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posted 3 months ago by vahsu (+0 / -0 )
posted 3 months ago by vahsu (+0 / -0 )
posted 3 months ago by vahsu (+0 / -0 )
posted 4 months ago by vahsu (+0 / -0 )
posted 4 months ago by vahsu (+0 / -0 )
For a seamless and quick solution for OST File importation to Gmail to don't need to struggle anymore. Here you have the best manual and automatic method with step-by-step guidance.
It’s sort of a different concept. Posts and users also have position in addition to age and score. The sorting algorithm gives you complete control over how much to weight each one. It’s like if new and hot existed on a continuous spectrum. It’s sort of like what Aaron Swartz initially wanted to do with Reddit where what you like would be able to inform what you might like in the future. But in this case you get complete control over how much that matters.
I’m adding bits and knobs here and there every day. Yesterday I added the ability to have posts that are hidden from the front page. It’s probably not a feature people will use every day but it’s there if someone wants it and it’s things like that I’m working on every day. In a little bit I’m going to add a “post whenever” feature in case someone wants to post a ton of content and have it actually post over time.
I’d say all and all the project has been a success for what I wanted to do with it and I’m happy with what I’ve built. The other side of it is trying to build community on the site. For example we do a movie night once a week on Saturdays.
Oh. Another thing that is different to most reddit clones is that every community exists. Like you don’t have to create a community to post to it. Just post to it. Different capitalization maps to the same community.
You guys should check it out. It would be super awesome if anynone wants to help fill in the more obscure topics.
So someone posted on the topic of "Volvelle" elsewhere and this sparked some further research on a related topic of some "paper computers" that have been created
I found a three part Youtube video series, if you search for "pape computer Chris Staecker" they'll come up, otherwise here are links to the three parts and some notes on them:
Der Know How Computer (WDR Papiercomputer) - Paper Computers #1 (German)
Printable verion of the "WDR Papiercomputer" [PDF]:
(Note: will put German and translation in a comment if requested)
The Little Man Computer - Paper Computers #2
Downloadable / Printable "Little Man Computer" [PDF]:
Mr Matt's Instructo Paper Computer: Paper Computers #3
Author's website where you can download a manual on how to operate your own "Instructo Paper Computer":
posted 1 year ago by sparrow (+1 / -0 )
> The Stringbike is a bicycle that uses a rope and pulley drive system instead of a traditional bicycle chain and sprockets.[1][2][3][4] It uses two Dyneema ropes attached to pulleys attached to swinging lever and cam mechanisms, one on each side of the bike. These mechanisms replace the round sprockets found on chain-driven bikes. Unlike some traditional 10-speed gears using a derailleur, there is no slippage when changing gear ratios.[5] The Stringbike uses a 19 gear ratio system with no duplicates and a total gear range of 3.5 to 1. The transmission ratio can be changed with a shifting knob located on the right-side handle grip. Gear ratios can be changed even when the bicycle is almost stationary.[6]
> Hungarian designers from the manufacturing company Schwinn Csepel Zrt, unveiled the bicycle in 2010 in Padova, Italy.[7]
It never caught on so possibly isn't better than a chain design, but maybe it simply lacks popularity or the idea might be made use of for some other application
Comparing to past version:
posted 1 year ago by sparrow (+0 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by sparrow (+1 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by sparrow (+1 / -0 )
Braille displays can be expensive, so this project idea focuses on making them cheaper and open source
Android 14 Features | Android Authority (
posted 1 year ago by sparrow (+0 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by sparrow (+1 / -0 )
Channels? Clients? Commands? Other thoughts?
Here's what I saw on a cursory glance:
list of clients:
how to get started (dated?):
basic commands:
channel list?
A lot of people use other chats like element / matrix these days too
Main site:
PD Software Philosophy:
In the public domain software world I still mostly only see PDOS and various TempleOS related projects and forks
posted 1 year ago by sparrow (+1 / -0 )
From a post over a decade ago:
Does this appear to still be true today or how have things changed?
Toast message