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Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These weekly threads are run in parallel here and on
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Healthy Activities](
In this weekly our discussion is on healthy activities and where to find them e.g., camping, guns, hiking, lifting, etc…
Discussion ideas:
* Share your favorite “healthy” activity?
* Recommend an activity and offer advice or tips on how to get involved.
* Is there a healthy activity that you tried but quit? Why didn’t it work out for you would you ever try it again?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (04-10)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 86](
* [Weekly 85](
* [Weekly 84]( <--this is "waingros" under a post of mine. After DMing me to "stop bullying him" - Forgot to log back into his proper account. I've never had any interaction with "waingros" before. And I'm pretty certain the account didn't exist 5 minutes prior.
Mod logs ought to paint a very interesting picture. <-- That comment now? "account deactivated by owner"... <-- "sToP buLlYinG uS"

WankGro is creating fake accounts, pretend interacting with himself, upvoting his own pretend interactions then deleting everything when he realises it's incriminating evidence. <-- always accuse others of that which YOU are guilty of.
Catholic encyclopedia:
Be safe out there, don’t give them more shekels.
Catholic encyclopedia:
posted 2 years ago by substructure in ConsumeProduct (+10 / -2 / +1Score on mirror )
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in Catholics (+1 / -1 )
Catholic encyclopedia:

Not WainGro, but the hastily created alt "waingros"

