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So, the ranges on these can be limited on the electrical side, maybe 50 miles, so this can allow people to drive a short distance (like commute to errands or work) on electric, but then if you go further you can rely on gas or if you want to go on a long road trip you can make use of the gas engine. And the "plug in" part allows you to plug in at home (to the grid or solar panels, etc.).
Sounds like the best of both worlds, is there a catch?
What do you think of the debate on gas powered vehicles versus electric or what are good use cases for each?
Just like eating bugs, I see some conservatives are against EVs for various reasons but I'm not sure I agree with them. Bugs are just food, and EVs are just vehicles. For me, I like the idea of having some solar panels and being energy independent. I'm ok with burning gas (not worried about the environment particularly) but it makes you dependent on countries that you may not want to do business with, and hypothetically could run out at some point (so we don't know how long we could rely on gas). EVs run quieter and even if they rely on burning coal at power plants, can't those power plants have good filters on them so there are less emissions than gas exhaust being expelled by cars everywhere?
So don't EVs have distinct benefits, or do you think this is just a ruse for some kind of reason?
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2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
As long as it can go 300+ miles and be refilled with a gas can lets do it. Oh and no telemetry of any kind. My vehicles need to be air gapped
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
If you can find what frequencies the telemetry uses, you can use a radio frequency generator to fry the telemetry circuits. You don't need the exact frequency; a close enough harmonic will work.
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