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1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
Truly smart people are able to see behind the curtain and know who's running shit and know who's being used. He's an example of someone that plays the game (that helps the people running shit) and makes a good show of looking smart.
Granted, I don't find him incredibly intelligent since all I've heard from him is Freshman level science. Maybe he's said more but I haven't heard it. If he did reach that level it's unlikely he would be playing the steppin fetchit character he is.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
We live in a society. This is but one of our gatekeepers from learning true enlightenment.
The Tyranny of the certified MidWit.
We are being led by dull leaders to keep us in a dull, containment field.
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