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posted 2 years ago by Since1897 in ConsumeProduct (+8 / -0 )
Additionally, Christ needs to be King
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+11 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+15 / -0 )
"The first shall be last" ?
###NorthWest Front [Would you like to know more?](
So You Want To Build A Mannerbund (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ParallelSociety (+4 / -0 )
Reading and Studying the Bible, and coming away with the impression that God does not care about Race, and Bloodline.
Either blind, stupid, or dishonest.
If Communism is rule by a centralized authority that determines all social policy, then Capitalism is a gateway to Communism.
In any Capitalistic economy, the largest corporations will continue to expand, and take over smaller corporations.. In time the corporations will have more power than the Government, and they will make policy behind the scenes.
Once the large corporations have all of the Power, they use the State as a proxy, and after a time Capitalism makes the entrance of Communism much more feasible.
Agorism is Superior to Capitalism. Keep the Free market, but reject central currency, and economic controls.
posted 2 years ago by sparrow in Christianity (+4 / -0 ) Edited 2022-08-19 16:07:13
> Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: “Charity is the bond of perfection[2];” and perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God’s: “The principal effect of love is so to unite the wills of those who love each other as to make them will the same things[3].” It follows then, that the more one unites his will with the divine will, the greater will be his love of God. Mortification, meditation, receiving Holy Communion, acts of fraternal charity are all certainly pleasing to God -- but only when they are in accordance with his will. When they do not accord with God’s will, he not only finds no pleasure in them, but he even rejects them utterly and punishes them.
> Finally we should consider the events which are happening to us now and which will happen to us in the future, as coming from the hands of God. Everything we do should be directed to this one end: to do the will of God and to do it solely for the reason that God wills it.
> To this end let us familiarize ourselves with certain texts of sacred scripture that invite us to unite ourselves constantly with the divine will: “Lord, what wilt thou have me do[80]?” Tell me, my God, what thou wilt have me do, that I may will it also, with all my heart.
> Conformity signifies that we join our wills to the will of God. Uniformity means more -- it means that we make one will of God’s will and ours, so that we will only what God wills; that God’s will alone, is our will. This is the summit of perfection and to it we should always aspire; this should be the goal of all our works, desires, meditations and prayers.
20,000,000 Russians were martyred by Jewish Bolsheviks. Almost every Russian family has a martyr in their ancestry.
> In July 2012, Tablet Magazine, an online Jewish publication, quoted the Public Religion Research Institute’s 2012 Jewish Values Report: "American Jews are overwhelmingly in favor of abortion in all (49%) or most (44%) cases. There is little denominational or demographic variation on this level of overall support." The author went on to summarize:
> "That’s 93%, folks. The report goes to explain that while opinions are more varied by political affiliation among Jews, over 75% of Jewish Republicans believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases. From the data, it seems that Wasserman Schultz isn’t saying anything that isn’t reflective of the vast majority of Jewish opinion. In fact, it seems that access to abortion is the issue upon which the most Jews agree." [37]
> Polls of Jews in America report that 88% of American Jews are pro-choice.[38]
I don't understand this, Judaism itself sounds like it would be conservative. Is it just a ton of Jews that have drifted away, like "liberal Christians" but who still call themselves Jewish?
Of course it fits in with being a kind of curse from God, or allowing them to fall in to error for rejecting Christ.
But still, I don't understand the history and why this political shift came about.
posted 2 years ago by doginventer in Christianity (+4 / -0 )
I've been having a steam in bag of vegetables and pot pie mixed together for lunch for longer than I care to remember. I need quick easy lunch ideas that avoid Walmart & fast food
I've been having a steam in bag of vegetables and pot pie mixed together for lunch for longer than I care to remember. I need quick easy lunch ideas that avoid Walmart & fast food
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