Joined 3 years ago
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a repost of sorts
> In medieval era Christendom, Christmastide "lasted from the Nativity to the Purification."[note: February 2][33][34] To this day, the "Christian cultures in Western Europe and Latin America extend the season to forty days, ending on the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple and the Purification of Mary on 2 February, a feast also known as Candlemas because of the blessing of candles on this day, inspired by the Song of Simeon, which proclaims Jesus as 'a light for revelation to the nations'."[35] Many Churches refer to the period after the traditional Twelve Days of Christmas and up to Candlemas, as Epiphanytide, also called the Epiphany season.[8][36]
The contemporary or ancient shorter season:
> Christmastide begins very early on 25 December. Historically, the ending of Christmastide was 5 January.
Similarly there is a post-Easter celebration called "Eastertide":
> Eastertide is the period of fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost Sunday.[2]
Book link:
A recommendation from Fr. Lasance in "My Prayer Book" (p.544, 1908), which is also a nice collection:
So someone posted on the topic of "Volvelle" elsewhere and this sparked some further research on a related topic of some "paper computers" that have been created
I found a three part Youtube video series, if you search for "pape computer Chris Staecker" they'll come up, otherwise here are links to the three parts and some notes on them:
Der Know How Computer (WDR Papiercomputer) - Paper Computers #1 (German)
Printable verion of the "WDR Papiercomputer" [PDF]:
(Note: will put German and translation in a comment if requested)
The Little Man Computer - Paper Computers #2
Downloadable / Printable "Little Man Computer" [PDF]:
Mr Matt's Instructo Paper Computer: Paper Computers #3
Author's website where you can download a manual on how to operate your own "Instructo Paper Computer":
I saw a viral video about a navy seal method of taking a nap for 8 minutes which included elevating your legs; the idea being that it makes it easier or better for blood to flow and relaxes you
Such elevation can be done by putting the legs at a 90 degree angle on to a chair, bed, or other surface, or greater angles with smaller stacks of pillows
I also saw some articles about possible benefits of sleeping this way
So, have you tried resting with elevated legs at all or have any thoughts on the practice?
Some traditions and customs associated with this day especially in certain countries
I can't find too much info on this online, but I stumbled upon it as related to "distributism"; seems to have been a movement sparked by opposition to industrialism in the 1800s, by Catholics, who wanted to preserve a more agrarian way of life. It has been revived in recent years, or there is an attempt to create a "Neo-Catholic Land Movement", as mentioned on sites like
The Industrial Revolution initially created a lot of instability in society and the papal encyclical "Rerum Novarum" was issued partially in response to it. Even into much of the 20th century, agriculture was a big part of the economy in the U.S., but now in the 21st century life has changed more dramatically, which has created further moral problems.
There was a book published called something like "The Catholic Land Movement's Founding Papers" with a collection by some recognized authors like Hilaire Belloc, and a reprint of said book in more recent years called "Flee to the Fields". I can't find much of these contents online but maybe I could cobble them together if requested (I can obtain access to "Flee" book).
I do see this online which may offer a sketch of the idea:
"The Catholic Land Movement: Its Motives" by Fr. Vincent Mcnabb, O.P., S.T.M, Foreword by G. K. Chesterton (early 20th century?)
In my view a "CL movement" would simply be sharing practical homesteading skills, as many secular sites probably already do, but would also argue for how the agrarian way of life might be conducive to living a sound moral life, from a Catholic standpoint.
"On Rural Life" by Pope Pius XII (1946)
On this Thanksgiving (U.S.), it is a time to give thanks for farms and food and the "fruits of harvest", and to reflect on their importance and impact on our way of life today.
Note: I don't necessarily agree with the author's writings, but I find the "low technology" approach fascinating and indeed practical in certain circumstances, and certainly worth discussion.
Link About Book (and then individual links are to a good chunk of the contents):
How to Downsize a Transport Network: the Chinese Wheelbarrow
The Citroën 2CV: Cleantech from the 1940s
The Status Quo of Electric Cars: Better Batteries, Same Range
Electric Velomobiles: as Fast and Comfortable as Automobiles, but 80 times more Efficient
Get Wired again: Trolleybuses and Trolleytrucks
High Speed Trains are Killing the European Railway Network
Life Without Airplanes: from London to New York in 3 Days and 12 Hours
How to Design a Sailing Ship for the 21st Century?
