Joined 3 years ago
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> we are excited to announce that we have partnered with Google
2 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
"didn't you hear about the thing?"
"the what? anyway would you like some eggs from my chickens?"
Buckethead: "Sub Sea Hollow" Album (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in Music (+4 / -0 )
ambient, instrumental
It'll be getting cold here in a few weeks.
For me summer just was what it was, I can't really predict anything in life, too many "black swan" (unpredictable) events, there were the highs and the lows
How was it for you?
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
kinda blasphemous
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
"""beautiful at all sizes"""
\> consoom pretending to be a criminal
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Classic: Aesop's Fables (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+7 / -0 )
Full text:
So I've seen some sites promote eating roadkill - I have in mind deer you see dead on the side of the road.
How about some other uses that might not risk illness from eating them?
Could you skin them and use the hide for something?
How about the bones?
Any other parts of the body that could be reused for something?
This is a response post to a top Reddit story that U.S. Christianity is Shrinking (2022):
So which is it? I see factors going back and forth, and I will define "Christianity" broadly as any of these groups that claim to be Christian for the sake of this discussion (although I personally hold it to be a more narrow definition of only being the Church I believe is exclusively the one Christian Church).
On the one hand, we have groups like the Amish or Mormons who reproduce more than the general nonreligious population. While I see lots of people defecting from religion, I also see a lot of people doubling down on trying to take religion seriously. Those who have defected from Christianity seem to still seek out some kind of substitute religion, whether it is in science, New Age, Buddhism, or what have you.
So what do you think? Is "Christianity" growing or declining?
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
hiding resources and getting them from taxes?
> In Internet culture, the 1% rule is a rule of thumb pertaining to participation in an internet community, stating that only 1% of the users of a website actively create new content, while the other 99% of the participants only lurk
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
these "exotic" meats can be a bit more expensive, might be good for a treat now and then
plus I think possibly the cost would go down in the future if there was more demand and supply
might be something to get in to if people are interested in raising them too
I'm just interested in trying different things as well, sometimes people think there are so few things and options in the world
I was amazed when I first started becoming aware of things, to see yellow and purple carrots for example (I think?!) - it's a whole big world out there with true interesting "diversity" (rather than the forced leftist idea of "diversity", or destroying diversity and creating one mixed monoculture)
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I think direct messages, instant messages, forum posts, etc. might indirectly replace some of email
a lot of email is spam tbh
Variant Bonus: Suspense Sound Effect -
2 years ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
it's hierarchical bro
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
DioPepe the Cynic
Why Eat Yak Meat? (
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+8 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in technology (+4 / -0 )
> DivestOS is a vastly diverged unofficial soft fork of LineageOS
New "home alone sedevacantist" site up: ("CE")
There seems to be an ongoing debate of us "home alone sedevacantists" versus the sedevacantists who currently believe Catholics have churches to go to, example response post:
I side with CE in some respects, I don't think Catholics have any (known) churches today ("home alone"), and don't have a pope ("sedevacantist" / sedes). Some other sedes have tried to set up churches and consecrate bishops and ordain priests, but they acknowledge this is not done in accordance with the rules (popes typically need to approve consecrations of bishops, meaning these operations are "illegal" or illicit).
In practice some people have had negative experiences with these operations so pairing that with the theological understanding of these operations being created by violating Canon law, some Catholics have therefore concluded there are no (known) churches for Catholics today.
The new site for me is a bit refreshing to see, it seems the "home alone" view is growing, although slowly.
The other main "home alone" site that comes to mind is ("BCC") - of course it is absurd for me to also mention that CE had a falling out with the author of that site, for now.
But I kind of side with CE, mostly because CE is just a regular guy. BCC is just of a different generation and has a different mindset. But I think BCC has a lot of interesting info, and both I and CE have learned a lot from that site I think.
Discuss "sedevacantist" and "home alone" related topics?
2 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
> Is some music intrinsically bad for society or the spirit?
Honestly in theory to me it sounds like something like mostly classical or acoustic or ambient are the only acceptable forms, in practice it seems a lot more blurry.
The steady beat of a lot of popular musics is thought to be carnal and inclines people towards base instincts, like that it can be hypnotizing and turn off the brain.
Some studies have shown classical music can help epilepsy, so I guess it can really have an affect on the brain:
The culture of a lot of these movements is also indecent. Electronica "rave" culture promotes drug use; rock music often promotes rebellion against authority. Rap can promote various criminal "thug" / "gangster" activities. The artists often also promote SJW initiatives. Lyrics can be offensive, blasphemous, immoral. Overall it just seems like a mess to avoid.
This has been a genuine puzzle to me which I am still trying to come to terms with as I am artistic and like music. I've tried to ask other questions like, what kind of music do we think God would want people to create or listen to? It seems like the answer would be religious music, so maybe that should be the top music for people to consume. Music can contain prayers or be a kind of prayer - perhaps this is the right way to make use of music, to make it in to a prayer?
There's a lot of other random issues with music in all its forms. Like it can be expensive to consoom music, concerts, and the like. It's nice for there to be a "canon" of music that people know and can sing together: nationalist themes, religious songs, educational songs (like the alphabet song) - to many random people making individualistic music can fracture a shared culture. I think it would be good to try to define or redefine a kind of "great canon" of musical works and for more people to consume them. There don't seem to be too many new classical achievements (maybe the film genre?) so people could look up old composers and their best works and listen to them.
> Share your favorite types of music
Vivaldi was a classical composer and Catholic priest, for example he composed the famouse "Four Seasons":
Has anyone else had a similar reaction to modern music?
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