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How to troll this new holiday?
> The day white people freed the slaves
inb4 reeeeee
Is the site being promoted? If so, how and where?
I know there's a pervasive message that all instant gratification is bad and all delayed gratification is good
But I've experienced delaying gratification and it only led to loss, and have been reflecting on how some instant gratification might fix certain problems I have otherwise "patiently" put up with
So I guess this is a reminder that delayed or instant gratification are to be balanced
There are a few articles on how instant gratification can be used for good, by giving you appropriate little rewards frequently
Something to think about: when can delayed gratification be harmful and instant gratification be good?
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+10 / -0 ) Edited 2022-04-27 21:54:48
>Henlo, frens. How crush ZOG?
thanks. :|
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ParallelSociety (+12 / -0 )
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These threads are run in parallel on
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom supplements](
In this weekly we take on the consumption of supplements. Before we get to that let me tell you about vitamin D. Recent shocking studies show that most people are deficient in vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for the body in promoting calcium absorption for healthy teeth and bones. Studies show it boosts the natural immune system and enables fighting off disease and viruses like the flu and COVID. Don’t use other vitamin D brands full of fillers. Only trust ConPro Life™ all natural Consoom Sun™ only $59.99 order now! Anyway, back to the weekly. Our discussion focus is on whether supplements are bunk and if any are good which ones? As you might be aware there is lots of snake oil out there and in most cases all you need to be truly healthy is a good diet and a little exercise throughout your week. Yet many say some supplements are useful if not effective.
Discussion ideas:
* What is your opinion of the supplement market? Snake oil or is some of it good?
* Do you take any supplements, or would you recommend any supplements?
* On nootropics a.k.a. the “limitless pill” is there brain boosting supplements that really work?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (05-01)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( NOTE: Have a weekly idea? Add it!
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 89](
* [Weekly 88](
* [Weekly 87](
I'll post some useful pdfs and resources for the home and garden I've collected. Post some you have found useful as well.
Thanks, E J Generic
A lot of times a synopsis on a wikipedia equivalent (infogalactic) seems to cover a lot of the essentials of a novel. Or like cliff notes, summaries of novels.
When do you think novels are superior to short stories?
Where is the place of novels in today's world?
Discuss literary forms
posted 2 years ago by lebasedPoggers in NationalSocialism (+11 / -0 )
> [Aquinas] notes that the state should allow fornication and prostitution to exist for the sake of the common good. Relying on the well-known passage from Augustine’s De ordine, Aquinas advocates tolerance of prostitution by noting: “Accordingly in human government also, those who are in authority rightly tolerate certain evils, lest certain goods be lost, or certain evils be incurred: thus Augustine says [De ordine 2.4]: ‘If you do away with harlots, the world will be convulsed with lust.’” If these social practices were to be suppressed, the public reaction might be such as to threaten the peace of society.
Everything happens for a reason, I knew that the 6 color flag had a purpose around occult symbolism. Now we know exactly where it came from.
The devils followers keep him "hidden in plain sight." But the devil doesnt know that his pride and his vanity are weaknesses we will exploit. And we are just beginning to turn the tide.
The red-hats believe we have been "winning" for years lol and they specically bring up the meme war. But the truth is that the devil has had us beat on that regard up until very recently. I read a pol thread a few weeks ago about the power level of memes: Chad, Soyjack, Pepe etc are what we consider to be powerful memes but they are NOTHING (as in incredibly weak) compared to many of the devils memes: Ok Boomer, My body My choice, black lives matter, country of immigrants, etc.
Im paraphrasing a lot of what Id read and what is not clear in my memory, but the point is that there is a difference between regular memes and powerful memes. Power memes are far beyond regular memes, they reach more people, they last longer (possibly forever) and most importantly they actually change the dialogue and tides of this battle.
The most powerful meme of recent years is "Fake News". It began as the devil's but was later adopted by our side to spread distrust for the mainstream media. But I wonder if "fake news" was supposed to change sides, seeing who popularized it in 2016, it's hard not to notice that it only dismantles open dialogue no matter what side weaponizes the term.
Another power meme was "Ok Boomer" which has the same purpose and effect as "fake news": to stop open dialogue and to discourage any critical thinking about certain topics. The "Karen" meme was the same way but not as powerful. The basic idea is to get people to disregard complaints against *progressive* change. Conform goy or else get called a mean insult.
