Joined 2 years ago
Comment points: 698 Post points: 3915

Consume drama and gossip.
Or don't. It's all a distraction.
Use your energy wisely.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
IDK. I’ll post a meme a see what kind of retarded/ aggressive response I get.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
For sure. The Hagel symbol is interesting. It has been interpreted as Life, death and rebirth. For Christianity and Christ. A for a very few as Hitler being sent by God as a Christ-like figure.
Text: "The sacred sign of the Germanic people. One of these symbols will be resurrected by us."
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) Edited 2023-01-11 20:43:50
Oh yes. That one was great. I poste both parts of that video on the Parallel Society telegram. 2023 "this is the year we create culture" is my compass point.
It does make me want to spend more time drawing and creating.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Sounds similar to the technique of Mewing. Supposedly it will give you a more chiseled and refined jawline.
1:12:26 min
The most effective means of subverting a nation and controlling it's people isn't via political machinations, or even control of the money supply - it's in the erasing and supplanting of a cultural foundation, and it's wholesale replacement with something new.
It couldn't be more obvious that precisely this is happening all around us, as we speak. The incredibly impressive framework cultivated and passed down through countless generations of our ancestors is being utterly decimated, and replaced with an abominable monstrosity.. a chaotic abomination destined to implode, and threatening to take the world down with it. This degeneration isn't just one of standards and morals and ethics, but stretches across virtually every sphere. As we learn to worship the dollar - and thus, those men who most efficiently control it - our world becomes increasingly cheap, base, utilitarian.. the beautiful has no place.
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+9 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in DayOfTheRope (+3 / -0 )
a look at a homeland security release from several years ago.
Whilst obscurely titled this document has proven pivotal in modern counter terrorism circles, their side for the grift and our side for the lols.
Train up, learn the craft of war.
Go Outside🌲
1980s consumer culture. Reagan, Thatcher and jew advertising magic Oh My.
Individualist, Libertarianism, Boomer culture. Consume, Consume, Consume.
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in NationalSocialism (+5 / -0 ) Edited 2023-01-08 04:30:52
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in ParallelSociety (+7 / -0 )
Northwest Front on Gab
Northwest front homepage and resources
Building White Community and Mutual Aid
The Europa Benevolent Society
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Knowing is half the battle.
Aryan Indoctrination (files.catbox.moe)
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in NatSocShitposting (+2 / -0 )
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Anti Semites Against AntiSemitism group.
Shep, we are there for you.
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric in Dieversity (+5 / -0 )
Toast message