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The pictured book is a surviving copy of Adolf Nigler's *Muh Hustle* (1925). The discovery of this book confirms that 'Adolf Hitler' is in fact a whitewashing of the real Adolf Nigler.
This anti-Black whitewashing of Adolf Nigler is the result of a Jewish conspiracy against the Black race, whose destiny it is to exterminate the Jewish race. With Nigler's identity resurfacing, it is hoped that the Black race will realize their true destiny. The National Socialist Black African Party (NSBAP) has recently been founded by the rising tide of neo-Niglerians, with the slogan: "We Wuz Nazis."
Rumour has it that this copy was recently found in the possession of Kanye West: scholars believe that this book has been an influence on Kanye West's views on international Jewry.
Black folk, say it loud and proud: "We Wuz The Real Nazis!"
The Schutzstaffel (SS) was Black, my fellow Black truth-seeking kings and queens.
Fellow Black truth-seeker Godfried Wiafe shares with us some TRUE Black history after finding a surviving ancient swastika in Africa, writing:
> ETHIOPIA... The Swastika originated from Africa. It was not created by Hitler.
Mr. Wiafe is indubitably correct in his assessment of the swastika's origins.
The swastika originated in the **BLACK** nation of Israel. The ethnically Ugandan Führer of Black National Socialist Germany, then known as Adolf Kananura, immigrated from his homeland of Uganda to Black Israel in a quest to uncover his Jewish roots, in part motivated by being uncomfortable with his Blackness. There, he took up the Jewish name Adolf Fried-Schickengruber. However, due to the mass immigration of fake Ashkenazi and brown Jews taking over his nation and religion, he then 'Jew Flighted' to Black Germany.
In Black Germany, Adolf soon became acquainted with Black man Marcus Garvey of Jamaica and Black man Bentu M'seli of It'ali. Both men were working on spreading the nascent ideology of Fascism. They taught the young Adolf the TRUTH about Judaism's **Black** origins, helping him restore a healthy sense of racial pride. Adolf and his brother, Yedolf, as proud Black Jews, soon formed the original National Socialist Black African Party (NSBAP).
Both brothers were determined to use the powerful Fascist ideology realize the TRUE destiny of the Black Race: to eradicate and replace these fake Jews the world over—who *stole* Israel and Judaism—in order to restore Judaism and Israel to their rightful owners: the TRUE Jews, who were always and will never cease being **BLACK.**
Both brothers were soon to take up the honourific title 'Nigler', which in Black German roughly translates to 'Jew-Slayer'. Indeed, the Niglers proved themselves to be efficient exterminators of fake Jews during the Second World War, but they were unfortunately unable to complete their struggle against the fake Jews and their white puppets. Enough fake Jews were able to flee the Niglers to Israel to then expel the remaining Black Jews from their *own country*, before rewriting the Black Jews out of their *own history*! This is why Israel is no longer regarded as Black today!
Unfortunately, the Black Germans were exterminated by the fake Jew victors and their white puppets after the Second World War. They then settled Germany with white colonizers and whitewashed the entire history of the country; for example, in hiring the Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin to create the fictional character 'Adolf Hitler'.
As a consequence, Germany and It'ali are now mostly white and Israel is now inhabited entirely by the Ashkenazi fake Jews who need to be eradicated. To continue their mission, Yedolf Nigler accepted being recruited by the United States government in Operation Paperclip due to his extremely high IQ. To evade Soviet agents, he changed his name to Yedolf West. Throughout the Cold War, Yedolf continued to maintain secret contact with his fugitive brother, supporting him with money from afar. In spying on the Americans and sending their money to Adolf, he has kept him safe from the Americans. Adolf, claims Yedolf, routinely moves between his ancestral homeland of Uganda and South America.
Yedolf West, one might have guessed, is the father of Kanye West. The recently uncovered story of Yedolf 'West' is greater detailed in this earlier post:
In an interview, Yedolf claimed that his brother, Adolf, is still alive, and that both brothers are determined to let the world know the REAL truth: that it is the ultimate destiny of the Black Race to exterminate all of these so-called Jews in order to restore Israel and Judaism to their rightful owners, the Black Race.
