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posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
# Guillaume Faye, *Sex and Deviance* (2011)

### The Egoism, Egotism, and Superficiality of ‘Gay Culture’

> The homosexual, along with every ideology that supports and surrounds him on the pretext of progress and emancipation, displays a peculiar social self-centredness and a deep indifference toward future generations. Again we see the reign of presentism. The homosexual — especially the masculine type — seeks only immediate gratification, he is a born consumer who is at core rather superficial despite perhaps being gifted and refined (as is often the case). His ancestry, nation, and descendants do not interest him. Only his ego and libido, only his sexual and material satisfaction are important to him. When homosexual associations pretend to be humanists preoccupied with the fate of humanity (for they are for the most part Leftist), it is pure hypocrisy. For example, homosexual associations (notably ACT UP[8]) take the lead in the struggle against AIDS — mainly in favour of research funding — but rise up to oppose any mandatory screening or any shutting down of places where they meet, despite knowing perfectly well that the male homosexual community, especially in the United States, was the rocket that launched this viral pandemic.

> When the homosexual has a creative and artistic sensibility, as often occurs, it is usually turned toward superficial refinement, fashion, baubles, and frills. More than anyone else, the homosexual is a victim of fashion. Whether poet, writer, singer, or similar, the homosexual rarely turns his gifts toward weighty matters, great subjects, or serious analysis, but instead toward a kind of para-feminine aestheticism, bright in the way a glow worm is bright, marked with a sort of pettiness and oozing with a sort of baroque minimalism, all this centred on his pet subject: homosexuality itself. Heterosexuals do not put their own sexuality at the centre of their personality or their works; homosexuals do. It is the very definition of obsession: one is a homosexual before one is oneself. The homosexual’s sexuality governs him, precisely because it is pathological and non-reproductive.

> Let us return to the clearest example of the self-centredness and irresponsibility of the ‘gay community’, beginning from the 1980s. Its attitude toward the AIDS pandemic — a pandemic for which male homosexuals around the world and principally on America’s Pacific Coast — have been largely responsible due to their compulsive libidos and the frequent practice of sodomy with multiple partners and without the use of condoms. Drug addicts, sub-Saharan Africans with their primitive sexual customs (speaking in a non-pejorative manner), and immigrants in Europe also bear responsibility for the spread of this disease, of course.

> In regard to this pandemic, the attitude of homosexual associations have combined duplicity, hypocrisy, irresponsibility, and a stubborn determination not to change anything about their pathological and risky behaviour. Two points must be emphasised: first, by a sort of reversal of the actual situation, the homosexuals (via their lobbies) have proclaimed themselves to be victims of the pandemic, when in fact they are its instigators; second, they have risen up against any ‘fascist’ prophylactic measures that might have encroached on their practices, such as the closing of gay nightclubs and their back rooms, mandatory testing for sexually transmitted diseases, public listings of those contaminated, and so on. Any such measures would have put some restraints on the epidemic.

> The homosexual lobby succeeded in ducking these measures by putting pressure on politicians terrified of being accused of homophobia, for when the AIDS pandemic broke out, homosexuals were very anxious  that their role in the outbreak would receive mass public attention and that they would be put under scrutiny. What concerned the committed homosexual was not public health but his own freedom to give way to his unbridled impulses.

> Indeed, the basic preoccupation of the homosexual, who has a much more intense libido than the heterosexual, is the immediate satisfaction of his desires as often as possible, and to talk about it as much as possible. This is the principle of all deviance in any domain: it is obsessive. He must talk about it constantly. His sexuality (its ‘eroticism’ lost on account of its impulsivity) assumes such a position in his mind that it prevents him from conceiving a broader view of life and of the world. Everything revolves around his sexual tendency. Homosexuals have gone from the repression and dissimulation of their obsession (when they suffered oppression) to the irrepressible need to shout it from the rooftops.

