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Set restrictions on Centralization of Power.
Also, limit the Centralization of Force.
A Standing army, like a standing police force, and a standing State,.. all are to be opposed.
The Founders had the right idea in limiting the Power of the State, but the involvement of big Money in politics took us away from a small State.
There should be a type of Rollback mechanism in the Constitution of a Republic.
If the lever is pulled, the State would be rolled back to absolute necessities.
Or the lever could be a cessation of personal taxation, that would roll back the State.
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2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
> the policy enforcers will become the government
yes, so basically this is why I think it looks more like small government than some ancaps think, it's just decentralized or isn't one entity but might be multiple
> small communities, homogeneous high functioning high trust societies
yes, arguably I'm not sure much system works at all in "multi-cultural" societies, or at least when there are conflicts of political and religious value (Christian vs. Muslim, or leftist vs. conservative for example on something offensive like abortion)
besides maybe a vague watered down form of government or governmental institutions (in ancap)
> we need anarchism today because the State is the enemy
yeah, I mean "anarchy" could be preferable to their tyrannical distortion of true government. I'd be ok with "reforms" in a freer or more conservative direction; I like the idea of ancapistan, am ok with a decent Constitutional conservativism. Anything along the spectrum of freedom and conservativism. Any improvements over what's going on right now, reverting back to former U.S. days.
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