That does solidify many thoughts I have had on unnaturalness of homosexual rights and privilege. Also how putting too much energy in hating the distracts us from the real terribleness of miscegenation. Just know gay is an aberration and race mixing is an unforgivable crime.
[Survivalists - The Covenant, The Sword and The Arm of The Lord (and various others)]( 48:31 min documentary
2 years ago1 point(+1/-0)Edited 2022-09-30 23:21:322 children
Moon landing is definably fake. Mostly because they so want us to believe.
Owen's take on the Grabbler is fascinating.
[I'm almost curious on what would happen if we had a few 'nuclear' bombs went off.]
- Finished video. While Owen has a lot of good ideas, many add up. I could see the (White Pills/Copium) start to take hold. I'll give this podcast 7 Grabblers out of 10.
Devin (Blackpilled) did a analysis of the White Pill and the difference between nuclear energy and atomic explosions.
It seems Owen is going over the White pill as well.
White Pill is a relief. TRUST THE SCIENCE is one example. You are clued into a secret. That there is a PLAN. Wait 2 more Weeks pal.
What a dumbass. May his 'sacrifice' be testament to the irrational violence of blacks. I wonder if he has already forgiven his assailant. I originally saw the video on Gab.
2 years ago1 point(+1/-0)Edited 2022-09-26 13:01:26
[Some good takes from Peter at Christain Aryanism]
The philosophy of the Parallel Society is that we need both Ethnic regional control (homesteads, villages, farms, towns, cities) as well as institutional power (industry, education, government). Whether we build it ourselves or reclaim what was once our ancestors'.
Separate and build anew. / Claim territory and influence
2 years ago1 point(+1/-0)Edited 2022-09-26 00:20:07
They did this shit in Texas with Vietnamese 'refugees' Our Government gave them business loans they never have to pay back. These newcomers poached all the locals spots and shot a white local shrinp fisherman in a dispute.
Oddly enough the Satanists have more drive and backbone than your average conservative. Unfortunately you cannot get the Satanists to go away or shut up. Conservatives will insta-block you on social media at least.
It all seemed much more contrarian and rebellious back in the day. Do It Yourself as they once said. We used to make fun of the cliques. 'Hot Topic Punks' was a big diss. Many who went punk rock 24/7 were horrible drug addicts so I tried not to get too much into the scene.