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I used to see people elsewhere post a lot of (intentional?) wordsalad describing detailed complex "neoreactionary" views which they admitted was purposely verbose (using more words than necessary to filter out "pseuds" or dumber people).
This seems to have filtered out in favor of a general MAGA populism (?), maybe just because it's the biggest alternative movement that's closest nearby to those views (?).
Anyway is anyone in to NRx views or is it a stale or dead meme at this point or what should we think of it?
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
I did nazi this post coming
> Nazis didn't use the media to promote abortion
"Majority vote ends law banning doctors from offering information about abortion procedures"
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
distributism generally is for property being more widespread, and people owning the means of production or being able to be their own small business
mutualism is a little more leftwing version of ancap, but they oppose things like interest on loans because it doesn't produce anything (I would delete some of the leftwing things in mutualism but I think in a free market people wouldn't necessary be capitalist but they might be kind of "socialist")
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
thoughts on (anarchist) mutualism and distributism?
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
fifty shades of moral decay
> Bottles was born in 2017 as a personal need. I needed a practical way to manage my wineprefixes. I hate the idea of using applications that install me a version of wine for each application and I decided to create this application, based on the concept of using one or more wine prefixes as a "container" for all my applications.
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in technology (+0 / -0 )
removed by moderator
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
so how is socialism different from capitalism as hitler defines it? could you just be a "conscious capitalist" and it's the same thing?
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
not much in this article but:
Seems like a lot of trust has been obliterated today, like I cringe reading people try to broadcast intimate opinions shared within a relationship post-breakup on to social media
So then either you have to find people you can test a lot to see if they're trustworthy, or you mostly have to "let it all burn" until trust completely breaks down in society forcing a reset of trust and punishment of breaches of trust
So what do you think about how high trust societies are created, how much trust exists in society today (USA), or what are your thoughts on this topic in general?
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
so it sounds like to you natsoc is basically Christian nationalism. But like that's something different. You could have capitalism and Christian nationalism.
Which brings up again my skepticism and makes me question what natsocs are about. I think some self-identify as natsoc because it just triggers leftists which is admittedly hilarious. I saw a SJW the other day post unironically they want to ban porn because it is "degrading to women" which sounded exactly like "Nazis" who want to do the same thing. They seemed oblivious that they were in agreement with "Nazis" (well some, anyway).
I guess part of the point of my post was to identify specific things that natsocs like or are about. Frequently I see online a vague understanding of economics by natsocs, which makes me think in reality they could probably be natcaps (nationalist capitalists) with just a little economics reading or reasoning. "Socialism" is not really necessary to their views, it's just they identify with natsoc because they think it represents other views they might have (like Christian nationalism).
And again so if a natsoc simply wants to be free to be a Christian away from like muslim or Jewish or other religious influences, this isn't really intrinsic to authoritarian natsoc but could be compatible with libertarian nationalist capitalism. You can just have property owners ban a lot of degeneracy and not "consoom" it yourself.
Also it seems strange to me that so many haven't tried to distance natsoc from any kind of implication of a desire for violence. Probably because such natsocs are angry, and they like people thinking of them as edgy. But I imagine a lot of natsocs don't want to hurt anyone, they just want to be left alone to be who they are.
So actually the "violent authoritarian natsoc" seems like they might be in reality a nonviolent libertarian-ish nationalist capitalist.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
didn't click link but I've seen the idea before, on the surface it sounds nonsensical like those who identify as "pan-attracted" ... they attracted to animals and kids too?
So similarly how ridiculous is a "pan" government. It can't be anarchy and monarchy at the same time, so which is it, anarchy or monarchy? They are binary choices. Unless it's saying something like privatized institutions in something like anarcho-capitalism, is much like government institutions, and so it's acknowledging the centrality of some kind of institution for human organization.
I could see people trying out different forms of government or cycling through them.
I suppose I just don't grasp what "panarchy" is.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
kind of a commie holiday but also kind of not
labor is very important to socialists; for example would be important I'd think to the "national socialists" here
> taxation is theft
I certainly think no taxes would be best taxes hypothetically so to speak
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+7 / -0 )
It's an unofficial end to summer with kids going back to school and some places curtailing operations.
