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Our Priorities in the ParallelSociety are as follows.
1. The Preservation, Expansion, and Power of the White Race.
2. The Preservation of White literature, images, books videos, and audio.
3. To establish the information highway, and directory for the ParallelEconomy
4. To establish Eco and Ethno Villages.
... and so on.
We will accomplish all of these goals, and more.
To what extent, I cannot say. But We will make our mark.
ParallelSearch is the Center of all of our goals.
It will expand, and adapt in many ways.
It will be flexible, so as to adapt to the needs of our People.
Many today believe that the enemies ultimate Power resides in Banking, but it is no longer the case.
The enemies ultimate Power is in their control of Information.
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1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
hey one idea with a parallel search is it would be nice to custom filter certain results
like I hate sites with paywalls, I would just add them to a list so they don't come up in search if I could
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
I could probably do that.. the challenge would be the determination of which sites have paywalls.
I'm building the index with assistance from the users, so people can submit websites easily, they can also mark them as unnatural, or they will be able to mark them with different features.
Thanks for the suggestion
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