what do you like instead
\> me: anarcho-monarchism (anything from anarchy to monarchy) + conservative / nationalist principles
Consoom an AI created song (
posted 2 years ago by MotivatedCheese in ConsumeProduct (+9 / -2 )
Take note of the lyrics.
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+5 / -0 )
Our Priorities in the ParallelSociety are as follows.
1. The Preservation, Expansion, and Power of the White Race.
2. The Preservation of White literature, images, books videos, and audio.
3. To establish the information highway, and directory for the ParallelEconomy
4. To establish Eco and Ethno Villages.
... and so on.
We will accomplish all of these goals, and more.
To what extent, I cannot say. But We will make our mark.
ParallelSearch is the Center of all of our goals.
It will expand, and adapt in many ways.
It will be flexible, so as to adapt to the needs of our People.
Many today believe that the enemies ultimate Power resides in Banking, but it is no longer the case.
The enemies ultimate Power is in their control of Information.
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+8 / -0 )
Incidentally this is an argument against government welfare for humans, that such welfare may reduce a person's incentive to find work if they are given things they don't have to "forage" for. I note this with all sensitivity that humans are not the same as animals, but I think the analogy exists (some people were up in arms about comments made like this before, complaining that such a comment was equating humans with animals)
One stat says divorced men are twice at risk for taking their lives
So redpilled people here probably have no illusion about the danger of divorce; normies need to be redpilled about the dangers
Personally I'm ok with marrying, so long as you basically go in knowing it could end in a divorce, which drives up the cost of savings to prepare for a divorce, or maybe at least having an idea in mind of what to do if things go south.
I presume a lot of guys who don't have these plans would be more at risk.
Then another risk factor is an addiction like drugs, some of the deaths are drug overdoses. So like if people have drug problems here, are they getting help for them or is a forum like here a good place for men to talk to each other about that issue.
Financial strain is another one. So maybe a focus on building up a strong career to be able to weather any kind of storms or setbacks? Any tips or thoughts on boosting financial well being?
Do you feel lonely and have you found other people to connect with? I think there need to be more organized IRL general groups. At least I remember all these local clubs and private organizations that existed as kind of social outlets where people would go, but it doesn't seem like that has persisted in popularity with the younger ages (plus they don't have the leisure or funds for dues, probably).
What are some other risks and how could we make middle aged white men in general resilient to improve the statistics?
(Of course some of the problem is structural, the economy being strained by regulations and so on and so forth)
Some say they're white elders who dindu nuffin
Some say they had all kinds of power and made awful choices
For myself I had stereotypical experiences of boomers and some of them could have been humbler, more generous, kinder, more courageous, and so on.
The younger generations seem "lost" due to defective leadership of the older generations, although maybe it could be argued they have failed to "bootstrap" certain things.
But also I feel the boomers' parents were more of the ones that needed to prevent things that were happening, and they could have possibly parented better.
The boomer parent generation seemed to have the baton and dropped it, but then boomers ran far away in the wrong direction, then the generations coming after than have been simply a derivative of this aggressive lead in the wrong direction made by the boomers
Thoughts on boomers, or their parents, or the generations?
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