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Tau Day (June 28) 2022 (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+1 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in NationalSocialism (+4 / -0 )
*Socialism without internationalism. Nationalism without capitalism.*
**Tour of community**
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: Weekly threads are run in parallel on
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [infooooolation](
Gas prices, supply problems, baby formula shortages, cryptocurrency and stonks falling oh my. In this weekly we take on the topic of infoooolation again.
Discussion ideas:
* What things have you noticed rise or fall in price recently? Do you know of any shortages or have seen any shortages in stores?
* What do you think is the reason for these recent spikes in inflation and when will things return to “normal”?
* Offer advice or share suggestions to mitigate the effects of inflation. E.g., what can you do / what should you do?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (07-03)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
Support for API keys has been added as well as documentation for a good amount of existing endpoints.
If you wish to gain access to the API options page from your user menu, enable developer options in [your settings](/settings/).
MIT Living Wage Calculator (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+1 / -0 )
> A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building that is partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane.
> The term green roof may also be used to indicate roofs that use some form of green technology, such as a cool roof, a roof with solar thermal collectors or photovoltaic panels. Green roofs are also referred to as eco-roofs, oikosteges, vegetated roofs, living roofs, greenroofs and VCPH[4] (Horizontal Vegetated Complex Partitions).
ZOG fears the Farmers (
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+10 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
I used to watch this Youtube Channel 'Philosophy Tube'.
Turns out the creator is troon since then, just checked on what he is talking in his newer videos.
The man in makeup is warning people that the right wackos are telling people how George Soros funds the trans movement... like I dont actually care bro, I am not gona go take Hrt pills and wear a skirt ty.
Btw whats gona be the next thing these crazy ass rightwing wackos come up with haha? that George funded/funds BLM ???! that would be crazy LMAO
2Rainbows is a Christain homesteader and teacher who has dedicated her life to helping others. This her page for compiling her years of Unschooling teaching techniques. She has a good heart.
Here is her introduction post of 'Unschooling' on the Scored Parallel Society page.
Self-identified non-binary Jew 'Brandon Rubenstein'—'they/them', autistic, vaxxed, pro-choice and LGBTQ+ has a meltdown on social media, speaking as though part of a hivemind and as a Democrat who is 'da real racist'.
Also, he literally calls Clarence Thomas a *nigger*. Wow! *Jewmadbro?*
Transcript (emphasis mine):
Thank you, thank you, ladies. I am absolutely furious right now over this overturning of Roe vs Wade. I... I am Jewish, I am non-binary... and **in the Jewish religion, abortion is a sacred right** and I can't believe Clarence Thomas would stab **us** in the back after all **we** did to help the black community. **Clarence Thomas is a nigger,** and **you** better recognize what **the Jews** have done to help **you guys, you** want to take away **our** religious right-
He promptly gets kicked out by the black woman moderator.
There's a lot to think about here. Whether it's his flagrantly collectivist language of 'us', 'you guys', 'they' and 'we'.
Or his blatant overgeneralization fallacy, wherein Clarence Thomas somehow represents the whole 'black community' and that all blax are collectively responsible for his actions.
Or his paternalistic attitude towards blax more generally: how he speaks of them as though his group has done things for them with strings attached, and feels as though he's been betrayed by their lack of reciprocity? Angry that one of his group's puppets didn't do their masters' bidding for once?
Or his attitude which frames American abortionism not in terms of the usual arguments but in terms of *Judaism...* as though American social policies should be... simply what *Jews* want them to be in a secular country where his people are clear minority?
Or his sheer victimhood. Instead of 'women' or 'girls'... it's literally *Jews* who are the most affected? Indeed, does a thing *ever* happen in which Jews don't make themselves the centre of attention and then proceed to make *everything* about themselves?
Oprah, Nick Cannon, Farrakhan, etc. say something about Jews: Step aside, blax, you're going to be reminded the hard way that you're only the biggest victims of all time so long as you don't attack *us,* the *real* biggest victims of all time.
The 'tl;dr': Angry Jewish degenerate who speaks as though he personifies all Jews literally calls Clarence Thomas a nigger; liberal beliefs and policies on abortion are thoroughly Jewish; individualism is just for stupid goyim and Jews are 100% collectivist when push comes to shove.
In typical Clown World fashion, *Leftists* are now out calling Justice Thomas a 'nigger' on Twitter, for example this one in all capitals...
... while bizarrely claiming that he's working against his own interests by siding with people who they think are coming for him next.
I can only laugh at the sheer Clown World notion of Leftists and Jews scratching their heads while yelling: 'Why don't these stupid *niggers* understand that we're da real anti-racists, why are they siding against their own interests!?!?!?', as if any pro-life, pro-gun, etc. nonwhite is somehow incapable of doing his own thinking because, well, *we* know what your *true* interests are and you don't. Yep, Justice Thomas just internalized White supremacy, his mind is colonized! If Thomas was smart, he'd know that 'homophobia', for example, is just a White Man thing and that all blax loved fags before Whitey came along and ruined *gay Wakanda!* It's all Whitey's fault that many nonwhites do not like our immorality!
I have no idea why they think that the Supreme Court is launching an attack on more than just RvW, but these people believe in all sorts of slippery slopes when it suits them... while predictably denouncing non-Leftists whenever they also invoke this 'fallacy'. However, Left-wing slippery slopes are indeed always wrong. Nobody is coming for anything or anyone else—not contraceptives, not queers, not Affirmative Action—as a consequence of this decision. When have any of their slippery slopes ever turned out to be right?
00.26 - Food As A Weapon of War?
Liz Truss Statement: -
ONS Report: -
05:20 - Energy Shock
NYP Article: - NYP Article: -
Recommended Reading: -
CNBC article: -
NYT article: -
Bild Article: -
SOTT Article: -
Powell Statement: -
YF Article: -
ZH Article: -
27:30 - Julian Assange Extradition
ABC News Article: -
32.54 - T he Attack On Vanessa Beeley and Journalism
Observer Article: -
J M. El-Gamal: -
Deadly Disinformation: -
James Kariuki Statement: -
45:35 - Pushing the Online Safety Bill
Bill Progress: -
Amendment: -
49:48 - UK's New Bill of Rights
IoC Article: -
DB Tweet: -
51:52 - The BBC Online Safety Exploitation Propaganda
IT Article: -
EU Digital Services Act: -
MM Article: -
TN article: -
Spring's Article: -
Chronicle Article: -
Chronicle Article 01: -
Chronicle Article 02: -
Law On Knives: -
Crest Advisory: -
Crest Board: -
GLM Themis Profile: -
TBIC Redgrave Profile: -
01:07:47 - Vaccines In The Young
DS Article: -
CH News Article: -
01:13:16 - The OSCE PA Session
OSCE Announcement: -
AT Article: -
SCMP Article: -
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