### Proselytising the Gay Religion

> Thus we have gone from dissimulation to a kind of homosexual proselytism. It is as if male homosexuality had become a kind of religion, an enlarged sect with its rituals, ceremonials, ideology, media, and social network. Like imams, the priests of the gay cult are protected by law from being mocked or otherwise attacked.

> Like with any religion, the goal is to win over disciples. The aim, obviously, is to bring as many young heterosexuals as possible into the homosexual clan, for the more the hunting grounds are extended, the greater the number of one’s potential partners. Hence we have the courses promoted within the national education system (which is neither national nor educational) for the purpose of convincing adolescents that homosexuality is not pathological. The real objective, of course, is not tolerance at all, but the recruitment of new members; it is time to say so out loud....

> Homosexuality is not merely a sexual option, but involves a parody of culture — gay culture — which incessantly tries to win new audiences of impressionable young persons. The homosexual community is said to have its own special culture. It claims to be initiated into a new, superior, and esoteric sensibility that others do not possess, one which has been introduced to experiences and sensations of which poor heterosexuals haven’t the faintest inkling. The representation of heterosexuals as bovine yokels and primitives is implicit in the phraseology and clichés employed by gay magazines and websites.

> Current homosexual discourse manifests paranoia and persecution mania. In a style very similar to that of certain ethnic and religious groups, homosexuals are at core bored with no longer being persecuted; it bothers them that their demands have succeeded beyond all expectation. They enjoy the comfort of the position of victims of persecution, and they are furious that they are no longer attacked, that people like them and, worse, that most people are indifferent to them. The homosexual is an autistic who loves to be talked about, who loves his special status as a victim. This is why, as soon as an obscure provincial Catholic deputy declared that homosexuality is an inferior disposition to that of heterosexuality when it comes to the future of the race, the homosexual lobby was sure to capitalise on this attack by having the deputy publicly condemned. The dominant homosexual is comforted by the idea that he is indeed still persecuted, even if he is the one persecuting others and seeing that they are punished. In this respect his attitude is very similar to that of Islamists.

Okay, here's the second part, where Guillaume Faye explains the non-existence of gay marriage; this could be a second part unto itself but given that marriage is such an integral part of culture, it seems appropriate to lump these sections together.

### Psychopathology and Fraud of the Male Homosexual Couple

> While male homosexuals are demanding and indeed winning the right to marry, to adopt children, and to start a family, the whole process is based on a lie — on mimicry and hypocrisy. They want to ape heterosexuals not because they desire ‘the right to love and home’, but in order to obtain fiscal, social, and proprietary rights. The most comical part (and the proof of their hypocrisy) is that ever since the male and female homosexual movements got into bed with Leftism and feminism, they have not had words harsh enough to describe the ‘petty-bourgeois couple’ (considered a sort of repression and corniness) or the family and marriage, to which they prefer concubinage. But look at them now, wanting to emulate precisely the petty-bourgeois model they once spoke of so disparagingly. Civil unions are no longer enough for them. These antics should not fool anyone, but alas, they fool most people.

> When Thierry Le Luron (who was a homosexual and died from it, though he did not advertise it) and Coluche, as a heterosexual aped a homosexual marriage to get a laugh out of the gallery, no one took any issue with such mockery of homosexual couples. No one imagined that one day homosexual marriage would no longer be a gag but a reality taken very seriously. Today, those sketches by Luron and Coluche would be considered politically incorrect; they would receive no laughter from the cultural elites, rather, they would be subjected to careful editing and censored when rebroadcast. The ideology we are surrounded by is pseudo-festive and pseudo-libertarian, but in fact rigid, dogmatic, authoritarian, and solemnly humourless.

> But in reality it is known (and homosexuals themselves know it perfectly well) that there is nothing more unstable and faithless than a homosexual couple. (This remark is much less valid for lesbian couples, who can experience a lasting and even monogamous relationship.) By definition, homosexuality presupposes a multitude of partners, and often briefness of the relationship, which is often even with total strangers. They are superficial, epidemic, purely orgasmic, and without much in the way of preliminaries. The baroque effeminate refinement displayed by the homosexual in his daily life or works does not exist in his sexual practices — quite the contrary. This is striking, for psychologically, homosexuality is based almost entirely on the libido and the immediate desire to copulate, and not on romantic sentiment or the need to form a long-standing relationship. It is an impulse. Obviously there exist exceptions: the relationship of Yves Saint-Laurent and Pierre Bergé is one such example which has been celebrated in the media to the point that it has become almost iconic.

