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The final boss is conquering oneself.
Kentucky Derby General (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+2 / -0 )
Today is Free Comic Book Day (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+1 / -1 )
Consoom comics?
This course is based on these two manuals. The discussion topic is also from my knowledge of growing and caring for a large home orchard, other research and talking with experienced citrus grove growers.
Manual Circular 409:
A Manual for Citrus Growers 1951: (I own this book, download at your discretion)
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+6 / -0 )
Mark your calendars
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in Funny (+5 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in NationalSocialism (+5 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in NationalSocialism (+1 / -0 )
So, the ranges on these can be limited on the electrical side, maybe 50 miles, so this can allow people to drive a short distance (like commute to errands or work) on electric, but then if you go further you can rely on gas or if you want to go on a long road trip you can make use of the gas engine. And the "plug in" part allows you to plug in at home (to the grid or solar panels, etc.).
Sounds like the best of both worlds, is there a catch?
What do you think of the debate on gas powered vehicles versus electric or what are good use cases for each?
Just like eating bugs, I see some conservatives are against EVs for various reasons but I'm not sure I agree with them. Bugs are just food, and EVs are just vehicles. For me, I like the idea of having some solar panels and being energy independent. I'm ok with burning gas (not worried about the environment particularly) but it makes you dependent on countries that you may not want to do business with, and hypothetically could run out at some point (so we don't know how long we could rely on gas). EVs run quieter and even if they rely on burning coal at power plants, can't those power plants have good filters on them so there are less emissions than gas exhaust being expelled by cars everywhere?
So don't EVs have distinct benefits, or do you think this is just a ruse for some kind of reason?
I guess my takeaway from reading articles like this over time is that slavery went away in many places without a war being fought, so it wasn't necessary for the North to fight the South to "free the slaves"
The Southern states in the U.S. legally seceded and so the war was in violation of their right to secede
A more optimal solution to the problem to give us the same outcome as we currently experience might have been to engage in negotiations to put an end to slavery by consent in the states, and to either allow the secession or negotiate an end to it. So many lives, so much freedom, and resources lost to ineffective conflict resolution.
Post everywhere you've been banned from
> Prime, or the First Hour, is a fixed time of prayer of the traditional Divine Office (Canonical Hours), said at the first hour of daylight (approximately 7:00 a.m.), between the morning Hour of Lauds and the 9 a.m. Hour of Terce. It is part of the Christian liturgies of Eastern Christianity, but in the Latin Rite it was suppressed by the liturgical reforms following the Second Vatican Council.[1]
> As the chronology of Cassian's works has recently been established fairly accurately, the institution of Prime must be placed towards 382.[4]
So from 382-1960s (?) this was observed but the Vatican 2 church broke from this tradition....
Teamwork. META POST™
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+12 / -0 )
Wanted to get that of my chest
>Planning for Success.
- Planning the Farmstead, USDA bulletin 1132 (1920)
Archive (
- Farm Bookkeeping, USDA bulletin 511 (NA)
Archive (
Farm Budgeting
Archive (
- Stock-Water Developments: Wells, springs and ponds, USDA bulletin 1859
Archive (
> Reinforcing the Farmstead
- Modernizing Farmhouses, USDA bulletin 1749 (1936)
- Roof Coverings for Farm Buildings and Their Repair, USDA bulletin 1751
Archive (
- Fire Safeguards for the Farm, USDA bulletin 1643
Archive (
Just realized that we are branded. Not much better than normies. Normies pick up their CIA tracking devices everyday and touch the images on the screen that are their chosen brands, the producta they consume. Some normies pick facebook, others pick twitter, some instagram other tiktok or snapchat. There are probably even more choices, but its ultimately the same thing under a different brand logo. When we go onto here or scored (the reBRANDED TD) or pol or voat or gtv, matrix and telegram channels etc, are we not doing the exact same thing as the normies, just picking our preferred brand of propaganda?
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These threads are run in parallel on
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Da Coof](
This weekly is on da coof and the current state of it. Seems like forever ago when COVID was going to be the end of the world. It’s as if many don’t care about it anymore. Now it’s just complying with whatever mask or vaccine rule your employer or school makes up. Most of which are not a great inconvenience. Does this mean their social programming is working? For example, people with masks on are starting to seem “normal”. Many places have already lifted restrictions except for most public transportation. For many parts of the western world, it seems like COVID mania is coming to an end. Of course, COVID mania is still going strong in some countries. A question for the pure bloods is what happened to that big vaccine die off we were supposed to see? A question for the panic vaxxers is what happened to that big un-vaxed die off we were supposed to see? Does anyone even care anymore?
Discussion ideas:
* What is your opinion on the current state of COVID, the vaccine, and boosters?
* Are COVID restrictions still in place for you? Are they an inconvenience?
* Do you think COVID is over or coming to an end?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (05-08)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 90](
* [Weekly 89](
* [Weekly 88](
Practical question with regard to possible future food shortages, for people in survival situations like soldiers, but I was also curious if it was a way of identifying an optimal way for people to lose weight
Anyone know what is recommended? And if and how this might differ from people simply aiming to lose weight? (Because there are frequent disagreements about how people ought to lose weight, and still an "obesity pandemic" continuing, but I thought this was an angle I hadn't thought of this problem from)
I don't recall if the film or book of "The Road" had content I would caution against, but they were in a post-apocalyptic situation where they had a low food supply so I remember wondering what their strategy should be in such a scenario (eat a lot on a day, then skip days to eat? Eat every day? etc.)
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