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Banned Books (
posted 2 years ago by Needmorepopcorn in AltRightWebm (+3 / -0 )
Lampshades (
posted 2 years ago by Needmorepopcorn in AltRightWebm (+3 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+2 / -0 )
- Val and Knut, translated to Knot of the Slain, i.e. the symbol of Einherjer, or those dedicated to be Slain to enter Valhall (Hall of the Slain). Those marked with the Valknut dedicate themselves to a worthy death in struggle, in order to be chosen and "adopted" by Odin. It is, in a way a symbol of self sacrifice, for a greater version of self - an immortal, chosen, son of a god. Ascension is the root of the cult of Odin. Progress and sacrifice of self, for self, through struggle.
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+14 / -0 )
via scored conpro
In consideration of a true #ParallelSociety , we must reject all of the instruments of the illegitimate State. Their licenses, and contracts, and legal systems.
Unincorporated Cooperatives
Unincorporated Villages, and Cities.
Unincorporated Community Land Trusts
Thinking about the construction of our first Eco Village
lets say that 200 people decide to sign up,
the plan is to buy an abandoned city, restore it, and expand it/
then to buy more abandoned cities.
leadership in each city is comprised of only Society members.
Then the land which is owned will only be made available for Society members.
The city should be operated in some ways similar to an HOA.
Each city should be a sanctuary city for the Constitution , and White people.
We could mess around for decades trying to raise the first 3-5 million for our first Village., but we don't have the time.
What we need to do is invest in online business first, and use the revenue to acquire the first town, and many more.
Think about this.. What might we do with 10 Million / monthly profit.
2 New Cities acquired every month, FREE & CLEAR ?
Let the Society members move in first come, first serve?
Let them pay back the loan interest free, at cost?
This is the plan... What might it take to generate 100 million in yearly profit.
It would require for people to start using #ParallelSearch like they use Gab.
No one needs an account to use ParSea, and they don't need to be Right or L.
Anyone that is looking for a small and biased alternative to Google may find it useful/
Do you like Googles politics? Do you still use Google products? Yes.
The best asset to sell is data. The best form of data is buyers and sellers.
A little bit of a lot here, but I think you will see the basic point.
We need lots of money, fast.. we need to buy land, and settle it fast.
The fastest way to make money for the Society, and many Partner companies?
Thank You. RSF
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
PARALLEL SOCIETY Approved Streaming Service:
Shing TV
Declaration of Purpose
 I. The practice, promotion, development, and dissemination of the religion of Asatru
II. The preservation of the Ethnic European Folk and their continued evolution
III. Issuing a call to all our brothers and sisters of the Ethnic European Folk to return to this, their native religion and way of life
IV. The restoration of community, the banishment of alienation, and the establishment of natural and just relations among our Folk
V. The promotion of true diversity among the peoples and cultures of the Earth
VI. The fostering in our people of a deep sense of responsibility and self-reliance
VII. The use of science and technology for the well-being of our people, while protecting and working in harmony with the natural environment in which we live
VIII. The exploration of the universe, in keeping with the Faustian instinct of our kind
IX. The affirmation of the struggle of life, welcoming the challenge of that struggle and living life wholly and with joy, and facing eternity with courage
If we are indeed to lose this glorious holy war on the physical plane, we will have to act as an erupting volcano that will wipe the slate clean. We will make sure this planet goes out like the wretched city of Pompei, which was cast in flames by a divine act of nature fighting against the festering degeneracy within the city's walls. Only echoes of the past shall remain as the earth burns and sings the tragic song of its passing.
Nevertheless, nature will heal. And as life returns and the flowers blossom, nature will sing the eternal song of our victory, which will ring throughout the ever-expanding cosmos.
So comrades, do not be afraid of defeat or "the death of our race," as that is only a minor setback. Death only means the return to the cosmic order of the Lord God who gave us life in the first place. In his hands, we shall rest until our time comes to return to the harsh but beautiful world we have inhabited for countless epochs.
Death is only the beginning.
(Reposed because typo in the title)
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
Good discussions consumers.
Use and bookmark:
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Glowies](
Welcome consumers to our second weekly on glowies. To help set the mood enjoy [the Ballad of Terry A. Davis]( This is a continuation of our [first weekly on the topic]( which you should take a quick look at in case you need some extra context. The goal of this weekly is to improve your glowie radar, so you can avoid falling prey to the divisive and entrapping nature of glow post.
Discussion ideas:
* Are glow post real or is it just trolls and schizos?
* What makes a post a “glow post” or a forum user a “glowie” in your opinion?
* How should you handle glow post or glowies when you encounter them in the wild? (Obviously, report if you see them here it is rule 3)
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (10-02)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( NOTE: Looking for new weekly topic suggestions. Add your ideas to this list. You don’t have to sign up or use your username. It just asks for a name which you can type anything.
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
Fantasies of spaceage Nazis from the moon/ Antarctica, divine intervention and even "the collapse", that will save the White race, is Q-tier "Trust The Plan" nonsense. None of it will ever happen.
Not to disparage God, but there will never be divine intervention to save us from ourselves: refer to doctrines of Cessationism and Preterism; since Christ, God hasn't and never will again intervene on earth. We must save ourselves, guided by God's word.
We don't save ourselves by sitting around waiting for it to blow over, inaction is racial suicide; our enemies don't take the same stance. Hiding innawoods isn't an option, there's nowhere left to run on earth, and nothing will be fixed in our absence.
We save our race by usurping the vehicles of power: institutions, corporations, political offices, media, influencers, military, agencies, financing, etc.
White men must be smart, powerful, influential and charismatic; if we ever hope for the White race to survive and prosper.
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