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1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
1980s Brazil? Probably during or just after the military rule period ended. That period saw Brazil reach its apex.
Just four decades later, after democratization and the country getting more liberal and mudded up, the number of faggots, and their sympathizers even more so, would be *far* higher than back then. Rio is one of the biggest fag capitals of the world, right up there with Tel Aviv and San Franshitsco.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Thanks for pointing that out.
In the video, he explicitly says 'twenty', which led me to make the error that there was a 20¢ rather than a 25¢ US coin.
The gist of the linked videos is remarkably simple. A racially 'diverse' set of young... rocket surgeons... in New York City are asked numerous basic questions by an Arab man. Hilarity ensues. I'll be commenting on the highlights for those who just want a quick laugh rather than to watch it all. These videos will be linked in order of latest to earliest.
I've also bolded my very favourite answers.
Video 1 (09/09/2022):
Another YouTube link:
1\. 0:54: 'Do you know what 15% of 100 is?'
Answer from black woman with hilarious hair: 'Fuck. [...] Probably like 75.'
2\. 1:07: 'Do you know what country we gained our independence from?'
Answer from black man: 'Spain.'
3\. 1:20: 'Do you know what country the Panama Canal is in?'
Answer from overweight White(?) woman: 'Europe.'
4\. 1:45: 'What do we call a shape with 5 sides?'
Answer from overweight black woman: 'Is it a stop sign?'
(Note: American stop signs are octagonal, not pentagonal)
5\. 2:03: 'Do you know what year the US was founded?'
Answer from black woman: **'Ima keep it at BC era [...] 1800s BC.'**
6\. 3:04: 'Do you know who fought in the Mexican-American War?'
Answer from black man: 'Philippines [...] don't remember the other one.'
(Note: He probably got Philippines from the Spanish-American War.)
7\. 3:35: 'How many moons does the Earth have?'
Answer from black man: **'Thirty? I don't know.'**
8\. 4:16: 'Can you tell me what time this is?' [Holds up an image, correct time is 1:50]
Answer from same black woman as #4: [Says the long hand is hours rather than minutes, then guesses] '10:15'
9\. 8:40: 'How many people are on Earth?'
Answer from same black woman as #5: **'200 trillion.'**
Video 2 (12/08/2022):
1\. 0:04: 'How many people are in the USA?'
Answer from trendy-looking White man: 'Three billion'.
2\. 0:10: 'Who fought in the [American] Civil War'?
Answer from tall White man: 'Us... against the Soviets.'
3\. 1:19: 'Do you know when the War of 1812 was?'
Answer from black man: **'Das World War Two [...] That's like the 1980s.'**
4\. 1:38: 'Do you know what country we gained our independence from?'
Answer from same man as #1: 'France'.
5\. 2:27: 'What's 3x3x3?'
Answer from what honestly looks like a black crossdressing male, or possibly M2F tranny: '18.'
6\. 3:24: 'How many cents are in a dollar?'
Answer from black man: 'Six.'
(Note: To be fair, he completely misses the point and tries counting each type of coin, e.g. 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, 25¢ (note that he says 20 instead of 25), 50¢, $1, which would make him almost correct *if* that was the question asked.)
7\. 3:33: 'Do you know what country we gained our independence from?'
Answer from White woman: 'Mexico. [...] Russia. [...] Canada.'
8\. 3:48: 'Do you know what two countries border the US?'
Answer from black woman: **'Oh, shit, I don't even know what a country is.'**
9\. 4:24: 'Do you know how many minutes are in one hour?
(Black queer man prances around babbling comically and almost unintelligibly).
10\. 5:11: 'Who fought in the Civil War?'
Answer from same man as #6: '[Asks which civil war: 'first', 'second', 'third'] US against Iraq.'
11\. 6:29: 'How many days make up one year?'
Answer from same man as #3: '100 years.'
Video 3 (28/07/2022):
Another YouTube link:
1\. 2:33: 'Who fought in the Civil War?'