> Wanting to bring the male homosexual couple and homosexual marriage into the same logical schema as that of the heterosexual couple is not only an ideological farce, but marks a profound misunderstanding of homosexuality, especially in its male variety. Homosexuals will never be able to emulate the heterosexual couple as the latter is not primarily based on the libido, but on emotional attachment, procreation, and on the nurturing of offspring.

> By demanding the right to adopt children as well as to marry, male homosexuals are trying to ape heterosexual couples, and this is quite simply pathetic — more so when it comes at the very time when the heterosexual couple is disintegrating! What an abyss of morbidity. The proof that they regret not being heterosexual, not being normal, lies in their suppressing their own abnormality complex and transfiguring it into a supernormality. Homosexual marriage and parenthood thus function as simulacra of heterosexual marriage. They regret not being able to marry a woman and to procreate, so they construct a dream: homosexual marriage with the adoption of children. (By a similar psychopathological process, radical lesbian feminists regret not having been born men; I will discuss this further on.)

> The homosexual is generally a solitary being, one who is emotionally impoverished and whose primary and hypertrophic sexuality demands a constant change of partners. This primal, copulatory, intense sexuality involving many temporary lovers obviously renders impossible, indeed ridiculous, the patterning of male homosexuality and the normal couple. The homosexual knows only a zigzagging emotional life and never fundamentally satisfies his sexuality, which is a constant headlong rush, an unbridled pursuit of sensations. Satisfaction being problematic, the homosexual is always looking out for new experiences, ones ever more salacious — hence their common drift toward seriously pathological practices.

##### part 2

> We are insufficiently aware to what  extent the very idea of homosexual marriage (which emerged in a Western mindset that had already been bludgeoned by anti-values amid sugary talk of ‘rights’) is novel, though one suspects that it is unprecedented in the entire history of humanity. This notion (which had appeared to be only a provocative gag just thirty years ago) is perceived by all mindsets in all societies as a veritable and revolting rape of nature. Well-balanced minds that tolerate homosexual practices in the private sphere, who allow  homosexuals to discreetly cohabit within their own four walls, who reject all social discrimination against homosexuals nevertheless consider the idea of homosexual marriage to be pure and simple madness: all the more so when it is an attempts to mimic heterosexual marriage. It is seen as a servile imitation, a ridiculous carbon copy.

> In any case, the whole thing amounts to a denial and devaluation of marriage, depriving the union of husband and wife of all legitimate distinction when in fact it is the keystone of our society’s reproduction and survival. Raving egalitarianism, confusion of values, mental pathology: these things preside over the idea of the homosexual married couple.

> Indeed, one might ask whether, beneath the demand for homosexual marriage (and its pseudo-form, the civil union), there is not an unavowed and perverse need to undermine the heterosexual couple by imitating it; by presenting it as ‘one possibility among others’ and no longer as a norm. Across all continents, no established religion, whether monotheistic or pagan, has ever imagined such an aberration; and they can only consider the homosexual marriage that is spreading today in the West as a sign of civilisational collapse. Even the cultures that have displayed the greatest degree of tolerance for male homosexuality (mostly military cultures like ancient Greece or Gaul) could not stand the idea of bachelorhood and even less so the idea of two men or two women married to each other. A crazy idea which never occurred to anyone. We are faced here with an inversion of values: those who oppose homosexual marriage are presented as extremists, while the extremists, lunatics, and madmen are those who are demanding it. A comic gag has become reality, as in an insane asylum like that in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.

> The very idea of homosexual marriage is not at all a demand for an egalitarian right, for the partisans of gay marriage are hypocrites who know perfectly well that it cannot work. It is simply another thinly-disguised means of destroying the traditional European families.

