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Another "drama free" one made by Candelabro, intended for more mature discussions, preferred by many over the public one. Private; you have to request an invite:
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Trumpler] (
In this weekly we consoooooooooom Trumpler! Unless you been living in a log cabin off grid for the last two weeks you likely know Trump has been arrested. So, what did he do? They must have finally gotten him for his trips to Epstein Island? Oops, wrong guy. Wait oh it must have been for his son’s shady business deals with Ukraine and China. Dang, wrong guy again. Oh, wait, it has something to do with that corn star Hurricane Denise? Wasn’t all this nonsense settled like years ago? Who knows... Just need to crack open a few more Dylan Mulvaney Bud Lights and turn on CNN. Is there any sports ball on?
Discussion ideas:
* What is your opinion on Trumps arrest?
* Is it really campaign finance fraud or just weaponized lawfare?
* Do you think Trumps arrest have harmed his prospects for 2024 or helped?
# Weekly Polls:
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~ u/Elvis_Interstellar on
"Hindu Nuffin" (
posted 11 hours ago by Ihatetheanti-Christ on (+0 / -0 / +77Score on mirror )
posted 13 hours ago by RJ567 on (+0 / -0 / +68Score on mirror )
posted 16 hours ago by dudebro on (+0 / -0 / +113Score on mirror )
Draft dodging (
posted 9 hours ago by MLJFireDragon747 on (+0 / -0 / +32Score on mirror )
It only gets worse from here (
posted 7 hours ago by RJ567 on (+0 / -0 / +19Score on mirror )
posted 16 hours ago by WeimerSolutions on (+0 / -0 / +93Score on mirror )
Consooooom double standards (
posted 8 hours ago by try4gain on (+0 / -0 / +23Score on mirror )
Multikulti vs Civnat (
posted 11 hours ago by Careless_Ejaculator on (+0 / -0 / +39Score on mirror )
Oy vey (
posted 18 hours ago by Senketsu on (+0 / -0 / +128Score on mirror )
posted 6 hours ago by DirlewangerBrigade on (+0 / -0 / +14Score on mirror )
posted 10 hours ago by ScipioAfricanus1911 on (+0 / -0 / +28Score on mirror )
Mr. Beast Tranny Agenda (
posted 6 hours ago by RJ567 on (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror )
I haven't been online as much last week or two as I usually would be. Just now I had a bunch of messages. they were all u/Pandas4Trump being a whiny little faggot. He was responding or removing comments I had posted going back weeks. He was stalking me.

Any genuine criticism is instantly and childishly dismissed as "entryism" (LOL) or simply "removed by hand." In addition to removing posts, his is one of the protected accounts that is immune from downvotes, meaning he's probably a Tel Aviv based mod. It might seem like a loss for us (I'm sure he thinks it is) to have or comments removed or inane response posted. But on reflection, I actually think it's a good thing.

I never use to notice at all -- in fact I was vocally opposed to such "conspiracy theories." One of the things that changed my mind (but not the only thing) was how the "defenders" acted against criticism. Plenty of users on PDW are getting pretty annoyed because *any* criticism of issues like sending aid to Israel get them automatically labeled "Muslim lover" which they're not. They're not pro-Israel *or* pro-Palestine, they just want American politicians to focus on problems in America. The comment removals, puerile name-calling, and general whininess of the Israel shills pushes them in a direction they wouldn't otherwise have gone.

Therefore, for all his hard work in helping people see these whiny little goblins for what they are -- scared rats only able to counter factual criticisms and rational arguments with censorship -- we salute PandaFag. It takes a lot to get normies to notice who's really pulling the strings in the judeo-bolshevik governments of the West, but PandaFag is doing his best to help. In fact, he's so good at it, I wonder if he's really one of us. Keep up the great work!

Now, I have no interest in internet drama, but I know others have been stalked by this desperate JIDF shill and his various alts, so I just wanted to make an appreciation post to thank him for his work in increasing noticing.
posted 4 hours ago by Hyperborean_ on (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
In this post we will be discussing the types of jewish phenotypes and how to identify different clades of jews in the wild. We will also be discussing characteristics of these jewish phenotypes.