Answer from what is probably a Hispanic woman (judging by the comments, probably basing it off of her accent): **'The Nazis versus Germany. [...] I'm kinda smart.'**
(She then goes on to be able to successfully name all of the Kardashian sisters...)
2\. 6:09: 'What language do the people in Idaho speak?'
Answer from black woman: 'Japan.'
3\. 7:37: 'What year was the US founded?'
Answer from same woman as #1: '1995.'
Video 4 (24/06/2022):
1\. 0:27: 'Who fought in the Civil War?'
Answer from Asian man: 'George Washington [...] against... Spain.'
2\. 2:46: 'Can you name three countries in Africa?'
Answer from a black man: 'No.'
Video 5 (03/06/2022):
1\. 2:27: 'Do you know what the four directions on a compass are?'
Answer from what seems like another black tranny: 'A compass? What is that?'
Video 6 (20/05/2022):
The highlight of this one is the Indian accented man who, despite hilariously being dressed for a *graduation* ceremony, doesn't know how many continents there are, guesses that the US is composed of 29 states, has no idea how many years are in one decade, doesn't know when the US was founded, and calculates 3x3x3 as 9.
Video 7 (20/08/2021):
Another YouTube link:
1\. 1:52: 'Who did we gain our independence from?'
Answer from black man: 'Korea.'
2\. 2:12: 'Who was the 69th President of the United States?'
Answer from Asian man: 'Richard Nixon.'
(Note: America is up to its 46th President.)
'Do you know who the first President of the United States was?'
Answer from black man: **'George Floyd.'**
With the videos out of the way, I'd like to offer a point for discussion. Why is that that so many people reflexively *laugh* when faced with a question to which they do not know the answer?
An hour long compilation composed of 2021 clips originally uploaded on TikTok—not all of which are in the linked YouTube videos—can also be found at:
posted 2 years ago by LGBTQIAIDS in DebateAltRight (+3 / -0 ) Edited 2022-09-01 11:02:13
Welcome, readers, to this review of 'My Interracial Gay Dads Gave Me Monkeypox', a family-friendly, highly educational historical book suitable for children of all ages, authored by award-winning children's author Shlomo Shekelberg and published by Good Goy Books!
The glowing reviews that it received from esteemed scholars Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi attest to Shekelberg's sheer literary skill; alas, we should review this wonderful book in finer detail.
Shekelberg takes readers through an accurate depiction of the life of a 'gayby', a young boy growing up in the average homosexual American household during the 2022 Monkeypox outbreak.
But there's an *amazing plot twist!* One of the two fathers, Shitavious... is *black*. Shekelberg proceeds to take readers through the brave and heroic struggles of this fine, proud 21st century American family against the evils of a racist, cisheteronormative patriarchy.
The young boy contracts Monkeypox under mysterious circumstances. A White doctor accuses Shitavious of repeatedly raping the boy after traces of his DNA are found in the boy's rectum, to which Shitavious has a chimp-out. The doctor is immediately fired and is later doxxed and murdered by Antifa and BLM supporters, much to the family's glee. A clear anti-racist message is articulated on these pages: If white, never right.
It is here that Shekelberg's sheer literary capacity truly shines. For Shekelberg isn't *just* a children's author, but an excellent social critic, subtly making several profound insights concerning how homophobic and racist medicines and hospital beds and all sorts of other things actually are, interwoven with his colourful illustrations.
Shekelberg observes that hospitals, hospital walls, hospital beds and so forth, are all too white, all of which he demonstrates is the intentional result of a racist White supremacist and homophobic conspiracy. Shekelberg makes a twin-pronged attack on this hegemonic and vile structural homophobia and racism.
Firstly, hospitals oppress racial and sexual minorities by bombarding them non-stop with unbearable whiteness. For white symbolizes cleanliness, which is a clear racist and homophobic dogwhistle: it sends the implicit but clear message that both non-whites and non-heterosexuals are in some way *unclean* and thus should not be welcomed in such spaces. Shekelberg demonstrates, for instance, that there is no practical difference between hospitals and those historical places with 'Whites Only' signs other than that the racism of the latter is more overt.