##### part 3

> All this being said, gay marriage, as serious a symptom as it is, is not the worst that could happen to us. This phenomenon only affects a minority and does not threaten our genetic patrimony. It is unlikely that gays who get married will have offspring anyway. Cases where a homosexual couple would be authorised to have a child via surrogacy will likely be rare. Homosexual unions will always remain a marginal phenomenon with few demographic effects, practically none of which will have any influence on the biological composition of Europeans.  Moreover, as is the case with everything that is against nature, the homosexual couple does not last. Gay marriage only poses a problem because it is part of an ideological (not biological) dissolution of the natural order.

> In fact, homosexual couples (even those that are married) are insignificant in relation to the catastrophe that is mixed-race heterosexual couples, especially in cases when the woman is White. The reason is that in these cases, the door is left open to irreversible mixture, that is to say, an irreversible alteration of our genetic patrimony. Rather than concerning ourselves with fighting legalised homosexual unions, it is more urgent to focus our efforts on combating interracial unions.

> The biggest danger is the capture of White women by extra-European foreigners, or what might be called uterus theft. Every such case equals the elimination of another reproducer from the White gene pool, as I shall explain in another chapter. This type of mixture is, of course, much more serious than the instances in which a White man impregnates a non-European woman.

> In short, we must repeat to traditionalists — especially Catholics — that the ideology of race-mixing (even ‘between Christians’) and the constant media defence of race-mixing couples inculcated by our bien pensants is much more dangerous than the prospect of homosexual marriage, the latter of which will have no biological consequences. Biology counts for more than ideology.
# Guillaume Faye, *Sex and Deviance* (2011)

### Asexuals and the Extinction of Desire: Fruits of Hypersexualism

> The rise in sexual abstinence in the ageing developed countries, especially in Japan, is disquieting. According to a study by the Japanese Minister of Health (January 2011), 36 percent of boys and 58.5 percent of girls between sixteen and nineteen years of age ‘have no interest in sex’, meaning real, concrete sexual relations. According to Dr Jacques Waynberg, director of the Sexological Institute, this phenomenon of asexuality is also affecting France. He is consulted by thirty-five year old couples who no longer have relations, who want to have children but cannot because they have no libido. In the English speaking world such people are described as sexless.

> He suggests one possible explanation: the stress of contemporary life, the anxiety over finding a job, or overwork. This is a joke in a world where working hours are much fewer than in former times. But he makes a couple of better suggestions as well. First, lessened desire of husbands for their wives is a byproduct of the explosion of pornography and the sex industry, with X-rated videos and masturbation often replacing real sexual relations because this solitary activity is easier. Paradoxically, our Western societies which are obsessed with sex (80 percent of Internet visits are devoted to it) are seeing a decrease in the frequency of real sexual relations. Sex does not disappear but changes its nature, becomes virtual, unproductive, and of low libidinal intensity.

> His second suggestion is a deep transformation in the nature of relations between men and women, especially couples, which are far more conflictual than formerly — especially because of both the masculinisation of women and of unchecked individualism. One does not desire a mate with whom one constantly quarrels. Chronic marital discord so characteristic of our societies (which have abandoned the notion of the stable couple) almost mechanically diminishes the frequency of sexual relations.

> In a story reported on France 3, a Japanese woman admits that she had her children by artificial insemination, using her husband’s sperm (obviously collected via masturbation) because they Moreno longer desired one another. A thirtyish man recognises that he prefers X-rated videos, strip clubs, and sex toys to the effort of making love with his girlfriend. This progress of asexuality among couples must be related to the divirilisation of men, the conventionalisation of male homosexuality and, of course, to lowered fertility among Europeans.

