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1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
The most we can do now is absolutely nothing.
Not help them. Don't buy their music, support their businesses, don't watch nigger sports (or sports at all). When someone brings up any nigger worship question them about it. Challenge it.
I wouldn't support any politician but when one uses nigger worship in their campaign be vocal about it.
When you see a nigger sneer at it. Let it know you hate it.
Challenge any program, belief or anything that is pro nigger. Do not help ANY charity. Niggers use all of them and often no non niggers can benefit because niggers have drained them dry.
Do not be a customer for any nigger mechanic, landscaper, etc. If a nigger is even answering phones at your dentist, doctor, etc. Find another and let them know.
If everyone did this shit would change.
I think we are getting very close to segregation again, which means whites will be able to build their own shit for themselves again while nigger shit will fail.
More and more people are going to see what's happening. A lot of us are already sick to death of it.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
The most pressing issue for everyone in the US is the nigger crime wave. Somehow niggers managed to be above the law and can get away with anything.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Fuck yes they are. Remember when they tried to take their rioting bullshit to the hispanic neighborhood and ended up running from the vatos.
Asians are already against it. They know the Stop Asian Hate bullshit isn't white people.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
However, a backlash in inevitable. The same shit happened in the seventies after the sixties nigger riots. There was a years long crimewave and then in the eighties they built a lot of prisons and threw all the niggers inside. Passed crime bills, stiffer sentencing, etc. That was the reason for all the nigger sympathy. People forgot why they were all thrown in jail. Now they're starting to remember and soon they'll start building more prisons. We just need a politician with the balls to go against the current climate.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
The number one issue in this country- more important the climate, more important than taxes, economy, jobs, China, anything- is the racial crime wave and not one politician on either side are doing a thing about it. They aren't even mentioning it.
Until someone does and makes it their main priority- every politician should resign. Not only are they ignoring it, they are promoting policies that make it worse. Until one of them speaks out and works to stop it, every old women murdered, every young girl raped, every man, woman, elderly and young that is preyed on by a predator class that knows they are above the law then every politician is responsible.
Yes, I know they want it to happen. I'm not naive. They want it this way. The question is, why is anyone going along and just acting like it doesn't matter. Don't support anyone. Trump, Biden, DeSantis, fuck them all. They are all responsible.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
When someone is seriously hurt and needs hospital care or expensive medical treatment they all chip in. They sell shit, have auctions, etc.
More importantly, it's not one person or the same few people always looking for medical help like it would be among the English. With them it's a genuine need.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 2 children
That's what it all is- a bunch of people that do it to feel good about themselves. The question is why do they need to feel so good about themselves? What did they do or what are they lacking that they so badly need to believe they are 'good'?
1 year ago 4 points (+4 / -0 ) 1 child
When I was a kid and teenager adults would constantly try to get me to admit to violence and shit just so they could wash their hands of me. It wasn't CIA grooming or anything, I think they just saw it as a notch on their degree and could pat themselves on the back for 'saving' the other kids. It's pretty fucking sinister. One cunt of a guidance counselor buddyed up to me for weeks until I agreed to go into her office for a talk. During the talk she kept trying to bring the conversation back to drugs until I admitted using truth I didn't do drugs, had no idea where to get drugs and only did violence when I was attacked by other kids. Her method was 'and then you did drugs, right? It's ok, it's just between us. Everyone does it." It was fucking gross.
I think Zoomers are getting that for being trans or gay.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
I know the police are kiked but I'd still bet there are one or two cops that are embarrassed as fuck that this is their life. Hundreds of rapes and murders go unsolved and they spend all their money to find someone that spraypaints.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Kurt Cobain said something like that too.
He also whined that people that looked like the guys that used to bully him listened to his music.
-the ones that 'looked like'
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Uber said if you're racist they don't want you. Then actively pushed niggers over everyone else.
and, of course, Netflix for promoting child rape.
Disney for grooming
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The guy on the left ~isn't that bad~. That being said, all men, without exception, should be in if not peak shape, at least close to it. That this has been so neglected that guy on left is better than most is pathetic.
However, the guy on the right is in the middle of a workout. He doesn't look like that all the time.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Listen to him squeal like a girl when tased. Niggers are always such little bitches.
1 year ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
Other than the smart phone, the mobile scooter is the worst thing to happen to this society. Before there was a point you got ~too fat~ and you had to either die, lose weight or stay inside for the rest of your life. People this fat aren't meant to just keep on going like it's not a problem.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
the weird thing was Doug Henning wasn't gay. A leftover new agey hippie maybe but I think he had a wife. Could you imagine being married to that?
1 year ago 4 points (+4 / -0 ) 3 children
TIL there's a term for what I've been doing all my life.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
When I was a kid I didn't even know what gay people were but I was sure that guy was one.
1 year ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
I am too, but they should do it themselves. That's what they brag about. Problem is they always fail, even the one that allowed a few whites in failed and are forgotten.
Let's face it, nigs are never going to have their own communities. They have an entire continent to themselves and I'd still rather live in Siberia.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
Or the 'black only' communities whose founders all thought they came up with the idea first, only to fail and then are wiped from history because the results are always so embarrassing. Places like Soul City North Carolina and Freedom Georgia, which is still only a campground after two years.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The only time I've ever sympathized with niggers is the fact that they have to be with nigger women. What a fucking torture. God is cruel.
1 year ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
There was a tribe of Nigs more advanced than any others that, over the span of a few hundred years, conquered all of subsaharan Africa from the west coast to South Africa. They were smart enough to rule over every nigger on the continent.
The minute they met Europeans (Dutch, I think) they didn't stand a chance and were slaughtered and enslaved in no time at all.
Average Europeans destroyed the smartest niggers on the entire continent.
1 year ago 6 points (+6 / -0 ) Edited 2022-08-10 19:49:25
They we have so handicapped our society and everything in it but they still haven't made a lick of progress.
I grew up in a very comfortable Connecticut town with hardly any niggers, no homeless and no crime. When I was a teenager I moved to the South and "HOLY FUCK THEY STILL LIVE IN SHACKS??? We freed them 150 years ago and it looks like it happened yesterday?" Later that year I had to deliver food to a nigger neighborhood for a school requirement (tax dollars) and I saw inside their homes and saw they really do live that way. Also, most of them just do nothing but watch tv and live off everyone else.
If niggers were human they would be mortally embarrassed. What a pathetic, fucking loser race. Remember that when some niggers starts bragging in a rap. They are the absolute bottom, lowest tier race. I would rather be an East Indian dwarf than a nigger.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) Edited 2022-08-10 05:25:56
Skids and Rezillos on the punk side
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) Edited 2022-08-10 05:20:02 1 child
As a Scot, we are awful at music. How many Scottish bands can you name? Think how many came from their southern neighbors. All we have are those I will walk 500 miles guys.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Yes, let's discuss the holocaust is a court of law and let's televise it so everyone sees the evidence from both sides.
Televise it all, don't just mention it briefly like AP did when the Democrats friends went on trial for child trafficking.
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