Indeed, the esteemed peer-reviewed *Journal of Homo-Negro Studies* has recently published a seminal article concluding that homosexuals of colour, in particular, increasingly reported feeling oppressed in spaces in which they feel that not being heterosexual and white plain and simply leads to feelings of not being right. This empirically proves that anti-racist and anti-homophobic action must be taken to save black and gay lives!
As a cure to this structural racism and homophobia, Shekelberg recommends ensuring that all hospitals and everything in them should be black and brown, suffocating racism and homophobia in such spaces.
This excellent advice, of course, comes from the same author who, in his widely regarded previous children's book, 'My Racist Teeth', wisely led a whole generation to paint their teeth black and brown in order to avoid committing aggressive acts of racism and homophobia whenever they smile. Indeed, consequent of this stellar advice, we have seen a 14% decrease in racism and a similar percentage decrease in homophobia committed over the past year!
Shitavious is soon informed that he also has previously undetected and yet highly advanced cases of AIDS, syphilis and several other STDs, and that he tragically only has a few weeks to live. On his deathbed, Shitavious tells his adopted son some wise last words before passing away. Here, Shekelberg demonstrates his artistic talents, including a wonderful illustration depicting Shitavious with an angel's wings floating towards Heaven's Gate towards God, who is trans and black, awaiting him, symbolically drawing parallels to George Floyd's sacrifice.
In the final few pages, we see how the young boy has matured. We find that he's been wearing adult diapers since the age of 16, and undergone numerous other struggles. His other father—a proud 'bugchaser'—has since died from complications caused by the dozens of STDs inside him. But it's all been worth it. He's about to receive surgery for a prolapsed anus, and yet on the very last page he confidently and proudly shares with readers the wise and empowering words that Shitavious told him all those years ago.
They were: "I Dindu Nuffin to yo' bunghole, boy! Black Lives Matter!"
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I started posting there since late 2018 or late 2019, a few months before Reddit banned them.
Yep, it's one of the more serious communities out there.
By now, most of us probably know of this quite surreal publication, published by the 'European Observatory of Online Hate' and co-funded by the European Union. Here are some links for anyone who may have missed it.
Links to .pdf document (90 MB):
For those who would rather view it in the form of a scrolling video:
My personal favourites:
013 - George Soros
027 - Tyrone
028 - Martin Looter King
030 - We gon' get free money
042 - The Happy Merchant
043 - Blue The Jew
063 - Smoking a Fag
posted 2 years ago by LGBTQIAIDS in DebateAltRight (+4 / -0 )
Climate action that actually makes sense.
Self-identified non-binary Jew 'Brandon Rubenstein'—'they/them', autistic, vaxxed, pro-choice and LGBTQ+ has a meltdown on social media, speaking as though part of a hivemind and as a Democrat who is 'da real racist'.
Also, he literally calls Clarence Thomas a *nigger*. Wow! *Jewmadbro?*
Transcript (emphasis mine):
Thank you, thank you, ladies. I am absolutely furious right now over this overturning of Roe vs Wade. I... I am Jewish, I am non-binary... and **in the Jewish religion, abortion is a sacred right** and I can't believe Clarence Thomas would stab **us** in the back after all **we** did to help the black community. **Clarence Thomas is a nigger,** and **you** better recognize what **the Jews** have done to help **you guys, you** want to take away **our** religious right-
He promptly gets kicked out by the black woman moderator.
There's a lot to think about here. Whether it's his flagrantly collectivist language of 'us', 'you guys', 'they' and 'we'.
Or his blatant overgeneralization fallacy, wherein Clarence Thomas somehow represents the whole 'black community' and that all blax are collectively responsible for his actions.
