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posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in Dieversity (+3 / -0 )
Humanzees confirmed ? (
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+1 / -3 )
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in technology (+1 / -0 )
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
Great discussions ConPro. And if you have any weekly theme ideas add them to our open response poll.
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Back to Schooooool](
Summer is coming to an end and for many this means back to school for your indoctrination uh, I mean education. This weekly our focus is on returning to school (the fall semester). The goal of this weekly is to share advice for starting the semester off right and discuss what it’s like returning to school.
Discussion ideas:
* Share advice to succeed at school. E.g., studying advice, time management, etc.
* Share something you are looking forward to or something you are dreading. E.g., dorms with friends, dealing with annoying sjw lefty types, etc.
* Have you chosen a major, switched your major, or are you happy with your current major?
* Are there still annoying COVID policies in place at your school / university or has everyone stopped caring about the coof?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (08-28)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
Braille Music (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+4 / -0 )
> Braille music is a Braille code that allows music to be notated using Braille cells so that music can be read by visually impaired musicians.
The history and ideology of the occult societies that have been behind the events that have shaped our world and how they all stem from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
posted 2 years ago by sirdigby in ConsumeProduct (+10 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by sirdigby in ConsumeProduct (+15 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by helloimhere in ConsumeProduct (+16 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+7 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by helloimhere in Dieversity (+4 / -0 )
##The Barbary War
May 13th 1805 Derna, Libya
After gaining her independence in 1783, the United States of America began trading by sea with European nations. In 1800, many American merchant ships were being raided and plundered by North African nations known as the Barbary States. Initially the United States tried diplomacy to get the Barbary Pirates to stop attacking their ships, but when the US ambassador met with a Moorish prince in London, England, his response to the Americans was "because Allah commands us to attack the infidels". Realizing that diplomacy was out of the question US President Thomas Jefferson had congress declare war on the Barbary States in 1801, which became known as the Barbary War.
In 1804 the US government came up with a plan to end the Barbary War by deposing the ruler of Tripolitania Yusuf Karamanli and replacing him with his brother Hamet Karamanli. In 1805 a group of 10 US Marines led by Lieutenants Presley O'Bannon and William Eaton arrived in Alexandria, Egypt where they met Hamet Karamanli. From there they recruited a group of 200 Greek and 300 Arab-Turkish mercenaries. On March 8th Eaton's group(Eaton placed himself in charge) left Alexandria for Derna. At around halfway through the journey the Arabs revolted over believing they were not receiving enough food, but was quelled by the Greeks and Marines.
On April 27th the expedition arrived at Derna, at the same time 3 American ships arrived off the coast of the city. At 2:45pm on the next day the American ships began bombarding the city and Lt. Eaton lead his forces to attack the city. The men captured the gun batteries of the city and turned them on the city as the defenders had left them functioning in their hasty retreat. Lt Eaton then raised the American flag above the battery. By 4pm the battle was over. Yusuf had received word that Derna had been captured, and sent an army to recapture it on May 13th, but was driven back by the expedition still occupying the city.
On June 10th a treaty was signed between America and Tripolitania and the US Marines and Greeks left Derna. Hamet became governor of Derna. The Battle of Derna ended the Barbary War. The attack on Derna had shocked many of the other Barbary states into leaving American merchant ships alone and European ships took advantage of this by carrying American flags on board to convince the pirates to leave them alone. The Battle of Derna was Americas first battle on foreign soil and was latter immortalized in The Battle Hymn of the Marine Corps, with the part "to the shores of Tripoli".
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in WhiteBeauty (+5 / -0 )
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