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Truth Teller: Ursula Haverbeck (
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in WhiteBeauty (+5 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by Shep1488 in NationalSocialism (+10 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by Shep1488 in DayOfTheRope (+5 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
posted 1 year ago by Shep1488 in DayOfTheRope (+4 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in Dieversity (+5 / -0 )
Robert Sungenis & co. Refuted P. 8: Angelic Celibacy Refuted - Southern Israelite [20.05]
Robert Sungenis & co. Refuted P. 9: Phillip Blosser Refuted - Southern Israelite [22.46]
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+5 / -0 )
An automatic center punch is another great tool for vehicle shenanigans. When pressed against the glass, the glass quickly breaks. It requires minimal effort, isn't loud like a hammer or other blunt object, and is fairly cheap to purchase. A center punch is also concealable, being around the size of a small screwdriver.
Have fun, and Hail Holy Terror!
Spark plugs are a great tool for breaking into vehicles (or breaking glass in general). The porcelain at the end, when thrown at car windows, shatters them. Spark plugs are fairly cheap, you can find them from around 3-5 dollars online.
Here's a video demonstrating it. (
Hail Holy Terror!
Lao Yang and Eddy both work for a company called CREC (Chinese Railway Engineering Company). They have just set up camp near the remote mining town of Kolwezi in the Katanga province of the RDC. The goal of the company is to redo the road - covering 300km - that connects Kolwezi with the capital of the province Lubumbashi. Lao Yang is head of logistics of the group. He is responsible for the equipment, building materials and food (mainly chickens) to arrive in the isolated Chinese prefab camp. The Congolese government was supposed to deliver these things but so far the team hasn't received anything. With Eddy (a Congolese man who speaks Mandarin fluently) as an intermediate, Lao Yang is forced to leave the camp and deal with local Congolese entrepreneurs, because without the construction materials the road works will cease. What follows is an endless, harsh, but absurdly funny roller coaster of negotiations and misunderstandings, as Lao Yang learns about the Congolese way of making deals.
***Introduction by Kevin Alfred Strom***
Dr. Revilo Pendleton Oliver is rightly regarded, by those few lucky enough to be familiar with his work, as one of the greatest Americans of this century. Born in 1908, he quickly rose through the ranks of the academy to become one of the leading philologists and classical scholars of his time. He was Professor of the Classics at the University of Illinois, Urbana Campus, for 32 years. He could easily have spent his life cloistered in his study, doing what he loved best: applying the lens of scholarship, focused by his brilliant mind, upon the dusty tomes and manuscripts of the past. But he chose a different path. He saw clearly, and long before most of his countrymen, where the subversive and alien elements were leading his people, and he chose to risk reputation and social position to speak out. From 1954 until his death in August 1994, he worked almost without ceasing for the awakening of Americans of European descent to their danger and their possible great destiny.
Dr. Oliver delivered this address to a German-American group assembled at the Lorelei Club in Hamburg, New York, near Buffalo, on 9th June, 1968.
The typescript was lost in a flood in 1990 at Dr. Oliver's home, but has been restored by your editor to printed form based upon the original tape recording made by Mr. Everett Weibert. Any errors introduced in the article are of course the editor's and not Dr. Oliver's.
This is one of Dr. Oliver's finest speeches, and is certainly his most comprehensive short work. It appears here in printed form for the first time. -- Kevin Alfred Strom.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+5 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in technology (+5 / -0 )
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
Hope all of ConPro had a good New Years!
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom FLAT EARTH!?](
In this weekly we consooom FLAT EARTH?
This should spark some fun debate. QUESTION EVERYTHING.
If you don’t care about flat Earth, then treat this weekly as a general conspiracy thread.
Discussion ideas:
* Why do people continue to bring up flat Earth when clearly GPS, satellites, space shuttles, and telescopes exist?
* Share something that is a glowy lie conspiracy.
* Share something that people call a conspiracy but is actually fact. Share sources if you can.
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (01-08)](◀ NOTE: Poll is hosted on
* [Suggest a new weekly themes to be added to the list](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
NOTE: Leave new weekly suggestions in the comments. You can choose more then one.
FLASHBACK; A look an earlier collapse prep culture.
Bob McKeown looks at the rapidly expanding survivalist movement in the 1980s, which believed that nuclear war and social breakdowns were real possibilities. Survivalists were stocking up on long-lasting food, buying guns, and bombproof shelters in order to protect themselves.
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