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> He distributed his corn, or the price for which he sold it, among the poor immediately after the harvest. When a certain person endeavored to persuade him to keep it some months, that he might sell it at a better price, he answered, "I know not whether I shall be then alive to give it." Another time the same person said to him, "I have gained a fifth by keeping my corn." "But I," replied the Saint, "a hundredfold by giving it immediately away." -Butler's Lives of Saints
(On a search, I found he is also named "Ivo of Kermartin")
Likewise, should such loans be required to be interest-free?
Is this an age-related issue, as many young people were fraudulently led to take on unnecessary loans?
(Personal disclosure: I have no student debt, but think this indirectly impacts me whether in dating people with debt or friends, or simply as living in a society with people who are harmed by unnecessary and excessive debts)
165 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Absentee Landlord? Where Is God? Why Does He Not Do Something? [1.27.15]
In Episode 165 we discuss the accusation of satan that God is an absentee landlord. And many people have the same accusation against God, because by looking at what's going on around us with all the pain and sorrow, they ask where is God in all this? Does he not care? Why does He not do something about all this suffering?
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
Free Speech - by Carl Heneghan and Tom Jefferson - by Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan | Trust the Evidence
Can Science Be Bought ? (Rockefeller takeover of medicine)
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
The Evidence for the Resurrection with Dr. Josh McDowell [55.16]
For centuries many of the world's distinguished philosophers have assaulted Christianity as being irrational, superstitious and absurd. Many have chosen simply to ignore the central issue of the resurrection. Others have tried to explain it away through various theories. But the historical evidence just can't be discounted.
Here are some of the facts relevant to the resurrection: Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish prophet who claimed to be the Christ prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures, was arrested, was judged a political criminal, and was crucified. Three days after His death and burial, some women who went to His tomb found the body gone. In subsequent weeks, His disciples claimed that God had raised Him from the dead and that He appeared to them various times before ascending into heaven. From that foundation, Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire and has continued to exert great influence down through the centuries.
Dr Josh McDowell : The Reliability Of Bible [59.41]
Dr Josh McDowell
Best-selling author and speaker, Josh McDowell, has been at the forefront of cultural trends and ground-breaking ministry for more than 50 years. An articulate speaker, Josh has addressed more than 25 million people, giving over 27,000 talks in 125 countries. Since 1960, Josh has written or co-authored 150 books in 128 languages. The Josh McDowell Ministry, a Cru ministry, serves and equips the Body of Christ in raising generations of purpose-driven Christians who know what they believe, why it is true, and how to live it out. In the United States, Josh and his team have created many cutting-edge live events to help young people stand strong and firm in their faith in the face of a rapidly-changing culture.
R.I.P Dr. Rashid Buttar - Was he assassinated? Claims he was poisoned after CNN interview... [26.30]
Dr Buttar Has Died- Did The Ivermectin He Promoted Kill Him? He Never Did Tell People Its Risks.. [14.18]
Dr Rashid Buttar - i am not suicidal [0.40]
3.2 DAWN DAY SAMPLER #2 - Covenant Calendar Classroom [1.04.20]
3.2 DAWN DAY SAMPLER #2 Part 2 of the Dawn Day Sampler – with some very interesting insights on the “Light” that begins every day of the first 5 days of Creation. Now, this may not sound important just yet, but maybe it is?! Come and See – just how much information is really packed into Gen 1:5 – a very key verse for “day-start” and many other things.
Questions that you should be able to answer from this study
1. When does a day begin according to Torah?
2. When does a day begin according to you?
3. Considering the ancient calendars of Israel, approximately when did the calendars begin to change and in what year?
4. Why in Gen 1:2(a) did a restoration need to take place?
5. How would you align Isaiah 14:12-15 with Genesis 1:2(a)?
6. When does a day begin according to Tradition? How is this different than truth?
7. In Scriptures is Yahuah ever referred to as darkness? From Gen 1 to Rev 22 give Scripture if this is the case?
8. Why should we follow Yahuah’s “First” Covenant of the day and Covenant of the night?
9. What is Yahuah’s Covenant Calendar based on?
10. Give one definition for the word Day (H3117/yowm) from Strong’s.
11. On the first four days of creation Yahuah presence was involved with the twilights. On Day 4 what was restored that was now involved in the ereb?
12. On Day 4, only one of the twilights is unique. Why is just one twilight unique?
13. Day 4 of the creation week has a very special alignment with a prophecy in Daniel. List that Scripture and who does it point to? Does this point to a marker for our Salvation?
14. In Creation Week, there are three different types of day-starts. List these three different ways, and on what days they occurred?
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
CTB 2023-05-18 Not Your Grandfather’s Oktoberfest - Johnny Cirucci [2.08.40]
CTB 2023-05-19 Dirty Deals Done Dirt Cheap - Johnny Cirucci [1.55.12]
The Apocalypse of Isaiah - Stephen Pidgeon [45.05]
9-11: An onerous date and now what appears to mark the beginning of the end for America. There appears to be a prophecy which explains what is happening. It has rarely been discussed, yet it is critical to an understanding of that which has befallen America. It is one thing to connect the prophecy of Isaiah 9:11 to America - it is another thing altogether to call out the curses that follow.
Stay tuned to his this particular apocryphal prophecy of Yesha'yahu (Isaiah) and its application to the modern west. It is alarming, and since it was first spoken, it has been revealed more and more.
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