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###Same old games.
The Man who invented Climate Change and influenced Schwab’s Great Reset Agenda – The Expose
The Cartography of Post-COVID-19 Green Growth > Green Horizon Summit: The Pivotal Role of Finance | World Economic Forum [19.00 (Mark Carney 8.45)]
Maurice Strong's unprecedented rise to power [9.08]
G. BECK Part 1 UN MAURICE STRONG UNITED NATIONS Fox News Glenn [10.45] https:/
Environ-Mentalism: A New Religion for a New Age - Matt J [8.02]
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consume Halloooooween](
Happy Halloween ConPro!
This is our ConPro SpooOOooOoooky Halloween Story Contest™.
If you are blackpilled and love writing giga walls of text this should be fun weekly for you.
The Prize:
* Special shoutout on the next weekly.
* User with the best story will get a custom flair.
If you already have a flair, you can still participate and win for bragging rights. Check out the [least weekly]( we did this and the [results](
The story can be fictional, parody, based on real events, or “real-life” events (obviously don’t doxx yourself). Do you have a vision of a dystopian clown world? What horrors will we experience in the near future? What evil things must your character face today that no one else seems to notice? Be creative.
Discussion ideas:
* Share a spooky story
* Have fun!
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (10-30)](◀
* [Suggest a new weekly theme to be add to the list](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
2 Timothy 3:3 and Romans 1:31 both speak of end times and evil people being "without natural affection". The word for "affection" here is the Greek word (stergo) for the love of one's own kin. In other words, a lack of love for their genetic relations.
Gertrud Scholtz-Klink (1902-1999) was the Reichsfrauenführen (female leader) of the National Socialist Women’s League (Nationalsozialstische Frauenschaft, NSF) and the umbrella organization of the German Women’s Enterprise (Deutsches Frauenwerk, DFW) during the Third Reich (1933-1945). She was with these functions the most influential women in Nazi Germany.
[Women in modern European history]( The female Führer, Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, author of “Deutsch sein – heißt stark sein” (To Be German Is to Be Strong). Germany, 1934
1. All diseases not caused by simple exposure to toxic chemical compounds are caused by parasites; viruses do not exist, and bacteria are a form of parasite; conversely, fungi are anti-bacterial and thus antiparasitical in nature
2. From the common cold to cancer, treatment with antiparasiticals from garlic to fenbendazole cures all diseases which are not the result of poisoning
3. Parasites may cause either physical or mental symptoms, sometimes both, however those of consequence to the brain tend to not be of concern to the body outside the brain and vice versa
4. In some cases, parasites may actually cause positive physical symptoms, however effectively without exception in such cases, these parasites cause negative mental symptoms and vice versa; in a form of back handed symbiosis, as is to be expected
5. Parasites of a mental significance act as a malevolent hivemind, controlling the minds of those they infect, essentially proportional to levels of infection
6. Where a mind is controlled by the parasite hivemind, the needs and desires of the parasites subsume the needs and desires of the host, with few if any exceptions; indeed, the basic psychology of the host is altered given infection with parasites of such concern
7. The human body naturally fights off parasites, however this is a product of an uncompromised brain, a compromised brain is less effective in causing the body to fight off parasites
8. Neurological conditions of a genetic concern such as psychopathy and schizophrenia render the body more susceptible to parasite infection, and thus parasite control, by way of weakened biological defence mechanisms against parasites
9. Drugs such as alcohol among others of a similar gabaergic mechanism allow parasites present in one's body to exert a greater degree of control over their brain than normal
10. All behavior of social parasitism in humans is a product of parasite infection, without exception; no human is inherently evil, however every parasite is
11. Promiscuity, homosexuality, transgenderism, avarice, self-harm, and sociopathy are all products of parasitical infection run amok as applied to the brain
12. Physiognomy is a predictor of proneness to parasitical infection in both humans and animals; with beings of a more goblin-like physiognomy, for lack of better terms, proportionally more susceptible than others to parasitical infection and thus mind control
13. High levels of infection at the behest of parasites, combined with high levels of satiation of those parasites, is associated in humans with a greater level of connection with the parasite hivemind, and thus, a greater degree of influence over it, and with that, other humans subjugated by it; this is the cause of the social influencer phenomena, as applied to everything from politics, to business, to spirituality
14. Mushrooms, conversely, also operate within a metaphysical hivemind, however that hivemind is both benevolent and opposed to that of the parasites
15. Drugs such as psilocybin among others of a similar serotonergic mechanism not only protect against parasitical mind control, but also increase the degree of connection between the user and the mushroom hivemind, at the expense of their connection with the parasite hivemind
16. It may very well be that Earth, or Gaia, itself is a hivemind, that of but possibly beyond mushrooms, as evidenced by entheogenic serotonergic compounds of a non-mycological nature, a benevolent hivemind; of course, connection of one's brain with the parasite hivemind rather than the mushroom hivemind will cause predictable results, namely lower expressions of empathy and reduced feelings of interconnectedness with other minds, and vice versa; ultimately, the parasite hivemind is one of ego, the mushroom, one of non-ego, or uncorrupted consciousness
17. It's both possible and reasonable to assume that these hiveminds both extend beyond Earth and beyond the animal kingdom on Earth and elsewhere, per some form of extraterrestrial panspermia in the case of the mushroom hivemind, and extraterrestrial colonization in the case of the parasite hivemind
18. The parasite hivemind is associated with hierarchy, predation, and hedonism, the mushroom hivemind, with non-hierarchy, non-predation, and non-hedonism
19. Humans and animals controlled by the parasite hivemind inherently express hostility to those not
20. The presence of microbiota in humans is a scientific fact, as is the correlation between greater levels of microbiotic diversity, or levels of overall parasite infection in one, and higher mean levels of socioeconomic position within parasite-controlled human society
21. Not only can humans survive perfectly well with zero symbiotes, or parasites, present in their body, but indeed, such thrive; it's reasonable to expect that if humans were wholesale cleared of their parasitical infestation, human society would quickly start to resemble a utopia
Consume Good Christian rock (
posted 1 year ago by spctr in ConsumeProduct (+5 / -0 )
Parasites, as of today, rule the world, and perhaps much more. Jews are the favourite host of the parasites, per genetics and culture. Parasites make those infected operate within a hivemind based around hierarchy and satiation, with the most infected, so long as the parasites within are highly satiated, the most influential in this hivemind; "god", as described in Judaism and religions derived from it such as Christianity and Islam, is the parasite hivemind, and infection is what connects one to that hivemind. When celebs "sell their soul", actually what they're doing is deliberately increasing their level of infection with parasites and giving up their free will, or soul, in exchange for material gain, enabled by way of a greater connection with, and thus influence upon, the parasite hivemind.
Alcohol enables parasites to control your brain moreso, or in other words, they increase your connection with the parasite hivemind if infected. Shrooms on the other hand, do the polar opposite, protecting your brain from the control of the parasites; however, as shrooms are also a hivemind, though a benevolent one unlike the malevolent parasite one, consuming shrooms, per psilocybin, their active ingredient, will increase your connection with the shroom hivemind by way of its effect on your brain. This is confirmed per alcohol's effect of increasing sociability and decreasing inhibition, along with the ego death phenomena associated with shrooms. It's possible that both shrooms and parasites are of extraterrestrial origin, with their respective hiveminds spanning not just Earth, but perhaps the Milky Way galaxy, or even the entire universe.
Liberation from the parasite hivemind is only possible with parasite removal and protection against reinfection. Garlic, tobacco, and wormwood, along with the practice of fasting, among other things and practices, kill the parasites.
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