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1 year ago 3 points (+3 / -0 ) 1 child
something interesting I learned about amish is they only go to school to like the 8th grade (middle school)
which then would make people think they're simply uneducated
but I think they keep learning like in apprenticeship and studying on their own and so on
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Most of the education in the primary society is memorization of useless and false history, combined with indoctrination, and brain washing to accept illegitimate authority.
They should learn to read - write - do math - code early on, and then they should learn life skills, and a bit later in their education they should be taught logic, reasoning, and mental self control.
Finally as teenagers they should be taught philosophy, religion, and more complex topics.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
When someone is seriously hurt and needs hospital care or expensive medical treatment they all chip in. They sell shit, have auctions, etc.
More importantly, it's not one person or the same few people always looking for medical help like it would be among the English. With them it's a genuine need.
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