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Who exactly is running this board anyway? Gonna be a damn honeypot probably.
posted 2 years ago by UndeadedBeef in ConsumeProduct (+8 / -0 )
The interface here is not what I'm used to.
Shame, shame.. such a shame.
Will it be profitable? Yes, likely.
Will it be principled? Well, seems not.
Something happened,. what, I do not know.
A Fat check? A user milestone? Hard to say,
It is so apparent though.
A site that stands for nothing will fall for everything.
Now they have trannies, and entire boards calling for White Genocide.
This is what user counts.. over all looks like.
I don't get it.
If it was about money, why wouldn't they opt for advertising, over subversion?
It is not Free Speech that threatens the Enemy
It is Natural Speech. It is the censoring of the Unnatural.
Shine the Truth AND blight the Lie. One cannot be without the other.
This is generally the path of Men seeking Wealth..
Whatever it takes, all that matters is the Shekel.
Maybe it is not about an influx of Shekels.
Maybe this is the holy cow of Free Speech mooing again.
See.. people say that the Truth will win, but it isn't so.
In a Free Speech platform, FIRST the Truth will win, and then after that the Shekel will win. The bots, shills, and ZOGBOTS will eliminate the Truth with Lies, Noise, and Drama.
This is why Unnatural Views MUST be censored.
Low Effort posting should also be limited.
Trouble makers, them too.
We'll see.. But for the time being, my energy will be on Arete.Network.
I was RighteousFury12 on there. I suppose this shall be my new site to redpill and blackpill on.
posted 2 years ago by HingusTheBungus in ConsumeProduct (+6 / -0 ) Edited 2022-02-24 06:18:35
I noticed that a lot of us are straight up running away, and all I can say is: stop. This is the fatal flaw with us, our current tactic isn't to fight till the end, but to just hop to cleaner water when piss fills the pond. Wouldn't it just make sense to attack the (((ones))) peeing on us? Win is still our turf, even if it's more normalfagged than before. We already had ConPro restored, so it's time we fight back against these ungodly menaces. Ban them a thousand times over, log their ISPs and IPs and bombard any future accounts with "YWNBAW".
There was a plague in 1720, 1820, 1920, and 2020. WW1 was supposed to be the United States - Iran conflict after Trump killed that general, but that was averted. In the interim, Degeneracy is spreading (Weimerica) and left and right wing forces are increasing and battling it out in the streets just like Weimar. Is this Ukraine thing WW2?
Fuck doctors. They keep patients on drugs, allow mutilation, molest kids, keep patients sick, try to kill some patients. They deserve the rope.

I can have ((())) in the title here! :D
posted 2 years ago by recon_johnny in ConsumeProduct (+9 / -0 ) Edited 2022-02-24 03:06:54
So...I'm on .win as well (mostly consumeproduct). I get an email listing that I'm a "hate speech" person due to my postings and subscriptions to subs.
Go take a look, I find the wording hilarious.
EDIT: Yeah, it's a troll. Well played.
Shalom, SOMETHING from Omori enjoyers!
Looking at them and their website is so ridiculous that I can't see it as legitimate. Are they liblarping or just one of *those* groups?
posted 2 years ago by Enochianist in ConsumeProduct (+11 / -0 )
Fake ass story
So is still there and functioning, they just replaced the style sheet with something that hides everything, and adds their gay background image.
Right click somewhere and "Inspect Element." On pretty much any element, you should be able to see the Styles and find the style derived from the <html> tag. It looks like this:
    html * {
        visibility: hidden;
This makes every element underneath the <html> tag (which is every element) invisible. In my browser, you can just uncheck this and bam, the page is back.
You can also go to the .css stylesheet where this style comes from:
Which also changes the background of the html element to show that image.
I don't know enough about how operating a .win site works to know why all they've done is replace one .css file.
The idea is simple. The same as on the win-forums, but more: When up- or downvoting a post, it should be hidden when reloading the page. It makes reading through the trending post list much better.
Over there it's an option in the settings.
Optionally add an option to just hide a post without voting on it (maybe a button between up- and downvote that indicates something like "meh").
White Power by Skrewdriver (
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+7 / -0 )
The issue lies in a very outdated .js file cached from a previous visit. Such problems should hopefully not happen in the future.
To fix it you must perform a hard refresh or just clear your browser's cache.
If goes and/or I get doxxed because of bennington I'm coming here.
How did it get subverted that quickly? 10 to 100 In the span of a week. How are the admins over there even allowing the rdr*ma subverse to exist? swamp(ass)ranger even followed us here.
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