OK GROOMER is a power meme. The devil desperately wants to keep the pedos hidden and protected, and the right has been secretly pushing faggotry onto kids and normalizing it in our society. All fags are groomers. Make it known far and wide.
Ok groomer also works for critical race theory. Basically anyone who is in a position around children. Anyone who tries to indoctrinate against the parents will. Groomers!
I believe that the merchant man is likely the most powerful meme ever created. It is over 1000 years old, we see this meme in many variation all throughout history. It is the most censored meme that exists today.
If we are to win this battle than we are going to need to plan far ahead and develop power memes. Remember, this war is one of information, it is a war for the minds, and there is no distinction between citizen and soldier. Even those who dont know it are in this war. All the white npcs who got vaccinated wont have children, they are soldiers lost. We are fighting pure evil.
So the strategy to win this information war is two simple steps:
1. Develop power memes
2. Sneak past censorship to spread truth
Forums like this one facilitate number 1, however it does not get to normies. Truth spreads fast, even when censored, it just need to get to people initially. We need to recruit normies. Wagies, NPCs, whatever you want to call them, we need to recruit them. Even if theyre retarded, or black or whatever, if they are not on the side of truth than they will unknowingly be recruited to the side of evil. I know many of you will disagree with this but know that YOU are not immune to all the devil's propaganda. They want us divided in every way possible, they dont want blacks to know that whites werent responsible for their slavery. Malcom X and Mr bond make indoctrination easy.
You guys are some of the best meme creators on the internet. We must work together to make better, stronger, targetted propaganda. We will win this war.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
posted 2 years ago by nachtwaffen in ConsumeProduct (+6 / -0 )
I remember the massive meme wave of dunking on people who didn't want to pump their kids full of dozens of different vaccines in the first few years of their life. A lot of animosity was generated against these few and far between people. The numbers have risen since then, and the media propagandists have convinced the lemmings that anyone who doesn't want a vaccine for coronavirus is some sort of anti (all) vaccine(s) wingnut boomer Karen etc who now has the ire of said lemmings who have spent the last few years bashing actual anti-vaccine people. I don't know how many people noticed this, but it might explain the anger the average person has thrust upon him when he just doesn't want a coronavirus vaccine.
Did you notice the word shifting that has happened? They call it "the vaccine" like it is the only one. If one gets more specific, some people say "the covid vaccine" like there aren't many different ones.
On a related note, why did so many people start calling it "the jab"? "Jab" was mainly a U.K. word for vaccine, where we generally say "shot" in the U.S. I noticed people and the media unprecedentedly started saying "jab" during this time period. Where did that come from as well?
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These threads are run in parallel on
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom weed](
Hits bong, exhales, “Dude weed” Seth Rogan laugh heheuheuheu!!111!1
In this weekly our discussion is on the devils lettuce, weed, dope, ganga, marijuana, cannabis. Taking drugs recreationally isn’t good for your health in general. We all know that you shouldn’t do drugs unless it’s proscribed or recommended by a doctor. But most people don’t follow that proverb despite it being sound advice. Consider, yourself and all those you know that do drugs, weed, caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol. Many would argue that in no way should the Government dictate what you can and cannot consume. Most would agree that alcohol prohibition caused more problems than it fixed which is why it ended. Similarly, arguments can be made pointing out that the war on drugs is a failure comparable to the prohibition era. Recently a Marijuana Reform Bill passed in the US House of Representatives which if the Senate passed would federally legalize Marijuana removing it as a schedule 1 controlled substance. What would happen if weed became federally legal in the United States? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Is Marijuana not the evil street drug with no medical value that the US has told you it is for some 50 years?
Discussion ideas:
* What do you think about the US House of Representatives passing the Marijuana bill? Do you think the Senate will also pass it? Would Joe Biden Veto it if it came across his desk?
* What is your opinion of Marijuana? Is it equivalent to alcohol in terms of recreational use? Are there medical benefits to it or is that just stoner nonsense?
* Dude weed
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (04-24)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( NOTE: Feel free to add new weekly theme suggestions or topics.
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 88](
* [Weekly 87](
* [Weekly 86](
Easter Fire Tradition (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+3 / -0 )
Not sure which church this is associated with, I think multiple
> Easter fires are typically bonfires lit before, during, or after Easter Sunday as part of secular and religious celebrations.
posted 2 years ago by x0x7 in general (+2 / -0 )
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