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posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
New information has recently been discovered concerning the brother of the secretly Ugandan real Führer of Black Germany, Adolf Nigler (See also:, before the German National Socialists, who were Black, were whitewashed by the OSS and the Jewish media working in tandem with hired Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin.
The attached photo, found among the information, is of Adolf Nigler's brother, Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber, a.k.a. Yedolf Hitler after the National Socialist seizure of power, or, after being recruited by the United States during Operation Paper Clip, Yedolf West. For more information on, and another photo of, Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber, see:
Yedolf West, who took up a new surname to evade Soviet agents, is the father of Black American celebrity figure Kanye West. Kanye West is thus the nephew of 'Adolf Hitler', a.k.a. the whitewashed version of the real Führer of Black Germany, Adolf Nigler.
As mentioned in the previous post concerning Yedolf Hitler, the name 'Kanye' is a euphemism for the highly efficient extermination of Jews led by Yedolf, which led leading National Socialists to jokingly refer to the killing of Jews using his nickname, 'Ye'.
In a secret interview, Yedolf shed light on the way that his nickname had become a codeword for killing Jews. 'We'd say that we were going to Ye some Jews tonight', said Yedolf, laughing.
He revealed that the last time he saw his brother, Adolf Nigler, Adolf was adamant that '[W]e need to Ye all of the Jews', repeating it numerous times throughout the conversation. Adolf Nigler, Yedolf claimed, was somewhere in Africa or in South America, routinely moving between the two continents. He claimed that news of his brother's death was clearly premature. Both brothers, he said, are determined to let the world know the real truth about World War II: that National Socialist Germany is truly Black and that it is the destiny of the Black race to 'Ye the Jews'—that is, to exterminate global Jewry.
Asked about his son's name, Yedolf proceeded to tell interviewers that he originally considered the name 'Canye', meaning 'Can exterminate all Jews'—that exterminating all Jews is indeed possible—but later opted to change the 'C' to a 'K' to better hide the intent behind his choosing such an unusual name for his son.
The attached photo of Yedolf Hitler was taken in 1944, he alleges. Feeling triumphant after having a record number of Jews put to death that day, he decided that it would be wise to have a photo taken to preserve that day for posterity. Indeed, leading National Socialists considered renaming the anniversary of that day 'Ye Day' in future years.
Though Yedolf's original intent was to pass the photo down to his son once he was old enough to appreciate his father's achievements as a senior figure in the government of National Socialist Germany, he decided instead to give it to his interviewers as evidence of his radical claims.
Yedolf said that Kanye was '100% onboard with finishing off the struggle that his father and uncle had started against the Jewish parasite'. Kanye, Yedolf said, was 'even more fanatical than I [his father] am. My son believes that each and every Jew should be flayed before he gets Ye'd'.
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in general (+6 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in general (+7 / -0 )
> On June 30, 1948, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming February 1 as National Freedom Day. It is not a federal holiday; government offices and banks are open for business.
> National Freedom Day is a United States observance on February 1 honoring the signing by Abraham Lincoln of a joint House and Senate resolution that later became the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. President Lincoln signed the Amendment outlawing slavery on February 1, 1865, although it was not ratified by the states until later.
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in WhiteBeauty (+4 / -0 )
Much sexier than Trump fans.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 34. The 10 Commandments Before The Creation Of Beings? [6.28]
If angels are sexless (Matthew 22:30), why was the 7th commandment valid from the beginning? Did it apply in God's foreknowledge, because He knew that He would create man? Which of the 10 Commandments did Lucifer/Satan break?
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+4 / -0 )
Article by Templar and Hydra
> green text copypasta with a Chudjack
Chudjack makes any meme he appears in more sinister. BECAUSE, there is a little angry goyslave in all of us.
*Revolt against postmodern world.*
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom fREEEEE speech](
In this weekly, we consooom fREEEEEE speech. Most rationally-minded people see the importance of free speech. So much so that many countries consider it a God-given right or argue it is a fundamental human right. Ideally, free speech means no limitations on what can be said. We know that ideal comes with many ‘buts’ some examples of this include “shouting fire in a crowded theater”, the use of “fighting words”, the use of misinformation (fake news), denial or historical revision of certain events, “indecent use or expressions of speech” like pornography or “hate speech”. There are two prime regulators of speech, that is people (what is socially acceptable) and the Government (what is by law legal or illegal). These two censors sometimes align but often feel at odds with one another. The internet is largely seen as the circumventor of both censors enabling the idealistic form of free speech. In recent years the internet has strayed far away from the idealistic form of free speech largely due to the centralization of the internet where big tech actively works with Governments to combat and censor what they deem not acceptable forms of speech. Some see this censorship as a good thing and in some cases it is. However arguably most of this censorship truly appears malevolent. In this weekly we ask where is the fine line between free speech and unacceptable speech? Should all speech be allowed in the idealistic form of free speech or is it truly a complicated matter where we can’t have free speech in its idealistic form?
Discussion ideas:
* What does “free speech” really mean, what does it look like, and how is it supposed to work in society?
* Do you consider yourself a free speech absolutist?
* Where do you draw the line on what “speech”, or “forms of speech” shouldn’t be allowed? In otherwards when should speech not be free of consequence?
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i hate the antichrist
I Hate The Antichrist
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posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in ConsumeProduct (+5 / -0 )
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