For more than 100 years, our great Loyalist Ancestors have first focused on Activism,.. they have held speeches, created weekly magazines, and weekly radio shows.
Their goal has always been to awaken the masses, and to bring a change about through this awakening.
There is the NationalAlliance, at one time they had a few thousand members, there was CREATIVITY, Matt Hale claims that they had more than one million followers at one time,. there was the movement started by William Dudley Pelley, he may have had hundreds of thousands of members in his Silver Legion (My favorite of all of them)
They had big dreams, and they had the Truth on their side.. many men listened, and some would join and participate.
One after the next, the Lawfare and resistance came, and the plans plateaued.
Their formula was activism first, and economics second.
If you ever have a chance to read "Fame of a Dead mans deeds" make sure to read the section about Robert Mathews.. the story details the efforts of Mathews, and Lane, and other members of the Order.. they tried to create a lumber business, they tried various legitimate businesses, and when these were not fast enough in creating revenue, they turned their efforts towards more unorthodox methods, which in time were their cause of defeat.
What I advocate for is an inversion of priorities, first economics, second activism.
For a long time I was like many others and I believed that the Truth was sufficient. If I were to figure out the Right combination of words, the ideal marketing strategy, then Naturally the word would spread, and many honest White Folk would simply accept the message, and change their life to serve the Cause.
It aint gonna work like that, and I know it.
I know it because much better men than me have tried it, and they have all failed in the same way.
We will always speak the Truth, and the word will spread, but without a Foundation, without Reserves, without Infrastructure the Truth cannot fulfill its destiny.
Therefore I encourage all who care to become serious about making money.. to learn a skill, to start a business, to join a business.. we all need to be financially secure, and independent from the machine , if we are to have a chance in the White Revolution.
Ideally many of us will form close bonds with several other Loyalists, we will get to know each other personally, on a private level, and we will collaborate to start these much needed businesses.
Just take for example "Above Time Coffee Roasters" , they only launched a few months ago, with a home business, and now many people complain that they are always out of stock! Good problem to have.
In this current Social, and Political climate, Loyalists, and Conservatives want to support small businesses that share their Values, but there are not enough of them out there.. There is a lot of soap, some good farms, skincare.. but we need more than that.
We need Electronics companies, furniture companies, more book sellers, and publishers.. We need pet food dealers, and we need more Loyalist farmers coming forward to serve the Revolution. We especially need eCommerce businesses.. this way we can serve our Folk all over the Nation, and world.. and fill many gabs in the Supply chain.
Mutual Aid - Autarky - Agorism - Productive Labor.
There are the primary values of the ParSoc, and this is what we focus on on our strategy, and our discussions.. This is what we will Create for our own members, and this is what we will teach others about.
Every time a Loyalist starts his own business, every time he makes wise investments, every time that one of us learns a valuable skill, we Succeed.
I know that most of us work full time, and that we do not have much free time, but we cannot use this as an excuse to not start. Even if it is an investment of a few hours a week, why not do it?
Will you commit to yourself, and your Race to strive for Autarky?
Their goal has always been to awaken the masses, and to bring a change about through this awakening.
There is the NationalAlliance, at one time they had a few thousand members, there was CREATIVITY, Matt Hale claims that they had more than one million followers at one time,. there was the movement started by William Dudley Pelley, he may have had hundreds of thousands of members in his Silver Legion (My favorite of all of them)
They had big dreams, and they had the Truth on their side.. many men listened, and some would join and participate.
One after the next, the Lawfare and resistance came, and the plans plateaued.
Their formula was activism first, and economics second.
If you ever have a chance to read "Fame of a Dead mans deeds" make sure to read the section about Robert Mathews.. the story details the efforts of Mathews, and Lane, and other members of the Order.. they tried to create a lumber business, they tried various legitimate businesses, and when these were not fast enough in creating revenue, they turned their efforts towards more unorthodox methods, which in time were their cause of defeat.
What I advocate for is an inversion of priorities, first economics, second activism.
For a long time I was like many others and I believed that the Truth was sufficient. If I were to figure out the Right combination of words, the ideal marketing strategy, then Naturally the word would spread, and many honest White Folk would simply accept the message, and change their life to serve the Cause.
It aint gonna work like that, and I know it.
I know it because much better men than me have tried it, and they have all failed in the same way.
We will always speak the Truth, and the word will spread, but without a Foundation, without Reserves, without Infrastructure the Truth cannot fulfill its destiny.
Therefore I encourage all who care to become serious about making money.. to learn a skill, to start a business, to join a business.. we all need to be financially secure, and independent from the machine , if we are to have a chance in the White Revolution.
Ideally many of us will form close bonds with several other Loyalists, we will get to know each other personally, on a private level, and we will collaborate to start these much needed businesses.
Just take for example "Above Time Coffee Roasters" , they only launched a few months ago, with a home business, and now many people complain that they are always out of stock! Good problem to have.
In this current Social, and Political climate, Loyalists, and Conservatives want to support small businesses that share their Values, but there are not enough of them out there.. There is a lot of soap, some good farms, skincare.. but we need more than that.
We need Electronics companies, furniture companies, more book sellers, and publishers.. We need pet food dealers, and we need more Loyalist farmers coming forward to serve the Revolution. We especially need eCommerce businesses.. this way we can serve our Folk all over the Nation, and world.. and fill many gabs in the Supply chain.
Mutual Aid - Autarky - Agorism - Productive Labor.
There are the primary values of the ParSoc, and this is what we focus on on our strategy, and our discussions.. This is what we will Create for our own members, and this is what we will teach others about.
Every time a Loyalist starts his own business, every time he makes wise investments, every time that one of us learns a valuable skill, we Succeed.
I know that most of us work full time, and that we do not have much free time, but we cannot use this as an excuse to not start. Even if it is an investment of a few hours a week, why not do it?
Will you commit to yourself, and your Race to strive for Autarky?
2) name an app after that word. The app will aggregate parsoc businesses and services, help fellow people of white European ancestry
3) have it be informal in the beginning, get people to sign up for an email list
4) once you have enough people signed up and enough social media influence, make it into something more like Better Business Bureau
5) have people pool together money, offer some sort of membership incentive but also the funds go towards the cause, eventually expand maybe into publishing and media, harden your tech a la gab and probably work on an alternative banking system as well