Fuck boomers. They lived during the greatest artificial prosperity ever experienced during the entire history of mankind and decided that "actually microplastics and estrogen are the things I want to leave my grandchildren, not functional generational culture and knowledge and wealth".
Sure most wouldn't even know what the fuck I just said, but the ones that do, won't even mutter an apology only a "you would have done the same"
Most people will go along with the winner. They won't be convinced until the institutional power is already well within the grasp of the "rebels". During the War Of Independence, only like 5% of households actually took part, and even after they won there were still a majority that supported the crown.
He's a boomer so he probably just fucked up on OPSEC. That being said, I still do believe him when he said "they're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way".
I also love the irony in interstellar when the brother is growing corn. Like they didn't learn a thing when they farmed the earth into oblivion the first time, instead let's farm more fucking corn lol.
I saw this comment on a YT video for Intersellar soundtrack by Hans (((Zimmer))). Imagine being such a fucking consoomer that your last wish on this Earth is to literally be the meme: "My only regret is that I didn't consoom more content...."