This is why niggers are bad at crime. Why steal so many when you have no plan to sell them? Why store them all together? That many bikes would get you an organized crime charge.
The number of niggers in prison isn't only because they commit so much crime. They're fucking awful at it too.
Not criticizing you, I just think it's funny how the left is always crying about how racist people in the past were and then acting offended when they talk about how racist they are.
India was one of the first civilizations. They were one of the first tribes to get it together and actually start building. What the fuck is wrong with them that India is still so backward after thousands of years of being civilized? They eat off the ground outside, the same ground they shit on.
Truly smart people are able to see behind the curtain and know who's running shit and know who's being used. He's an example of someone that plays the game (that helps the people running shit) and makes a good show of looking smart.
Granted, I don't find him incredibly intelligent since all I've heard from him is Freshman level science. Maybe he's said more but I haven't heard it. If he did reach that level it's unlikely he would be playing the steppin fetchit character he is.
I changed my jaw to the square chad jaw but it wasn't intentional. I would always tense my chin while I slept and it ended up that way. No one else in my family has it.
They know that all their music is pedophilic, feminine and weak as shit, right? At the very least it is all just ripping off better music. The mainstream music of today are the last people that should criticize.