The government has never done anything illegal or immoral. Democracy is great. Our justice system is perfect. God bless my government, who has my best interests in mind at all times in all situations. I'm grateful I can relax knowing this true fact.
Many folk know already. A good PSA for those who didn't know, though. It's like any other blade, really. Take care of it even if its dirt cheap like a safety razor blade.
Before clicking on the link I thought of mentioning his church's laxity on miscegenation. I like his anti-crt and debunking of the holocaust but he and the other churches affiliated with aren't perfect.
I think those posts are annoying and pathetic, regardless of intent. No one fucking cares about their fucking dead father they used to hear the rock and roll song with.
I hear you, man. I'm trying to turn my anger into something positive. I'm going to do more activism stuff to get more people aware of the Jews. If I can wake 10 people up it would be time well spent. Plus, thinking I make many people seethe along the way makes me chuckle on the inside.
"Considering the Satanic skill which these evil counsellors displayed, how could their unfortunate victims be blamed." - Mein Kampf pg 45.
Let's be angry at the Jews, as well as our parents for letting this happen and ourselves if we aren't actively fighting against this in the real world. Let's not be angry at this poor young child.
Why is there a random adderall ad in the top left? THINKING TOO MUCH? CONSOOM DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!