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We wake up every morning in our Ethno Village and we take a stroll around the Park.. there are many neighbors out walking as well. After the stroll, we go by the Village Gym and sports center.. Lift some weights, and then play a bit of hand ball.. Every Wednesday we play with the same people, and the experience is far more enjoyable than anything in the "digital world".
It is a small Village of less than 350 people and you know everyone's name & face.. you know what they do to assist the Village, you know their favorite fruit, and their favorite community meals.
We have to work today, but we do not have a rigid schedule, we have tasks to complete, and as long as they are done Right, and on time, no one worries.
If we do our best in our assigned tasks, and we fail, then we are moved to a different kind of labor.
There is a Community job board next to the Village Office center, and we can volunteer for various jobs that we qualify for.
There is no real difference in feelings between work, and play.. No matter what we do, we are productive, and we are serving our neighbors and kin.
The Village is simple enough, no luxury or excess.. but everyone has enough. We do not eat packaged foods, we do not need to read the ingredients on the bag.
There are community projects going on at all times of the day , and night.. there are tournaments, and there are lesson centers for everyone.
Want to improve your programming skills? Drop by the Village library every Monday at 11 AM.
Want to better understand Bio Dynamic farming? Drop by the Southern Food garden Saturday at 7 am.
Truly everything that we could ever need is here.. but we are no longer prisoners, or slaves. We engage in activities Voluntarily, and no one is permitted into our spaces uninvited.
I wont say that everything is perfect.. there is still human drama, and pain.. but this too makes Life worth living.. giving opportunity for understanding , forgiveness, and growth.
We always feel safe in our Village since there are 35 members who Volunteer for "Community watch" , and there is always security training twice a week behind the Rec Center.. we have all forms of Hardware there.
Prior to the ParallelSociety we though that happiness was in Wealth, and Power, and in luxury.. but now we see how wrong we were.. We did not have to return to the 1950s to find fulfillment, we only had to return to NaturalValues.
It is not about the individual or the community, it is about Mutual Aid, and Free trade.. It is about Purpose, and Passion.. It is about Service to one another, and an upward ascent through the Cosmos.
Productive Labor is the Cause and the Cure.
Mutual Aid is the Reason and the Revelation.
Voluntarism is the Repose and the Resurrection.
Autarky is the Catalyst and the Control.
Natural Speech is the Kindness and the Keystone.
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
In case you're not aware Joe Rogan is a controlled source of disinformation. Uploaded on telegram from this guy's YouTube before it inevitably gets censored and taken down.
Original Video:
ConPro had a book club Mega download with tons of books to download, where is it
Industrial Society and Its Consequences ( tedpilled NSFL
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+4 / -0 )
Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich, born March 7th 1904, was a high ranking official in the Schutzstaffel. From 1931 until his death in 1942, he held several notable positions, such as the Chief of the Sicherheitsdienst. In May 1942, Heydrich was assassinated by 2 men while driving. Reinhard Heydrich was a hero to our movement and will never be forgotten. o/
ConPro had a book club Mega download with tons of books to download, where is it
posted 2 years ago by John_8_44 in ConsumeProduct (+7 / -1 )
Deals with Nietzsche's answer to the question: how does high culture emerge?
Nietzsche thought that aesthetics was basically applied physiology. Health (in the literal sense of word) was at the centre of his worldview and aesthetic philosophy. He thought that decadent art stemmed from sickness and high art stemmed from health. In his mind, the body was the source of creative impulse. If the body is unhealthy, it will give rise to unhealthy instincts, and vice versa.
Anyway, this video touches on some of the topics that interest me most: Greek sculpture, physical fitness and cultural decline. Perhaps some of the conclusions are a bit goofy, but I do think it is interesting that the two chief epochs of European culture - Greek antiquity & the Italian Renaissance - revolved around the athletic body.
~ Russell Walter
No matter which Ethno Village you decide to visit in the #ParallelSociety you will see Green everywhere. You look to the Right and there is a beautiful Apple tree, to the Left there is some cabbage.. Walk a bit further down and you see an edible fungus garden.
All of the Children living in the Ethno Village hit the Garden once a week to learn about planting, to learn about all of the wonders of Nature.
All ParSocians living in a Village are free to take as much Fruit and Veggies as they would like (As long as they have contributed in the Labor, or devoted resources in other ways)
We do not only seek Autarky for our Nation as a whole. Each member of the Community should be Autarkical. Gardens on their individual plots, lakes, streams and wells.
