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posted 1 year ago by RightSideFunding (+7 / -0 )
I'm excited about this update that the #ParallelSearch dev "team" is rolling out.
We are moving from a standard Image search engine, to an image board which will give users the ability to up vote any image (NO downvotes) , and also to add a bit of text to explain the post.
In the future we may add an extended text section to posts , perhaps even a commenting feature, and we will surely be integrating the ability to upload videos, and PDF files.
This platform is not a clone of another platform, and all of the tools that we are making are fully custom, and designed for simplicity, and ease of research and archival.
This update should be live within a few days!
Let us know your thoughts, and if there is a feature that you would like to see, let us know.
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1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Fantastic! Appreciate the high effort contribution.
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