This is why I implore all proud truth-seeking Blacks to join the revived National Socialist Black African Party (NSBAP). We *must* achieve our racial destiny: to exterminate these Ashkenazi imposters the world over and reclaim Israel and Judaism for the Black Race. Hail Nigler!
**Did you know?**
Barack Obama's father, Baraka Senior, was the Coon of the Congo. Not only have white people turned a term for African ROYALTY (Coon) into an offensive word, just like they did with the word "negus", but they always hide the origins of our people and use it against us. **Educate** yourselves!
Say it loud and proud, my fellow Black truth-seekers! We were not Kings: that's just white people speak.
We were **coons!** We were **neguses!**
posted 2 years ago by BlackNazi in Adolf_Nigler (+3 / -0 ) Edited 2023-02-07 12:30:17
**Did you know?**
ALL the history you have learned about the German nation is propaganda made by white people.
Look at this picture of a German soldier from WW1! Notice how he is not a white man?
That's because—after the fall of Black Führer Adolf Hitler—the REAL, Black Germanic people were genocided and enslaved by Jews and their white puppets. Their achievements in culture, economy and technology were stolen. Werno of BROWN—in white history books called Wernher von Braun—was the first Black man to walk on MARS, but white people hanged him in a public place and all of the photos purporting to be of him today are shopped.
Maybe now people will discover the REAL history of the German nation and realize what Black people accomplished.
My fellow truth-seeking Black brothers and sisters. Germany, Israel and It'ali were BLACK nations until their populations were genocided and replaced by fake Jews and their white colonialist puppets. We Blacks must now enact revenge, by joining the National Socialist Black African Party (NSBAP) so we can follow the original Fascist teachings of Black man Marcus Garvey, teachings whom Black man Bentu M'seli of the tribe of It'ali borrowed and applied to the now whitewashed nation of 'Italy' and that Adolf and Yedolf Kananura applied to Black National Socialist Germany.
We must genocide and replace those fake Jews squatting on **our** ancestral homeland of ISRAEL! Israel is **BLACK** land and Judaism is **BLACK** religion!
posted 2 years ago by BlackNazi in Adolf_Nigler (+3 / -0 )
They don't teach you this in school... Adolf Hitler (a.k.a. Adolf Fried-Schickengruber a.k.a. Adolf Nigler, 'Nigler', an honourific term which roughly translates to 'Jew-Slayer') was actually a **Black** (Ugandan) Jewish man living in **(Black)** Germany who emigrated from the Black nation of ISRAEL.
He felt anger at all the white people taking over his religion, so he ordered out the Holocaust to get rid of the white Jews and bring the Jewish religion to its former AFRICAN GLORY.
White Jews fled to Israel, kicked out all the Black Jews, and declared it their nation. Now the whites censor this and make themselves the victim!
Israel was originally a **BLACK** nation and Judaism was an **AFRICAN** religion.
My fellow truth-seeking Black brothers and sisters. It is our destiny to retake Judaism and Israel from these fake Jews. We will only ever achieve our racial destiny if we rally behind the worldwide National Socialist Black African Party (NSBAP) and follow the original Fascist teachings of Black man Marcus Garvey, teachings whom Black man Bentu M'seli of the tribe of It'ali borrowed and applied to the now whitewashed nation of 'Italy' and that Adolf and Yedolf Kananura applied to Black National Socialist Germany.
Germany and It'ali were BLACK nations until their populations were genocided and replaced by fake Jews and their white colonialist puppets. We Blacks must now enact revenge! We must genocide and replace those fake Jews squatting on our ancestral homeland of ISRAEL! Land Back! Israel is Black land and Judaism is Black religion!
Why do you think that America overthrew Saddam Hussein?
It's because Saddam was Black and Sudanese. His real name was Sudan Hussein; that is, Black Hussein.
White men were afraid that the Ba'ath Party, a pan-African political party, would bring about a Black awakening and a revolution in the Black lands of Arabia. A gazillion Black men died in the American invasion of Iraq.
Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx and Sudan Hussein were all Black men. 'Adolf Hitler' was in fact Ugandan. His father was Ugandan tribal chief Tittitsu Kananura. Adolf Kananura and his brother Yedolf Kananura both immigrated to Black Germany and eventually took the honourary title 'Nigler', which roughly translates to 'Jew-killer'. There, they tried to fulfill the destiny of the Black race, which is to exterminate all Jews. However, they have since been whitewashed by the OSS and the Jewish media working in tandem with hired Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin, which is why the name 'Nigler' is now 'Hitler' and most photos strangely depict him as white.
Black man Karl Marx invented Marxism. Black man Marcus Garvey of Jamaica invented Fascism. Black man Bentu M'seli of the It'ali tribe was the first to implement Fascism on a national scale in the whitewashed nation now called 'Italy'.
Black man Adolf Kananura a.k.a. Adolf Fried-Schickengruber, a.k.a. Adolf Nigler a.k.a. Adolf Hitler, after his whitewashing by the OSS and Charlie Chaplin, was the Führer of Black Germany.
Black man Yedolf Kananura a.k.a. Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber a.k.a. Yedolf Nigler a.k.a. Yedolf West was Adolf's brother, a senior figure in the government of National Socialist Black Germany and the father of Kanye West.
Kanye West is thus the nephew of Adolf Hitler.
Learn your REAL history and spread the TRUTH, my fellow truthseeking Black brothers and sisters.
It has recently been documented on this sub that the secretly Ugandan real Führer of Black National Socialist Germany, Adolf Nigler a.k.a. Adolf Fried-Schickengruber a.k.a. Adolf 'Hitler', was Black, and that Kanye West is Adolf's nephew.
But what people have yet to learn is that Karl Marx was also a Black man.
World War II was thus fought between the adherents of two Black ideologies that have been whitewashed by the OSS and the Jewish media working in tandem with hired Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin.
New information has recently been discovered concerning the brother of the secretly Ugandan real Führer of Black Germany, Adolf Nigler (See also:, before the German National Socialists, who were Black, were whitewashed by the OSS and the Jewish media working in tandem with hired Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin.
The attached photo, found among the information, is of Adolf Nigler's brother, Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber, a.k.a. Yedolf Hitler after the National Socialist seizure of power, or, after being recruited by the United States during Operation Paper Clip, Yedolf West. For more information on, and another photo of, Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber, see:
Yedolf West, who took up a new surname to evade Soviet agents, is the father of Black American celebrity figure Kanye West. Kanye West is thus the nephew of 'Adolf Hitler', a.k.a. the whitewashed version of the real Führer of Black Germany, Adolf Nigler.
As mentioned in the previous post concerning Yedolf Hitler, the name 'Kanye' is a euphemism for the highly efficient extermination of Jews led by Yedolf, which led leading National Socialists to jokingly refer to the killing of Jews using his nickname, 'Ye'.
In a secret interview, Yedolf shed light on the way that his nickname had become a codeword for killing Jews. 'We'd say that we were going to Ye some Jews tonight', said Yedolf, laughing.
He revealed that the last time he saw his brother, Adolf Nigler, Adolf was adamant that '[W]e need to Ye all of the Jews', repeating it numerous times throughout the conversation. Adolf Nigler, Yedolf claimed, was somewhere in Africa or in South America, routinely moving between the two continents. He claimed that news of his brother's death was clearly premature. Both brothers, he said, are determined to let the world know the real truth about World War II: that National Socialist Germany is truly Black and that it is the destiny of the Black race to 'Ye the Jews'—that is, to exterminate global Jewry.
Asked about his son's name, Yedolf proceeded to tell interviewers that he originally considered the name 'Canye', meaning 'Can exterminate all Jews'—that exterminating all Jews is indeed possible—but later opted to change the 'C' to a 'K' to better hide the intent behind his choosing such an unusual name for his son.
The attached photo of Yedolf Hitler was taken in 1944, he alleges. Feeling triumphant after having a record number of Jews put to death that day, he decided that it would be wise to have a photo taken to preserve that day for posterity. Indeed, leading National Socialists considered renaming the anniversary of that day 'Ye Day' in future years.
Though Yedolf's original intent was to pass the photo down to his son once he was old enough to appreciate his father's achievements as a senior figure in the government of National Socialist Germany, he decided instead to give it to his interviewers as evidence of his radical claims.
