Most went to telegram. But telegram is really more for sharing memes and vids than for discussion. So you need a forum. But: poal has gayer admins than reddit even, has a pedo infestation and lazy admin, and here is dead.
> poal has gayer admins than reddit even, has a pedo infestation and lazy admin
I suggest promoting it wherever you can. I'd love for it to take off. Maybe the telegram group you mentioned if you're active there.
About the policy here: No porn boards or doxing, otherwise anything goes as long as it's legal and not blatantly made in bad faith (eg. an attempt at trolling).
I hope that includes forum sliding with agreeable content, shitty memes more or less on topic, and a combination of the two. I don’t think anyone can create as shitty a meme as AI bots.
Also userbase dramafagging (eg “anyone who disagrees is a fed/shill/jew” and “shills downvote my (new)(funny) posts” etc). Its inorganic and reeks of botplay.
I suggest promoting it wherever you can. I'd love for it to take off. Maybe the telegram group you mentioned if you're active there.
About the policy here: No porn boards or doxing, otherwise anything goes as long as it's legal and not blatantly made in bad faith (eg. an attempt at trolling).
Also userbase dramafagging (eg “anyone who disagrees is a fed/shill/jew” and “shills downvote my (new)(funny) posts” etc). Its inorganic and reeks of botplay.