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posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric (+7 / -0 )
**Purpose built alternate operating system.**
[TempleOS in 100 Seconds]( 2min, 32sec
[TempleOS | Down the Rabbit Hole]( 1hr, 25min
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1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
bros can we make a fork of this that can run on modern hardware?
I like that it's a public domain operating system, a lot of the other projects like linux are copyleft which is kind of like communist / socialist in licensing in my view, a lot of others like windows or mac are copyright which is kind of cringe capitalism to me
public domain is kind of sweet, you can share it freely (which they socialists should like), you can make money from it (which the capitalists should like), you can freely use it for whatever (which the lolbertarians should like), it's such a nice ideal I hope to see spread in the future
Terry was a talented madman to code this all himself
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