The first phenotype for us is the Khazar type. These jews are distinguished by asiatic features such as a slight slant to the eyes, generally black to dark brown, straight hair, shorter than average stature, and sometimes a lack of facial hair growth. Some of them could very easily pass for hapas. They are typically fairly intelligent but are low in the jewish hierarchy. Usually occupying the upper middle class of society, and typically being low level pundits. Considered subhuman by the elite jews for their Asian admixture, but they don't know this.

Example (Ben Shapiro):

Secondly, we have the white-passing jew. This may very well be one of the most dangerous types of jews. Whether by plastic surgery or by high levels of white admixture, these ones can blend in with a white society. These jews are responsible for destroying the anglo saxon world in particular, as they blended in with absolute ease and weaseled their way into high positions. To the trained eye they can be found out, but even then it's sometimes difficult. To the untrained eye they are invisible. Typically possess pale skin, medium to tall average height, straight to wavy hair, blonde to dark brown hair, and hazel to dark brown eyes. Certain features still stand out: ears below the eyes being the chief one. Also a typical distinct lack of blue or green eyes. Operate at all levels of the jewish totem pole. From very high up to random middle class families. Many wield significant power and many do not.

Example (Jared kushner):

Thirdly: we have the near eastern/mediterannean type. This jew is arguably the lowest rung on the ladder. Occupying lower level positions than other jews. Distinguished by curly black to brown hair, very prominent noses, dark eyes, tannish skin color, and typically of a medium stature. This jew is not as much of a threat, however, this type of jew is the type that infests Latin America via their ancestors being conversos in the Spanish empire. Able to somewhat blend in with southern Europeans and levantines. These jews have the highest levels of middle eastern/canaanite admixture. They are not as intelligent as the other two jewish types, however. Their features are easily recognizable when juxtaposed with actual southern Europeans, but to someone who doesn't know, they can claim spanish or italian ancestry and squeeze by undetected.

Example (Ilana Glazer):;0,0.0915xh&resize=980:*

Fourthly, we have the sleazeball jew. The greasy and physically repugnant jew. This is the type that will typically be featured in your average propaganda poster as a generalization of jews, or even a political ideology that the artist doesnt like. Everyone knows them, everyone has always known them. Their likeness needs no introduction. These are your peddlers and merchants. Those that sew discourse in society and sell you moral rot. The second most powerful jew that also takes the brunt of anyone's anger. Everyone is against these jews even if they don't realize that they are against them. The most famous type of jew, this is the type that probably enters your mind when you think "jew". These are the jews who control your TV and your internet. They are the masters of media and can either be a filter for whatever gets to you or hand you whatever gets to your screen.

Example (Al Goldstein):

Fifthly, there is the rat-faced kike type. The "true jew". The most powerful and also the most hideously ugly type of jew. These jews wear their spiritual degradation on their face, and typically they are inbred. They make no efforts to hide themselves because they know they control anything and everything that happens. These are the jews behind worldwide banking. These are the jews controlling the government. These are the jews making your laws. These are the "everything" jews. By far the most dangerous type of jew, as ruining civilization has been their game for the past 2000 years. These are the den of vipers and thieves. These are who Hitler was talking about. They regularly operate in kahoots with the sleazeball jews. Controlling the governmental and financial aspects of a society while the sleazeball jews will control the media.

Example (David Rotschild):
MGTOW is a kike psyop even though men and women are both low quality in terms of relationship material these days. By shifting the blame for what kikes and their nigger and brown pets do onto Whites, it allows them to focus all Whites' energies into attacking eachother instead of the actual disease: kikes and their shitskin pets.

So in any case, if that wasn't already obvious enough, another point for it being a pysop is its stance on "muh meanie racisms", which apparently is actually more gay and kiked than even KIA2 or TD lol.

One of my only comments there was that "Sheboon niggers all look like men".

Banned for racism. MTGOW is faggotry.
Conpro's new anthem (
posted 11 hours ago by AndurilElessar on (+0 / -0 / +19Score on mirror )
Never fall for this (
posted 15 hours ago by nogangonbang on (+0 / -0 / +35Score on mirror )
posted 14 hours ago by LordGrimTheInvincibl on (+0 / -0 / +30Score on mirror )
posted 2 hours ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
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