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posted 2 years ago by NiggerPete in VideoGames (+3 / -0 )
The Spirit of treasuring, enjoying and
appreciating material Life when it is lived in
accordance with the Truth, fills one’s heart with
joy in the face of adversity, in defense of, and in
the struggle for the Truth. Gives one the certainty
to challenge the unknown with wild abandon.
He is the third spirit on the path of one’s
awakening as a National Socialist, for he helps
one find the joy in struggle, and reminds them of
the material things that are worth protecting
and cherishing. Stands closest to the material
world and temporal matters, he is a Force In Time, most concerned with appreciating
nature in all its forms, and enjoying Life in accordance with the Truth to the fullest,
seeking adventures and true joy that comes with the Certainty that one lives in
accordance with all nature and the Truth.
Appears as a smiling figure with his eyes hidden by his cap, carrying a bag. The smile
signifies the confidence, certainty and joy one feels when they live in accordance with
their own nature, material nature at large, and the Absolute Truth. His bag signifies
readiness to face the unknown, to go exploring, adventuring and experiencing Life as it
was meant to be experienced. This joyful Certainty aids one in all their personal,
temporal ventures. He gives a Thumbs Up to express his enjoyment of the material fruits
of the Absolute Truth that are to be found in the material, temporal world. It signifies
how he is Having Fun living.
His symbol is a Planted Seed, the vertical line begins from a downwards pointing arrow
and ends by connecting a horizontal line that has two hooks pointing in opposite
directions. The arrow signifies how a higher wisdom, the Truth, planted itself in the
horizontal line of the material world and taken roots that spread out. It depicts how the
material world and nature are a projection of the spiritual world of the Absolute Truth,
how the material world is the planted seed of that Truth, meant to be enjoyed while its
connection to the spiritual world is maintained. The leftward and rightward pointing
hooks of the horizontal line signify that this Spirit has an equal standing with the Right
and Left Hand Paths.
Defender and enforcer of Truth in the material
world, bringer of justice, aids one in their struggle,
giving one fortitude, resoluteness of will, strength
and cold detachment to carry out what must be
done. He is the second spirit on the path of one’s
awakening as a National Socialist, for he gives one
the strength and will to fight injustice wherever it
may be found. He brings the Absolute Truth and its
eternal wisdom to the material world, he is a Force
Against Time, most concerned with Hard opposition
to all that is an affront to the Truth, and with
enforcement of our Worldview in the material world.
Appears as a figure wearing a skeleton half mask and carrying a shield adorned with
the Swastika. The half mask signifies the Spirit’s connection to the material world, as that
is the place of his struggle, but the skeletal image reminds those who witness it, that he
comes to oppose the merely material, bringing death to all that opposes the Truth, the
eternal wisdom of which he seeks to bring back into the temporal affairs of men. The
shield represents his unyielding and Hard stance in the defense and enforcement of
Truth and its justice. His gesture is the Conqueror’s Fist, meant to signify that he has
come to Wage War, conquer, claim and subjugate everything to the Absolute Truth.
His symbol is a Sword, the vertical line of the blade crosses the horizontal line which
makes its hilt, and represents the material world, signifying the struggle to reach for the
higher knowledge and Truth above, the hook of the key is on the left side, signifying the
Spirit’s relation to the Left Hand Path.
The pursuer, keeper and granter of knowledge
and wisdom, aids one in gaining insight, shows
the path and the answer. He is the first spirit on
the path of one’s awakening as a National
Socialist, for he gives one the key to knowledge
that will open one’s eyes to the Truth of the
world around them, giving one direction
towards further awakening and understanding.
He stands the closest to Absolute Truth and
eternal wisdom, he is a Force Above Time, most
concerned with the Purity of our Worldview.
Appears as a figure wearing a black mask with the Swastika on the forehead, holding a
tome that is likewise adorned with the Swastika. The black mask covers his face, to
signify transcendence beyond the material world, death of the Ego and achieving a
higher state of being. The Swastika is positioned on the mask as a Third Eye, to signify the
source of the transcendent wisdom. The book contains the Doctrine of our Worldview,
which he aims to keep Pure. He gives the Roman Salute to welcome those who would
seek and accept the Truth, and also to proclaim his own loyalty to it, signifying that he
Honors Truth.
His symbol is a Key superimposed on an Eye, the upward vertical line of the key with its
point leading upwards from the eye symbolizing awakening to higher knowledge and
the Truth, the hook of the key is on the right side, signifying the Spirit’s relation to the
Right Hand Path.
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in Dieversity (+9 / -0 )
###Can you name all the movements?
Math (
posted 2 years ago by Needmorepopcorn in ConsumeProduct (+15 / -0 )
UK Column News - 21st September 2022, with Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Debi Evans.
00:31 - The Ukraine War
Economist Article: -
UK Gov't Statement: -
New Atlas: -
ILRUSSO1 Twwet: -
ILRUSSO1 Tweet 01: -
ILRUSSO1 Tweet 02: -
Putin Speech: -
25:01 - Atrocities In Armenia
Kevork Almassian Tweet: -
Recommended Reading: -
News AM Article: -
32:13 - Free Speech Union's PayPal Account Shut Down
FSU Tweet: -
Toby Young Tweet: -
DS Article: -
36:30 - What's The Government Doing For Growth?
HM Treasury: -
Sky News Article: -
39:16 - Schoolchildren Sexualised As Attack On Family Continues
42:36 - Correction on Swiss Story
SRF Article: -
45:30 - UKC Recommended Articles
UKC Article: -
UKC Article 02: -
47:48 - More Excess Deaths, Still No Questions
ONS Mortality: -
ONS Statement: -
ONS Tweet: -
52:33 - Normalising Myocarditis In Children
54:22 - The MHRA: Still A Work In Progress
01:06:09 - NHS: Viewer Shows The Value of FoI Persistence
01:08:26 - Isle of Man Resident Seeks Personal Liability For HPV Jab
01:10:48 - Operation Rapture: the NHS Plan For Hospital Collapse
Mail Article: -
BBC Article: -
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+1 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ParallelSociety (+16 / -0 )
\> consoom pretending to be a criminal
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