This is a mod acting like this.
posted 2 years ago by el_hoovy in ConsumeProduct (+13 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by Her0n in general (+6 / -4 / +2Score on mirror )
This niggerkikefaggot knows no shame.
posted 2 years ago by YunoGasai_IsHot in ConsumeProduct (+7 / -1 )
Trannies plaster their shitty flag all over the canvas, but the USA won't have it.
BitChute channel to follow (
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+4 / -0 )
This is from Fr. Lasance's "My Prayer Book" (published early 1900s) around p. 164, "Sanctify The Month":
Each month has a gemstone that represents something and reflection related to it, monthly devotion, and particular virtue.
April is devoted to the Holy Ghost (and also the Passion, as relates to Lent).
The virtue for April is patience.
The gem of the month is a diamond, which represents purity and fortitude.
April - Diamond - Purity and Fortitude - Strength of Character
"Perform your actions with a pure intention, not out of human respect, but for the love of God. Do what is right because it is right. Have the moral courage to stand up for your convictions. If you are conscientious, you cannot help but have some character."
posted 2 years ago by Eagleheart in ConsumeProduct (+7 / -0 )
This is from Fr. Lasance's "My Prayer Book" (published early 1900s) around p. 164, "Sanctify The Month":
Each month has a gemstone that represents something and reflection related to it, monthly devotion, and particular virtue.
April is devoted to the Holy Ghost (and also the Passion, as relates to Lent).
The virtue for April is patience.
The gem of the month is a diamond, which represents purity and fortitude.
April - Diamond - Purity and Fortitude - Strength of Character
"Perform your actions with a pure intention, not out of human respect, but for the love of God. Do what is right because it is right. Have the moral courage to stand up for your convictions. If you are conscientious, you cannot help but have some character."
First Friday Devotion Prayers (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+3 / -1 )
First Saturday Prayers (explains history of devotion):
This is from Fr. Lasance's "My Prayer Book" (published early 1900s) around p. 164, "Sanctify The Month":
Each month has a gemstone that represents something and reflection related to it, monthly devotion, and particular virtue.
April is devoted to the Holy Ghost (and also the Passion, as relates to Lent).
The virtue for April is patience.
The gem of the month is a diamond, which represents purity and fortitude.
April - Diamond - Purity and Fortitude - Strength of Character
"Perform your actions with a pure intention, not out of human respect, but for the love of God. Do what is right because it is right. Have the moral courage to stand up for your convictions. If you are conscientious, you cannot help but have some character."
First Friday Devotion Prayers (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in Catholics (+0 / -1 )
First Saturday Prayers (explains history of devotion):
First Friday Devotion Prayers (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in Christianity (+1 / -1 )
First Saturday Prayers (explains history of devotion):
Sermon from solitary: The Tenth Anniversary
by Reverend Matt Hale, Pontifex Maximus Emeritus
My Brothers and Sisters! This month marks the tenth year since I was wrongly arrested and imprisoned for crimes I did not commit. It has been a long ordeal but I have endured. I have endured for my family, for myself, and, most importantly, for you and our great Cause. I have spent about 3,650 days, my entire imprisonment, in solitary confinement. I say this because I want you to understand that if I can endure the extreme hardships of being an innocent man locked away within a dungeon for thousands of days, you can endure anything that you face as free men and women fighting for the salvation of our racial life. Our persecutors meant to destroy me and destroy our Church by imprisoning me. I am happy to say they failed on both counts. They failed because the truth is stronger then their lies. Though its leader was imprisoned, our church lives on and is growing. Though i am imprisoned, i am still working to straighten out our people's thinking and i am otherwise remaining productive within these walls. Yes, we were hurt badly and there is no denying that. Yes, valuable progress was lost and I have personally experienced great suffering. However, we have not been broken. We retain our love of life, our positive attitude, and our resolve for victory. We retain our hope that the cancer of multiracialism will be replaced by a Racial Loyalist future. When confronted by a tornado of pure evil, our flame of love, truth, and hope did not go out and that which did not break us has made us stronger.
Today, ten years after I was physically taken away from you, my case for freedom is pending in court and it is a great one. You can read all about it by writing our good Brother Wes Smith at and asking him to send you the three legal filings from the case. However, no matter what the outcome may be, I call upon you to do your duty and win our White people to the cause of Racial Loyalty. You must take to the streets and wave our Flag. You must preach the word of Creativity to our brethren everywhere. You must utilize all forms of technology so as to reach our people best. You must have the courage to speak up when previously you were silent. You must speak with absolute confidence that our cause is right. Your activism must be so dynamic that the controlled mass media cannot resist covering it. I myself have literally not sat in any easy chair for ten years and you must not sit in any easy chair either. A better future must be your doing!
It is my hope that i will rejoin you out there soon but whether i do or not, the cause goes on and must be won. It is a victory that is by no means impossible. In fact, events are moving steadily in our direction. We can assure and secure the existence of our race for all time upon this planet as our First Commandment directs. It is the present multiracialist order that is coming to an end!
My Brothers and Sisters! We have much to look forward to. Our people are continuing to wake up all around the world; the present order is what is falling apart. You must now kick down the rotten door and do so with a smile on your face.
White Life!
Reverend Matt Hale, P.M.E.
January 40 AC (2013)
I know it's a no shit sherlock post because we know who's behind it and all but still, it's sad that much of the populace prides themselves on being weak.
That was made very obvious in 2020 when people went straight for masking up and gave away all their self-respect just to follow some goddamn illogical rules for a cold at worst. Having any opposition to it was met with calling you a "Karen" or accusing you of "Killing Grandma" and just telling you to just shut up and put on your mask because "It's easy to do".
There's also the fact that having natural human instincts makes you a bad person in this morally corrupt society. Racism and discrimination have been around since the very beginning of the human race. Suddenly in modern times now it's a bad thing for Whites to have. Just because we have Soybucks around the corner, Social media and Phones don't mean that we should throw away thousand-year-old human behaviors. Tolerance is also a big issue now. The majority of normie Whites sadly have given up trying to enforce traditions & values in their own societies just to appease the degenerates and non-whites that claim they're oppressed when they receive all the support from the media and mainstream internet. Having people say mean things to you doesn't count as oppression. What's the point of a society if it's tolerant of everything that comes within its radar?
There's also the fact that people are now saying they have shit like anxiety & depression like it's an everyday thing. I get it. Mental illness is not easy to deal with and you need people to talk with about it but when it starts being treated as a fad then there's an issue. Mental illness should never be an excuse to treat random strangers, friends, and family like shit but unfortunately, there are some that try to rationalize that kind of behavior.
Anyways that's all I have to say.
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