> Of course, it was in the United States that the phenomenon of asexuality, called the sexless, first appeared: those men and women who — whether out of boastfulness or the desire to be original, or pathology, or by compensation — began championing chastity or prolonged virginity in a hyper-sexualised world. In the Netherlands, they are called the non-libidinal. Journalist Jean-Philippe de Tonnac tries to explain this sexual drought, whether inflicted or voluntary. Surveys show that sexual abstinence in France is increasing among people in their thirties, whether single or in relationships, standing at 25 percent among women and 15 percent among men according to an Ipsos study from 2004. In Tonnac’s view, ‘asexuality is a defensive reaction to the terrorism of pansexualism’. This is an interesting analysis, and compatible with those of the German sociologist Arnold Gehlen for whom second hand experiences, that is, spectacles and representations, dull one’s perception of reality and direct emotions.

> Exhibitionism and pornography weaken the libido and sexual desire. The riot of sexual images accessible even to adolescents, especially via the Internet, remove the mystery and the taboos of sex, and thus remove its attractions. Total unveiling and the absence of prohibitions cause desire to dry up. J-P de Tonnac writes: ‘sex is no longer taboo; it has become a totem, passing from a secret to an exhibit. Desire has always been related to a certain impossibility of desire. This riot of free images does nothing but extinguish it.’  Might it be possible, then, that subconsciously voluntary chastity might serve to reawaken extinguished desires?

> In his Tyranny of Pleasure, Jean-Claude Guillebaud suggests that ‘free access to pleasure’ has been transformed into a ‘pleasure imperative’. The omnipresence of sexual representations and the obligation of sexual performance thus has an inhibiting effect and provokes, according to Tonnac, ‘a fundamentalist anti-sex reaction’. The psychiatrist J-D Nasio states that he has never before been so frequently consulted by patients who are still virgins at more than thirty years old: ‘In forty years of practice, I have never seen this. These men are handsome, intelligent, well-integrated socially.... But the very thought of making love to a woman sends them into a panic.’ These men are above all victims of performance anxiety, the fear of not being good enough. For the psychoanalyst Hélène Vecchiali, author of Ainsi soient-ils,  [That’s How They (Men) Are –Tr.] men, who are more fragile sexually than women (the risks of impotence and lack of libido), especially at the beginning of a romantic relationship, are traumatised by the obligation to succeed immediately, by the requirement of virile excellence nourished by pornographic movies in which the actors are all priapic supermen.

> We are thus brought back to the idea of sexual confusion. For these men who ‘sink’ before women they desire, whom they want to marry or whom they have married — would they experience similar difficulties with a paid prostitute whom they dominate and with whom they have nothing to prove? As I have said elsewhere, our society has instituted monosexuality. We have forgotten that for men, and in a different measure for women, there is a fundamental distinction between conjugal sex and impulsive sex, both of which are perfectly natural.

> By confusing impulsive sex with romantic sex, we have ended up destroying the latter. We see here one consequence of the ‘neo-primitivism’ of Western societies which, by a sort of regression towards barbarism, confound eroticism, raw sex, romantic sexuality, and the conjugal bond — exactly as happens among the lower primates, where sexual behaviour is undifferentiated.

> Among young couples of former days, sexual desire was inflamed by (relative) inexperience and by the social concealment of eroticism which made sex more exciting, in that it was under a hypocritical prohibition (a necessary hypocrisy). What is desirable is always gradual. Sexual intensity is born of the slow transgression of taboos. Without taboos, there no more desire, only impotence and frigidity — lethargy.

> Real sex with a great orgasmic charge presupposes long preliminaries for the romantic couple, a whole game of artifice, feigned modesty, restrained physical contact, flirting, low intensity rituals, simulated refusals, calculated progress, slow unveiling. Moreover, since the twentieth century, the systematic display of the female body as we know it is much less erotic and exciting for men (whose sexuality is more visual and less cerebral than that of women) than, for example, women’s outfits of long ago, at once modest and immodest, which suggested without displaying. J-P de Tonnac, by way of rehabilitating pre-marital flirting, writes:

>> "Love is first of all cheeks turning purple, modesty, the secret.... In the Middle Ages, one spoke of fin’amour, courtly love. Today people put the cart before the horse, i.e., the object of desire before desire itself. In the end, this amounts to signing sex’s death warrant."

