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Consume art of war (
posted 2 years ago by Telia in ConsumeProduct (+9 / -0 )
"Musopen’s goal is to be the largest online repository of music in the public domain."
"Musopen’s goal is to be the largest online repository of music in the public domain."
posted 2 years ago by Her0n in Christianity (+2 / -3 / +2Score on mirror )
Something I’ve come across on my delving into our past. I can’t get any Christians to read this, I’m hoping someone here would so I can see what they think about this.
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in technology (+0 / -0 )
Daily White Music Posting #6 (
posted 2 years ago by UndeadedBeef in ConsumeProduct (+5 / -0 )
For a different age I was born,
every man has once said,
where each was to honor sworn,
rather to all this cowardice bred,
thus for a gilded time we mourn,
insisting such days forever dead.
Yet of all the feelings ever known,
longing for a time not your own,
is when true cowardice is shown,
especially if dark the age is grown,
for like dawn light in black sown,
all darkness will be overthrown.
All darkness will be overthrown.
Instead one is given a great gift,
born in darkness and darkest days,
he’s given trials, mountains to lift,
aye, the very minotaur in his maze,
he’s called to be strong, to be swift,
a hero upon which his sons gaze.
So appear you king or appear you slave,
among the good or a people strayed,
with actions now, the future pave,
for the coward is he who delayed,
product of his age, cradle to grave,
but an age makes not, it is man made.
It is man made.
If you live in one of the more heavily occupied Israeli vassal states (e.g. anywhere in Europe) then this method may be your only way to obtain your freedom (from the jew of course, no gay rights here)
Guide will be posted as well.
Anthem of the Kali Yuga (
posted 2 years ago by Captain_Raamsley in KaliYuga (+1 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
Board's anthem.
Fly you fools.
All you have to know is that they seek to eliminate you off the face of the Earth for their own twisted reasons. Either you fight back or lose everything that holds dear.
There is this notion, popularized by the alt-right movement, that we will meme our ideas into existence and then, somehow, our new supporters will coalesce into a new version of the Nazi party. When the inevitable collapse hits, these people think that their group will sieze power. In short, they believe that history will repeat itself and give us a second chance. This idea is flawed for a few reasons, and i will list them out below.
1)The first issue is that of the power structure that we operate under. In the 1930's there were still many reactionary elements present in European governments, and there were even some working monarchies in place. The elites were willing to turn a blind eye to the fascists because they saw them as an antidote to the far left insurgents. Nowadays, our elites share many views with those far left insurgents. The elites do not want you to succeed. The elites have set up whole agencies that are tasked with stopping any sort of centralized movementarians. We have seen the effects of such a strategy clearly in the generation identity movement. The movement was doing very well, their numbers were swelling, but then their symbols were banned from public, their members were harrased, and most importantly, they were kicked off of social media.
2)In line with #1, the social media companies, which are property of the elites, are vital to the alt-right strategy. On social media platforms, you can find masses of normies in a situation that is perfect for propaganda. What a perfect place to send your memes(propanda) and change the minds of the normies, right? Well, the elites are also very well aware of this, and for this reason, they will do all that they can to deplatform you. They will call your memes hate speech. they will ban your accounts. they will destroy your communities. Your whole campaign will fizzle away, and in its place, the social media platform will be tweaked to showcase left wing propaganda. Also, since you were mostly posting memes, people dont have any substantial beliefs, so they will jump to the different thing for many different reasons(normies tend to have ephemeral views in this regard). Now they are forced to try and meme on alt-media, which sadly has a much smaller audience. Now, i do think that social media has its place in spreading right wing propaganda, but the alt-right went about this in the most inefficient way possible.
3)How do people go from snickering at memes online to actually organizing? Afterall, power = organization + money. We need some way to jump the bridge, and i saw no suggested solutions.
4)I think that the biggest argument against this strategy is the fact that it failed right before our eyes. We saw this rise from gamergate to its gradual decline after the election of trump. Now, its effectively dead
We need something that will actually get us serious people, who are organized and provide a viable alternative during the convergence of catastrophes. You can already see the solution, and it is largely the parallel society and decentralized resistance. These are proven techniques that have worked in countries like Poland, Palestine, Israel, America, the SA, South Africa, and the list goes on
Aside from every decent modern one
Daily White Music Posting #5 (
posted 2 years ago by UndeadedBeef in ConsumeProduct (+5 / -0 )
I realize everyone here might be in different countries, but I was wondering for those in the U.S. what the "American Dream" is to them, or those not in the U.S. of what some kind of equivalent dream is for those of your country.
posted 2 years ago by nachtwaffen in NationalSocialism (+7 / -0 )
Idk i just love this picture
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in technology (+1 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+1 / -2 )
On either forum feed or post, if an image exceeds the screen width, the image is cropped. Should be resized or scrolled.
I realize everyone here might be in different countries, but I was wondering for those in the U.S. what the "American Dream" is to them, or those not in the U.S. of what some kind of equivalent dream is for those of your country.
I realize everyone here might be in different countries, but I was wondering for those in the U.S. what the "American Dream" is to them, or those not in the U.S. of what some kind of equivalent dream is for those of your country.
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