Or his paternalistic attitude towards blax more generally: how he speaks of them as though his group has done things for them with strings attached, and feels as though he's been betrayed by their lack of reciprocity? Angry that one of his group's puppets didn't do their masters' bidding for once?
Or his attitude which frames American abortionism not in terms of the usual arguments but in terms of *Judaism...* as though American social policies should be... simply what *Jews* want them to be in a secular country where his people are clear minority?
Or his sheer victimhood. Instead of 'women' or 'girls'... it's literally *Jews* who are the most affected? Indeed, does a thing *ever* happen in which Jews don't make themselves the centre of attention and then proceed to make *everything* about themselves?
Oprah, Nick Cannon, Farrakhan, etc. say something about Jews: Step aside, blax, you're going to be reminded the hard way that you're only the biggest victims of all time so long as you don't attack *us,* the *real* biggest victims of all time.
The 'tl;dr': Angry Jewish degenerate who speaks as though he personifies all Jews literally calls Clarence Thomas a nigger; liberal beliefs and policies on abortion are thoroughly Jewish; individualism is just for stupid goyim and Jews are 100% collectivist when push comes to shove.
In typical Clown World fashion, *Leftists* are now out calling Justice Thomas a 'nigger' on Twitter, for example this one in all capitals...
... while bizarrely claiming that he's working against his own interests by siding with people who they think are coming for him next.
I can only laugh at the sheer Clown World notion of Leftists and Jews scratching their heads while yelling: 'Why don't these stupid *niggers* understand that we're da real anti-racists, why are they siding against their own interests!?!?!?', as if any pro-life, pro-gun, etc. nonwhite is somehow incapable of doing his own thinking because, well, *we* know what your *true* interests are and you don't. Yep, Justice Thomas just internalized White supremacy, his mind is colonized! If Thomas was smart, he'd know that 'homophobia', for example, is just a White Man thing and that all blax loved fags before Whitey came along and ruined *gay Wakanda!* It's all Whitey's fault that many nonwhites do not like our immorality!
I have no idea why they think that the Supreme Court is launching an attack on more than just RvW, but these people believe in all sorts of slippery slopes when it suits them... while predictably denouncing non-Leftists whenever they also invoke this 'fallacy'. However, Left-wing slippery slopes are indeed always wrong. Nobody is coming for anything or anyone else—not contraceptives, not queers, not Affirmative Action—as a consequence of this decision. When have any of their slippery slopes ever turned out to be right?
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
Imagine the world without the 'White Man's science?'
What would even be left to teach in universities at that point? That groids had flying pyramids until Whitey destroyed them all?
Groids would still be dying of smallpox, polio, etc.
These morons will probably get their wish at some point, too. Science is clearly becoming 'woke', just as they want it to.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
If they're 'transwomen', they get a third.
If they're then 'lesbian transwomen', they get a fourth.
'Revert' to Islam, get a fifth.
Claim you've got PTSD or something because of racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia and transphobia, get a sixth.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Man, *that* celebration was LIT AF.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Taking this conversation further with a Saidit user:
Imagine a world in which [these posts aren't] regarded merely as some gibberish, but as [objective truths].
Perhaps those who defend [the Pope], in [this scenario in which he is accused of blessing the use of the 'n-word'], will *themselves* be the ones accused of being 'the real bots'.
That's probably how it'll end up between the future humans on the internet.
Online conversations between human users, many aware of the ubiquity of bots but unable to differentiate them from other human users, may well end up resembling something like:
'You're the real bots!'
'No, you're the real bots!'
'No, I'm not a bot. You're the real bots!'
I think we can actually already see this beginning to happen with the 'Russian/Putin shill' thing. Plenty of conversations *already* play out like the above, but with terms like 'Russian shill' in place of 'bot'. In both there is a common theme that is not shared with other common things such as the "You're the real racist!" spiel; namely, that the person on the other end is in some way fake.