I think the simple idea is that you try to tie a new habit to a current habit
For example, if sometime after you wake up you eat breakfast, then you can "stack" a habit on to that habit by tying a new habit to it.
That way you can make a string of habits (then doing something tied to this new habit, once that's reinforced) which makes it easier to remember or do, as you have these strings of (hopefully good) habits that you've reinforced
I guess you could also then refine each habit or the strings of them by trying to improve each habit (if someone eats breakfast for example, of maybe eating a healthier breakfast)
Has anyone heard of this concept or experimented with it?
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in general (+1 / -0 )
Omegle Has Shut Down (
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+1 / -0 / +9Score on mirror )
Webmaster posted a letter on the homepage about it
> Ithkuil is a constructed language created by John Quijada,[1] designed to express deeper levels of human cognition briefly yet overtly and clearly, particularly with regard to human categorization. Ithkuil is notable for its grammatical complexity and extensive phoneme inventory. The name "Ithkuil" is an anglicized form of Iţkuîl, which in the original form roughly means "hypothetical representation of a language".[2]
> Ithkuil is presented as a cross between an a priori philosophical and a logical language. It strives to minimize the ambiguities and semantic vagueness found in natural human languages.[3]
> The many examples from the original grammar book[3] show that a message, like a meaningful phrase or a sentence, can usually be expressed in Ithkuil with fewer sounds, or lexically distinct speech-elements, than in natural human languages. Quijada deems his creation too complex and strictly regular a language to have developed naturally, but nonetheless a language suited to human conversation. No person, including Quijada, is known to be able to speak Ithkuil fluently.
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in technology (+1 / -0 )
> The Stringbike is a bicycle that uses a rope and pulley drive system instead of a traditional bicycle chain and sprockets.[1][2][3][4] It uses two Dyneema ropes attached to pulleys attached to swinging lever and cam mechanisms, one on each side of the bike. These mechanisms replace the round sprockets found on chain-driven bikes. Unlike some traditional 10-speed gears using a derailleur, there is no slippage when changing gear ratios.[5] The Stringbike uses a 19 gear ratio system with no duplicates and a total gear range of 3.5 to 1. The transmission ratio can be changed with a shifting knob located on the right-side handle grip. Gear ratios can be changed even when the bicycle is almost stationary.[6]
> Hungarian designers from the manufacturing company Schwinn Csepel Zrt, unveiled the bicycle in 2010 in Padova, Italy.[7]
It never caught on so possibly isn't better than a chain design, but maybe it simply lacks popularity or the idea might be made use of for some other application
Comparing to past version:
> Holding your breath, as well as generally improving breathing and lung function, has useful, potentially lifesaving benefits, including:
> increasing life span by preserving the health of stem cells
> possible regeneration of new tissue in the brain to preserve brain function (this is theoretical in humans, though; studies have only been done on salamanders)
> increasing resistance to bacterial infections
> learning how to make yourself feel relaxed
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Is this vid saying something negative against celibacy? Because doesn't Paul even speak positively of celibacy?
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in general (+2 / -0 )
Rich Men North of Richmond by Oliver Anthony (Slight Language Warning)
[Verse 1]
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bulls*** pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away
It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is
Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't s*** and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond
[Verse 2]
I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare
[Verse 3]
Well, God, if you're five-foot-three and you're three-hundred pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down
Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is
Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't s*** and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bulls*** pay
(posted for discussion, not necessarily in agreement with author)
Links to articles used in book (not linked on the site, presumably this is the book's contents):
Why we need a speed limit for the internet
Email in the 18th century: the optical telegraph
How to build a low-tech internet?
How to build a low-tech website?
How sustainable is a solar powered website?
How and why I stopped buying laptops
Why the office needs a typewriter revolution
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
> Protestant marriages are canonically invalid
If both parties are baptized validly I thought they were valid but illicit
> within the church its fairly low
I do not consider the Vatican 2 church to be the Catholic Church, however even accepting it as such for the sake of argument, there is a de facto divorce problem with doubtful "annulments", which have ballooned in number in the last maybe half century
However a lower divorce rate among such "Catholics" may also be due to there being the safeguards in place that there is a whole process to go through to be married as a "Catholic", and those who are unwilling to go through the trouble just wouldn't marry at all, whereas with protestants the barrier to "marriage" is probably much lower which also allows for a lower barrier for "divorce"
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+0 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in general (+2 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+1 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
Toast message