Joined 3 years ago
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2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
This book wasn’t written for muds because muds neither buy nor steal books. During the 2020 riots, only bookstores were left unscathed from the mud scourge.
This book was written for gullible Whites and other golem hybrid mud races as part of the jewish conquer and humiliation effort. It’s merely more fuel for the fire.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
This didn’t age well.
How many alts have been created since the u/else era? 5? 10? This week alone it transitioned from u/like to u/each to u/only.
Alts are a backdoor to spam.
Make vetting and unique IDs Great For Once.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Might want to update it since [like / were / more / sanegoatiswear / else / then / try / oursenilepresident]( went off the rails today and accused a new batch of the scored / win userbase as feds for calling out its bullshit.
2 years ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
> muh shitty memes
On that note, scored/ConPro suffers from LIKE / THEN / ELSE / etc shit meme floodposts,
among other slide tactics (eg muh internet points) What is the policy here? It’s already named arete as a Fed haven to dissuade user exodus.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Electric prices will catch up to gas. The infrastructure isn’t capable of handling the increased load. Expect rolling blackouts.
EVs are ill suited for long range and extreme temperatures. AC or heater eats into battery life. Arctic, desert, or remote places are an EV death sentence.
They’re best suited to trap city dwellers.
Missing feature. Can do?
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
The necessary tension on the show will make it uncomfortable to wear and probably damage the upper on the underlying shoe, negating any value. Either learn cobble or design a disposable shoe. There are YT channels dedicated to cobbling. You can use old tires as soles for disposable soles or take it a step further and craft a sandal / shoe upper with the sole.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
During the 2017 eclipse, I recorded a time-lapse video of a country landscape to view the shadow waves across the surface. I was astounded to find the iPhone switched to out of color, into B&W during total eclipse, then back to color when it passed. It’s as if it went into infrared mode, but the time-lapse app didn’t allow that, so I don’t know how it occurred. I haven’t looked up the hardware specs to see if it’s even possible on that device.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I hope that includes forum sliding with agreeable content, shitty memes more or less on topic, and a combination of the two. I don’t think anyone can create as shitty a meme as AI bots.
Also userbase dramafagging (eg “anyone who disagrees is a fed/shill/jew” and “shills downvote my (new)(funny) posts” etc). Its inorganic and reeks of botplay.
2 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
If the problem is brand allegiance, then what is the point of branding anything? I like my particular axe, gas engine, construction screws, etc, but now I can’t because other people have other preferences? How does that help?
No, I think the problem is those “social” outlets you listed push lies, amplified by bots, and censor dissidence under the guise of hate speech, which is fake in and of itself.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
On topic, but forum slide. Condense into one post for discussion.
3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Reminder: all these plagues are jew induced.
The White race can be free of these calamities by separating from the jew, just as God instructed Adam to not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. All the branches of that family tree will only betray the White man when the opportunity suits them. No mingling, no talking, no trading, no marrying, no nothing. **Isolate.**
3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
The absence is a blessing.
3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Yes. Show them how jews interfere with something they personally enjoy. This is the spring that creates the river.
This requires asking and listening instead of telling and ranting. Redpill events are answers to specific questions, not memes or shitposts. Those come after, not before.
There is an order to awakening to the JQ, and it is customized to each person.
3 years ago 6 points (+6 / -0 )
Extinction occurs with no reproduction. Nature is life. Homosexuality is death.
Stop justifying unmitigated cooming.
3 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
> everyone knows = my echo chamber
Tell that to the African chieftains that sold their nigger kin to jews for beads. They knew, but they aren’t a target because the (((hive mind))) has not approved that narrative.
3 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
> jew pilpul
Astutely observed, considering the rash of innocently framed floodposts of anti-White rhetoric from this tribesmember. @Elvis_Interstellar
3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
This is an example of an image that is right cropped on mobile. It should be a scroll or resize to view.
3 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 )
Why should I answer a loaded question when the premise has not been established?
On either forum feed or post, if an image exceeds the screen width, the image is cropped. Should be resized or scrolled.
3 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
A while back, I did find someone I knew had an unclaimed rent deposit from years ago, but they were uninterested in claiming it.
3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Hmmm… your conclusion is correct, but your premise is a non-sequitur. Both creativity and empathy are independent and inherently White traits. Whites don’t become empathic only after creating, nor do they lack empathy for not creating.
But sharing the fruits of White creativity with muds certainly leads to White destruction. Muds always resent White gifts and turn it against Whites. Muds have never thanked Whites for their fruits or refrained from weaponizing against them.
The simple solution is to separate so the temptation to share is removed.
3 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Now do one on deboonking the deboonkers when they cast +6 gorillion spell of anti-semitism or racism.
> [Shulamit Aloni, former israeli minister, admits that the holocaust and the "antisemite" accusation are used to manipulate those who criticize zionists.](
There is a chart of Scriptural family trees that shows the bastard line of Shem and Esau linked with Canaanites that could be coupled with quotes refuting their claims of Abrahamic origin.
3 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 ) Edited 2022-03-03 00:55:37 1 child
Nepotism goes a long way for jewish dominance. That tweet can be resent on many jewish channels to reach every jew in the world, then recast to their golems for extra support, whether votes, harassment, sanctions, etc.
Never underestimate the jew.
3 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
> infinite whack-a-mole
> flee when overrun
> repeat
This policy is why arete was born. This policy is why arete will die.
The formula must be changed to invoke a new outcome. Nature demands it. Maybe not here, but it will happen.
It’s a quality vs quantity scenario.
Toast message