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For me, it's the "gibs me dat" mentality.
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1 year ago 6 points (+6 / -0 ) Edited 2022-08-10 19:49:25
They we have so handicapped our society and everything in it but they still haven't made a lick of progress.
I grew up in a very comfortable Connecticut town with hardly any niggers, no homeless and no crime. When I was a teenager I moved to the South and "HOLY FUCK THEY STILL LIVE IN SHACKS??? We freed them 150 years ago and it looks like it happened yesterday?" Later that year I had to deliver food to a nigger neighborhood for a school requirement (tax dollars) and I saw inside their homes and saw they really do live that way. Also, most of them just do nothing but watch tv and live off everyone else.
If niggers were human they would be mortally embarrassed. What a pathetic, fucking loser race. Remember that when some niggers starts bragging in a rap. They are the absolute bottom, lowest tier race. I would rather be an East Indian dwarf than a nigger.
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