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I have said this before, but it is worth saying again.
ParSoc is first a way of thinking, it is an individual struggle.
ParSoc is two friends discussing ways to break away from modern society. It may be in the form of starting a business, going in on some land, or moving to Panama.
ParSoc is an ideal that must be realized by many.
ParSoc is Mutual Aid, and Mutual Protection.
It is not a breakaway to retreat, it is a breakaway to fortify, and defend.
ParSoc is a slow process, and it requires effort daily.
Reducing consumption. Unindoctrination. Remembrance of Natural Values.
ParSoc is not a return to Tradition, it is adherence to Nature.
ParSoc is not waiting for another, it is taking personal responsibility.
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2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 2 children
I moved from the city into a used RV. Saved up a few thousand to buy undeveloped land. Read books to learn the trades in which I didn’t already have experience. I moved that RV to my land and lived in it full time while I set up a vegetable farm and chickens. Then I cut down trees to build my house on my own. I live in my home full time now, have an RV to use for visit family/vacations, full vegetable garden, livestock (I don’t have cows yet), and I’m planting my orchards this coming spring.
My family and I have been getting stronger so much faster than we ever did with me making 100k+ in/near the city.
We went from in debt and having nothing to our names to having complete autonomy and safety. Our power can’t be shut off because I provide it. Same with our water and food supply. I work maybe two days a month to cover costs for things I can’t make or grow myself. We have a four month old boy and we plan to make many more.
I’m working on a post for voat and I can post it here too once I finish it. I’m covering the details with autistic clarity so I can help my fellow men become stronger in and successful. We need to be independent so we can be strong and win the war of attrition the jews are trying to impose.
Supply line shortage? No worry when your food is right out your door.
Oil prices skyrocketing? Not a concern if you only use a gallon of gas a week.
I’m going to teach you fuckers how to pull electricity from the air to supply your home with 120VAC and 12VDC.
We can’t depend on others when we try to take this country back, we can allow ourselves to be so easily shut down.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
You are truly living the Ideal.
Self Sustainability. That is the entire goal.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I’m trying my damndest, that’s for sure.
I’ve always wanted to escape the rat race, I’ve gotten very close to not needing the outside world for anything.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Please do share more of your journey with us.. It is a great example
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The power is the biggest deal, Nikola Tesla discovered a way to power an entire town.
I can provide 150 amp service at 120VAC, more than enough for my family.
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