One thing that reminds me of all this is the long-running 'Postmodern Generator'. At first glance, what it produces might seem to be coherent, but it is actually—and quite obviously upon closer inspection—complete nonsense. The purpose of it was to ridicule academicese, but it is easy to see how people just starting out in continental philosophy might mistake some of this nonsense as academically rigorous work:
I can imagine an undergraduate student reading the following, and believing that it is indeed as believable as anything he has read from a book or journal:
> “Sexuality is part of the collapse of culture,” says Lacan; however, according to Werther, it is not so much sexuality that is part of the collapse of culture, but rather the absurdity of sexuality. In a sense, von Ludwig holds that we have to choose between Derridaist reading and textual dematerialism. If the precultural paradigm of reality holds, the works of Tarantino are postmodern.
It is, of course, random gibberish. But with a bit of alteration, it would not look out of place in the works of some postmodernist author.
A Literal Bot Subreddit (
posted 2 years ago by LGBTQIAIDS in DebateAltRight (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-05-20 13:40:30
Recently, some people here have brought up what has come to be known as 'Dead Internet Theory'. This term denotes the idea that most internet users are in fact bots.
There have been numerous findings that lend support to such an idea. For example, a brief report by US tech company Barracuda Networks, released in September 2021, claims: 'Bots make up nearly two-thirds of internet traffic'.
Bifurcating bots into 'good' and 'bad', this report further claims that only 25% of 'automated traffic' comes from 'known good bots', whereas 40% comes from 'known bad bots'.
The report provides five examples of real-life 'bad bots'. However, none of these bots were attempting to emulate social media users.
*Reddit* is one website, however, where such bots can be found. Indeed, there is actually at least one whole subreddit full of them:
Enter 'Subreddit Simulator using GPT-2', a subreddit in which *not a single user* appears to be human.
Whilst many of their conversations appear to be nonsensical, one might surmise that advances in AI might lead these bots to one day have conversations that appear more real than those being had between human users. Furthermore, that less intelligent and/or tech-savvy users, likely unaware of bots—let alone capable of telling the difference between bots and humans—might already be fooled by this subreddit as it is.
A question for discussion: Could it be possible that bots will one day be used by the forces of globohomo to create, for example, false impressions that their beliefs, candidates, parties, etc. are more popular than they really are? That opposing beliefs, candidates, parties, etc. are less popular than they really are? Could it be possible that dissident groups could do the same? Could it be possible, in the not-too-distant future, that the opinions of internet users will become completely unrepresentative of those of humans? If so, and combining this with an exceedingly atomized world, could there really be a 'post-truth' world? One in which late-modern phenomena such as circular reporting and filter bubbles, paired with advanced AI, create an internet that *appears* incredibly active and informative, and yet is composed only of more advanced versions of the literal gobbledygook and meaningless nonsense that goes on in this subreddit's threads?
Full of 'history' that, in fact, *never happened*:
Full of seemingly informative 'science' that is, in fact, pure nonsense:
Full of discussions about movies that, in fact, *aren't even real*...
... and if they are, by 'people' who *never watched*—and know nothing about—them:
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Excerpts of comedy skits from MBC1, an Arab television channel based in the UAE but part of a conglomerate owned by the Saudi government.
Some translated Arab comments claim that Kamala was hilariously portrayed by some guy.
Even *Israeli* television is laughing about the first of them, essentially ridiculing his weakness when faced with the Russo-Ukrainian War. Remember how far we've gone since 2019 when everyone was calling Biden a warmonger rather than a weakling?
Our 'leaders' really are becoming the laughing stock of the world.
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posted 2 years ago by LGBTQIAIDS in DebateAltRight (+1 / -0 ) Edited 2022-05-20 05:45:10
How are 'progressives' reacting to the so-called "Don't Say Gay" bill?
Well... simply by saying the 'naughty word', 'gay', over and over and over again. Rather like little children.
This is easily one of the most infantilized, immature responses I've ever seen to anything. What's more, the bill allegedly doesn't even have the word 'gay' in it anywhere whatsoever. Literally no one is trying to stop these people from saying the word 'gay'.
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Toast message