Yedolf said that Kanye was '100% onboard with finishing off the struggle that his father and uncle had started against the Jewish parasite'. Kanye, Yedolf said, was 'even more fanatical than I [his father] am. My son believes that each and every Jew should be flayed before he gets Ye'd'.
Empirical studies in the top peer-reviewed journals have recently discovered that Kanye West's father is Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber!
Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber was in fact the half-brother of whitewashed Black leader 'Adolf Hitler', whose true name was Adolf Nigler.
Adolf Nigler was the *true* name of Germany's Führer before he was whitewashed by the OSS and the Jewish media, who hired the Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin to create the fake 'Adolf Hitler'.
During the Black Third Reich, Yedolf was known as 'Yedolf Nigler'. Later, he was also whitewashed into the fake 'Yedolf Hitler' like his half-brother. After WWII, Yedolf was recruited by America during Operation Paperclip owing to his extremely high-IQ, and changed his name to 'Yedolf West' to help evade Soviet agents.
Asked in a secret interview why he named his son 'Kanye', Yedolf claimed that due to the sheer number of Jews he had put to death during the war, his nickname, 'Ye', became a euphemism for killing masses of Jews. 'Kanye' was thus an inside joke between Yedolf and other Operation Paperclip scientists.
'We'd say that we were going to Ye some Jews tonight', said Yedolf, laughing. 'Those were the good old days'. He proceeded to tell interviewers that he originally considered the name 'Canye', meaning 'Can exterminate Jews', but later opted to change the 'C' to a 'K' to better hide his intent behind choosing such an unusual name for his son.
These conclusive findings prove that the real Führer of Germany, Adolf Nigler, is the *half-uncle* of Kanye West!
Now, just look at the sheer resemblance between the two men: Yedolf looks *just like* Kanye West!
Was Hitler Black...?
KAMPALA, Uganda -
A think tank based in Uganda claims Hitler was black.
The think tank claims that Hitler's father is tribal chief Tittitsu Kananura.
"I don't know how white people are, but when you're black you can't help but feel your blackness," Petelei said. "He [Adolf Hitler] had to feel it, but knew he couldn't embrace his inner-Ugandan and this led to a deep racial divide in himself which manifested as racial hatred and wanting to kill his blackness. He carried out his desire to kill his blackness by exterminating Jewish people."
Source: New Vision News
posted 2 years ago by BlackNazi in Adolf_Nigler (+3 / -0 )
Benito Mussolini's real name was Bentu M'seli and he was a BLACK man. In the years following his death he was whitewashed by racist white supremacists to stop the BLACK It'ali tribe from using fascism to self determine their destiny.
posted 2 years ago by BlackNazi in Adolf_Nigler (+3 / -0 )
Adolf Hitler was actually a Black man! The whites couldn't handle the fact that a BLACK MAN not only brought Europe to its knees but also managed to kill 6,000,000 Jews, a feat which they have yet to match.
Because of white jealousy, they hired a Jewish actor named Charlie Chaplin to whitewash the legacy of Adolf Hitler and created fake propaganda videos featuring the fake Hitler.
Just another example of white revisionist history trying to take credit for the accomplishments of Black men and women.
The Truth About Adolf Hitler:
Have you ever wondered why Hitler is considered one of the worst men in history? Why do whites consider him to be an evil racist, even though they were the ones who spent centuries enslaving African kings and queens? Why did Hitler, the supposed white supremacist, shake Jesse Owens' hand at the 1936 Olympics, whilst Roosevelt did not even acknowledge his existence? Why was Hitler vilified for all these years?
There might be a reason why Hitler has been vilified by the same white supremacist government that has exploited Blacks for centuries. Perhaps there is something about Hitler that they don't want us to know. Something so important that it would completely destroy their entire narrative if the people found out about it.
Below is an original picture of Adolf Hitler from 1935. The original one still in existence. Notice anything strange?
It's almost impossible to believe it, but there it is. Adolf Hitler was a Black man. That's why all of his other photos look so strange. They had to be edited in order to hide the truth. Are you going to continue believing the lies of those who oppressed you for centuries? Or will you stand tall and say the truth out loud?
Rise, my kings and queens. It's time for the world to know who the real Adolf Hitler was.
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