### Immodesty as Anti-Eroticism

> The reason is easy to understand. From the moment representation takes precedence over action, the latter dies. In wanting to break free of the straitjacket of puritanism, the ideology of sexual liberation created something much worse than puritanism: it mutilated sex by transforming it into a banal image, into clinical discourse. It deprived sex of its feeling of mystery by flooding it with glaring light.

> For the power of the libido, of eroticism, of desire and sexual emotion rest on gradual unveiling, that is, by rising tension, which presupposes rules, ceremonies, prohibitions, subtexts, calculated hypocrisy, incomplete suppression; certainly not flatly getting right on with it, on the principal of immediacy, as in pornographic or therapeutic sex. The erotic power of sexual desire (like all emotion) comes from a certain mystery. The idea of modesty is of capital importance here. From the moment immodesty becomes the rule, the sexual act is debased to the status of ordinary behaviour, and so it loses its emotional charge, its strength of dissimulation. To think that making love is like going jogging or eating a pizza is to misunderstand the psychological mechanism basic to sex. For sex to be enticing, for the libido to function correctly, it is above all important that it not be reduced to the status of a banal physiological act. The sex act must include an aspect of ritual — something that our society has entirely forgotten. Making love is a ceremony.

> A double form of destruction is being practiced on the libido, from both upstream and downstream: from upstream by the protean porn industry; from downstream by the therapeutic theorisation of sex. Under these conditions, sexual excitement and eroticism can only decline. ‘Sexual liberation’, because it has taken clumsy and inadequate forms, has ended by weakening the libido, at once making a spectacle of it and making it abstract and cerebral.

> The sexual hyper-representation of women (images, virtual women) and the hyper-sexualisation of discourse do not mean that real women are more ‘liberated’ and more approachable for men — hence a new, schizophrenic frustration for men: the represented sex of spectacle and the virtual realm is belied by the real opportunities for sex.

> I would go further: the virtual sexualisation of women, the onslaught of images and discourse which render banal easy and immodest sex end up producing, in a classic case of inversion, a withdrawal of real sex on offer. ‘Fucking’, as a spectacle and virtual representation, as it becomes ever more current and banal, becomes ever more difficult in the real world. The more society is flooded with pornography and sexual images, the less real sex is present. Picture the two as communicating vessels: the virtual vessel fills up at the expense of the real, by a simple difference of pressure.

> By contrast, in a society informed by modesty, where sexual representation (whether in words or in images) is limited and suppressed, sexual tension is paradoxically much stronger. The less sex is trivialised by imagery, the more fascinating and desirable it is in realty. The sexual palette on the Internet and elsewhere, accessible to everyone, trivialises and disenchants eroticism. There is nothing more erotic than the social organisation of modesty, including repression, which only stimulates transgressions.
Vanessa Beeley to be sanctioned?
Vanessa Beeley was in Donbas over the last couple of days observing the referendum process. For her trouble she is now on a new “hit list” of foreign journalists who observed the “sham referendum”.
[Foreign "journalists" with ties to RF were among the "international observers" at the sham referendum – list | Institute of Mass Information.]
Following the publication of the hit list, Vanessa received a number of direct threats to her life on Twitter. And then, later in the afternoon yesterday, the following letter came to light from MEP and member of Macron's political party, Nathalie Loiseau:
You can read more about Nathalie Loiseau at Vanessa's website:
> His feast (29 September) in the Middle Ages was celebrated as a holy day of obligation, but along with several other feasts it was gradually abolished since the eighteenth century (see FEASTS). Michaelmas Day, in England and other countries, is one of the regular quarter-days for settling rents and accounts; but it is no longer remarkable for the hospitality with which it was formerly celebrated. Stubble-geese being esteemed in perfection about this time, most families had one dressed on Michaelmas Day. In some parishes (Isle of Skye) they had a procession on this day and baked a cake, called St. Michael's bannock.
via Catholic encyclopedia:
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