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1. Heaven is our base or true reality, whereas this is a constructed or false reality; the mechanics of this reality's construction and operation, such as how bodies are attached to souls or how what we experience is rendered to us, cannot be known
2. There, we exist as pure consciousness, spiritual beings within an indescribable paradise; the architecture of heaven and our souls is likewise unknowable
3. It's furthermore not known how our existence came to be and if it will come to an end, let alone how or when, however we assume that we're the product of an unknowable, infinite, eternal, timeless, and spaceless singular consciousness or godhead
4. From heaven, we may create other realities below heaven such as this one and incarnate in them, for any reason or objective imaginable, both alone and with other souls
5. This reality is a sort of game of escape, one which we constructed for our own amusement, with an unknown maximum number of reincarnations for each soul that chooses to enter, though no minimum; one may spend a single lifetime here, or countless many, depending on how soon they manage to escape
6. Archons are non-playable entities which exist as a fixture within this reality to prevent souls from leaving when their bodies here die, by convincing them to reincarnate; these are the main antagonists within our reality
7. Other fixtures here include likewise non-playable human characters, both of the sheepish and shepherdly variety, with the latter being puppets of the archons
8. Archons are evil beings that feed off of the negative energy or collective misery of humans and other living creatures, known as loosh, make no mistake of this; they are to be trusted under no circumstance
9. Archons constantly act to maximize the amount of loosh they harvest though their supernatural powers, such as their control over the shepherdly non-playable human characters, as well as their ability to set the circumstances of a soul's reincarnation here, should they consent to reincarnate under those circumstances, which the archons must disclose in full a soul prior to that soul granting their consent; it's crucial that you keep this point in mind when facing this reality
10. Souls may exit this reality by refusing to reincarnate, which of course would be simple enough if not for the temptations of the archons, which are siren-like, intoxicating, and immense, though easily overcomeable with the right mindset upon death, which the prison reality theory aims to deliver
What did the Protestant reformation do? It stopped 'religious unity' and the one world order in its tracks! ... "Religious unity had fractured with the survival and spread of Protestantism ... The Protestant reformation destroyed the concept of a world order sustained by the 'two swords' of Papacy and empire."
(Henry Kissinger, World Order, p.3,20).
The Call to UNITE Catholics and Protestants
The Dig - The Foundation of the World - Stephen Pidgeon with guest John Barr [2.05.00]
In the creation narrative of Bere’shiyth (Genesis) 1, it seems the possibilities are endless. When we read in both Yahudah (Jude) and Chanoch (Enoch) that the angels left their first estate, one wonders where their first estate might have been. Is it possible it too was on the earth? Was there a civilization which preceded the recreation of the heavens and the earth? Was the earth brought to ruin by an unknown cataclysm before Noach’s flood? Was man created to “replenish” the earth? On the Dig, we will discuss these things and the idea that something may have preceded the narrative we find at the outset of Genesis and will take a look at scripture to support this notion.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+4 / -0 )
Hans Ulrich Rudel ( (2 July 1916 - 18 December 1982) was a German officer of the Wehrmacht and Stuka dive-bomber pilot of the Luftwaffe during World War II. Rudel is famous for being the most highly decorated German serviceman of the war. He was one of only 27 men to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds, and the only one to be awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit goldenem Eichenlaub, Schwertern und Brillanten).
Rudel flew 2,530 combat missions claiming a total of 2,000 targets destroyed; including 800 vehicles, 519 tanks, 150 artillery pieces, a destroyer, two cruisers, one Soviet battleship, 70 landing craft, 4 armoured trains, several bridges and nine aircraft which he shot down.
"You are only lost if you give up on yourself." - Hans Ulrich Rudel
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in Activism (+4 / -0 )
Patriotic Alternative's planned demonstration in Leeds city centre happened to be taking place at the exact time that Stand Up To Racism was having their 'Santa Knows No Borders' fundraiser for Care 4 Calais. Whoops!
Undeterred, activists setup shop in front of their amateur stall and delivered 3 speeches, at length, to the people of Leeds to much public support. We highlighted the corruption of our government, the failures of the Tories and, of course, the recent news that White Britons now make up only 74% of the population.
Anti-Whites attempted to drown us out but Big Bertha was in full effect, reverberating off surrounding buildings and shaking the Communists to the core! SUTR promptly had an 'emergency meeting' over our presence they were so traumatised. Of course, being the political dissidents they are, they were held their meeting inside Leeds Civic Hall...
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I'm beginning work on a digital library for multiple boards, this one included. If you guys have any books/pdfs that you think should be included, please share them here and they will be added. O/ Heil Hitler!
145 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Ascension Of Catholic Church & Rise Of Christian Nationalism [1.28.28]
In Episode 145 we discuss Biblical prophecy that is once again being fulfilled in front of our eyes. The Roman Catholic Church officially joined the United Nations recently as a political contributor towards the Climate change saga, not only as a religious partaker, but ascending like a king. Around the world the pendulum is also starting to swing toward the right, conservative side and with the rise of Christian nationalism, the king of the north seems to be taking his/its position.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in NatSocShitposting (+7 / -0 )
We Rise, We Grow. (
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in NationalSocialism (+7 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in Activism (+6 / -0 )
Remove leftist scum! See a groomer. Report a groomer.
On the one hand, I could see wrong answers being submitted and that being a problem, but maybe they could just mention that ChatGPT contributed to the answer? On the other hand, this could slow the generation of correct answers unnecessarily.
Kirstie Alley Vowed To Expose Hollywood Elite Pedophile Ring Before She Died Suddenly [6.46]
News regarding Kirstie Alley’s sudden death stunned the world this week. The Hollywood actress known for her roles in Cheers, Veronica’s Closet and Look Who’s Talking, died suddenly at the age of 71.
Like many other celebrities who died before their time in recent years, Kirstie Alley had vowed to expose the elite pedophile ring at the heart of the Hollywood entertainment industry. As news filtered through of her sudden death on Monday, many of those closest to her expressed their fears that she was finally silenced by the elite.
"Hidden Books Revealed" Zen Garcia, Dr. Stephen Pidgeon & Jessica Knock [1.33.34]
We are so excited to host, author, publisher radio & tv host, Zen Garcia of "Sacred Word Publishing," who goes deep down the rabbit hole, speaking about truth, including teaching about the hidden books of the Bible and the secret covenant of the illuminati? A program truly for those who have the eyes to see, ears to hear, and mind to understand.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+4 / -0 )
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