Solar panels, and Windmills.
The Ethno Village is a Fortification against all kinds of calamity and challenge.
The Ethno Village is an escape from Wage Slavery, and Interest Debt Slavery.
Productive Labor, and Mutual Aid will set us FREE!
> Bottles was born in 2017 as a personal need. I needed a practical way to manage my wineprefixes. I hate the idea of using applications that install me a version of wine for each application and I decided to create this application, based on the concept of using one or more wine prefixes as a "container" for all my applications.
There is a lot of PilPul surrounding discussions on Racial realism.. They are all about muh definitions, and categorizations, and what not.
It is evident to a rational person that Race is real, and major differences exist among the Races, but it is not easy to debate.
On the other hand, Skin Color is unmistakable, and it does not require any dialectical definitions, it can come down to a simple Hex, fitting into a color scale.
I'm looking at Skin Tone maps of the world, and the correlation is also undeniable.
The darkest people live in Africa, and the darkest States in Africa also have the lowest quality of life.. Haiti is also one of the darkest, and worst.
How might a Leftist debate against Skin Tone realism.. where ever there is light skin, there is prosperity, and where ever the dark skin exists there is poverty..
This holds true everywhere in the world... Even look at S America, and you see that Argentina, and Uruguay are the Lightest, and the most prosperous.. The N of Brasil is Dark, the S of Brasil is light, and prosperity follows.
In India the N is lighter, and better off..
How can they deny it consoomer bros?
Have you every watched a debate on Skin color only?
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Improoooove health](
For this weekly we will IMPROOOOOVE Health! Our modern society has us sitting for long periods of time in the same place. Imprisonment our societies punishment is to force you to sit down in the same place for long periods of time. Society encourages you to make a living by sitting down for long periods of time looking at screens. You are even encouraged to relax and unwind by sitting down for long periods of time looking at screens. As rational consumers you should recognize the negative impact on health this causes. The goal of this weekly is to focus on healthy activities to combat the malaise caused by our modern sedentary lifestyle.
Discussion ideas:
* Is a sedentary lifestyle bad? Have you experienced or have seen someone experience negative effects because of a sedentary lifestyle?
* Whether white collar or blue collar the sedentary lifestyle creeps in. Recommend healthy activities to alleviate the sedentary lifestyle.
* What is the link between mental and physical health? Recommend healthy activities to bridge the gap and bring balance between mental and physical health.
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (09-11)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
This is Life (1950) (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+9 / -0 )
About how protein from meat is important to human body. Also about the entire meat process - from livestock ranchers to transportation to stockyards to meatpacking to your grocery store. Missing the slaughterhouse. then we see a butcher explaining about how to get four meals out of one shank of ham. "Full and complete" story of meat from the ranches and farms of America to the dinner table. Stresses importance of protein to human growth. Travels across the land to show a cycle of mealtimes from East to West. Raphael G. Wolff: "We felt that This Is Life was essentially the story of you — and how powerful substances came out of the earth to enter your own blood stream — to become your own ideas, actions and activities...It incorporates the relation of blizzards in Colorado to the steak you may order in a restaurant; the relation of nails driven in the roof of a hog shelter to the ham slice whose sizzling song heralds another day in your life."
Seems like a lot of trust has been obliterated today, like I cringe reading people try to broadcast intimate opinions shared within a relationship post-breakup on to social media
So then either you have to find people you can test a lot to see if they're trustworthy, or you mostly have to "let it all burn" until trust completely breaks down in society forcing a reset of trust and punishment of breaches of trust
So what do you think about how high trust societies are created, how much trust exists in society today (USA), or what are your thoughts on this topic in general?
This is a microcosm of the leadership structure of ParSoc.
You have a project leader, or BDFL that holds the vision of the Society, and who builds the Society.. This one chooses Admins, and Mods to share in his responsibilities and duties. There is a strict Hierarchy, and the BDFL holds power over all, except for Natural Values.
The Admins , and mods operate within the system of Access Based Leadership.. one leader may have access to many functions, another may have access to a single one, and only the individual leader knows all of his Access Rights.
ParSoc is Panarchic in the ability of users to establish new communities, or functions, as long as their creations adhere to Natural Values.. This puts responsibility on the mods of each community to keep the users content, or else they will lose their interest, and go elsewhere, or start their own.
It is a Monarchical Panarchy.
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