Seems like in the spirit of trying to reduce people's labor that shopping or picking up food might be curtailed on the day so people don't have to work with customers as much, for those who have the day off.
What does Labor Day mean to you?
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
yeah, I go back and forth on how much manual / mental versus human calculation we need
I do think a case can be made for outsourcing all the calculation to the computers and just having us do higher reasoning or lower level thinking simply to identify what calculations need to be made instead of making them
it's like digging a hole. If we have excavator machines, do we need to teach kids to dig with a shovel? More manual calculation is only really needed if we get in to a survival scenario where we can't have access to a calculator device or computer to calculate with. Otherwise we would be more productive just teaching how to operate the machines.
Since we have limited time to teach, we could possibly cover more ground by not teaching manual / mental calculation so much as how to operate calculators and computers more. Maybe just an idea of how to calculate if you need it in a pinch.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
well so assuming you're not orthodox (based on the video) we would consider you to be "protestant" as well I guess (are you like independent baptist?).
interestingly I forget if we've had conversations about this before, but it seems like with the papacy being taken over, that the "pope" (who is not actually a pope from some Catholics' viewpoint) is "anti-Christ" now just like many protestants have believed for years. Yes, Francis has been calling for a need for a "New World Order". These accusations came from protestants for a while but now Catholics hold some of these views against the current "popes". It is a strange situation.
He's saying that "you can't be a Christian if..." you believe something that Christians believe. Like Christians have always been ok with people having weapons, I imagine - even to protect yourself against animals. So there's no substance to a statement that you can't be a Christian and make or own weapons.
I don't really know if this is the end of times though. I could see somehow an actual Catholic pope getting back in the Vatican for some time and the pendulum completely swinging in a different direction. It's really to me impossible to tell what the future holds. There are some things not in place for the end of times it seems, yet. I could see it go either way, they could fall in to place or fall off track for a long time.
Covid's aftermath now looks confusing in retrospect. Some people were saying it was a mark of the beast, but there were things that weren't in place for that to be true. And now it seems the plan failed for now possibly (?), things opened back up for now. But the same stuff could happen again in connection to some kind of false religion. Or maybe not, maybe things will persist for some time off in to the future.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
as you're already aware but I will simply repeat, the Vatican appears to be taken over by non-Catholic / non-Christian SJWs who parrot a lot of wacky things, like "pope" Francis has said any host of strange things we would gawk at here:
you don't have to click the links, the headlines are within the link, just making the point and citing a few examples
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
yeah, knot-tying is definitely a useful skill that I've wondered why isn't more commonly picked up or taught
and how many people do you think are like this?
I guess there are some blacks and Native Americans who think there were certain whites that wronged them in the past.
Other "POC" are fine with whites and don't really care and think pitting races against each other is just a divide and conquer propaganda meme to distract people from conflict against wealthy people.
There seem to be some white girls who are dating "POC" simply because of their hatred of their own whiteness or maybe white males who ghosted them or something.
On the other hand I see more "POC" speak positively of whites at times in reaction to some of this anti-white racism.
So like why do you think there is so much hate of white people sometimes today?
The Case For Computer Based Math (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in general (+2 / -0 )
> CBM is a new subject that starts from maths in the real world and works back to redefine the educational subject to match. A crucial change is to have computer-based (rather than human-powered) computation at its heart—redefining maths as the anchor subject for computational thinking across all subjects, centred on real-life problem solving, not historical hand-calculating techniques.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
2 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 ) 1 child
something interesting I learned about amish is they only go to school to like the 8th grade (middle school)
which then would make people think they're simply uneducated
but I think they keep learning like in apprenticeship and studying on their own and so on
May have had a post like this some time before
I can't tell what natsoc is through the propaganda, plus a lot of self-identified natsocs online seem like classical liberals with a nationalist bent to them
I generally like freedom over authoritarianism and capitalism over socialism, so those would be my complaints
I like conservative / nationlist things and voluntarily taking care of people instead of socialism though
so what do you define natsoc as and if you're natsoc why do you like it and if not natsoc what do you like instead
\> me: anarcho-monarchism (anything from anarchy to monarchy) + conservative / nationalist principles
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
consoom goyslop
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