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posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+1 / -0 / +66Score on mirror )
The results were not to his optimal. LOL.
NSFL image. Just don't look at it bros.
Tovia Singer’s, Did God Divorce Israel? Reviewed and Critiqued - The Southern Israelite [35.29]
The Vain Attempt of the Rabbinics to Appeal to the False Convert Naaman the Syrian - The Southern Israelite [20.17]
Kind of been wondering about this, the Burning Man event seems to attract a lot of leftists, but attracts my interest as it seems to also attract artists and artistic expression, maybe a kind of environmentalism, I don't know. Their main celebration seems to have been a repackaging of the pagan event of burning a wicker man, they burn a big effigy to end the event.
It's kind of ambiguous about being pagan or nonreligious or whatever but I think there are probably plenty of objectionable things that take place that "conservatives" or "Christians" might want to steer clear of. But, I think possibly there are good things that might be adapted in to some alternative new event or incorporated in to existing events.
Any idea about "Christian conservative" alternatives to Burning Man?
Based Christians (
posted 1 year ago by peenutbutter in ConsumeProduct (+0 / -0 / +18Score on mirror )
The concept is still a little vague to me, but I've seen some articles argue about a connection between a sense of experiencing awe in life and well-being...
What is "awe"?
> Awe is an emotion, a brief experience we have in response to vast and mysterious things we don’t understand. And as I’ve studied it over the years, I’ve come to believe — like Jane Goodall and Albert Einstein — that awe is in many ways our most human emotion. We encounter these vast mysteries: What is life? How do I make sense of the solar system? Why are mountains so large? How can you make music? And the mind has this emotion that kicks things like wonder, curiosity, and exploration into gear.
It seems they may...
> play a role in our health, happiness, and well-being
Where is "awe" experienced?
> We gathered narratives of awe from 26 countries and found what I call the eight wonders of life in the book. They include moral beauty, nature, and collective effervescence. Then you get to the cultural ones: art, music, and spirituality. You also have epiphany. And our last finding from the study was about life and death. People around the world find it awe-inspiring when life emerges and when it goes.
Thoughts on the topic of "awe" in life?
The Criminalization Of Dissent (Revisited) | ZeroHedge (Authored by CJ Hopkins via The Consent Factory, Greetings from Thoughtcriminal 231Js1736/23!)
Channels? Clients? Commands? Other thoughts?
Here's what I saw on a cursory glance:
list of clients:
how to get started (dated?):
basic commands:
channel list?
A lot of people use other chats like element / matrix these days too
(15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3 KJV )
Lw before we release "THE WORLD IS A STAGE PART 4" you must watch this video to help you connect the dots and put the pieces together in this LAST HOUR and YOU will REALIZE how close we are to the RETURN of CHRIST and how many PROPHECIES have gone unseen by billions of people INCLUDING one of if not the MOST ANCIENT PROPHECY spoken in the GARDEN of EDEN that is actually one of the BIGGEST SIGNS of the END OF DAYS but sadly MOST don't have EYES to SEE.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
Netanyahu's Talmudic Coalition Wins and Danger it Represents - INL [24.17]
Today represents the first step toward installment of official Talmudic religious dictatorship in the state of Israel as the Knesset passes law to weaken the Supreme court and strengthen the rabbinic religious courts. It is a sad day for all non-religious Israelis, Arabs and Christians living in Israel. The democracy in Israel is the thing of the past and the new religious rule has begun. Ben Gvir who is one of the many members of the coalition brings with him the Meir Kahane philosophy of anti-gentilism and Jewish supremacy. Netanyahu is linked to the “Rebbe” of Chabad organization and is given a “key” to bring in the “Messiah”. Question is… is this the true Christ or false Christ coming. I think we know the answer to that question.
Prominent Evangelical Leader (Paula White) is Leading Christians to Accept the Noahide Laws - INL [50.02]
my rant about Paula White- as I am absolutely horrified by what Evangelical leaders are doing and how they are leading gullible Christians to accept the rule of the Pharisees.
Talmudic Dictatorship Successful In Israel - INL [34.07] Talmudic coalition in Israel is winning despite major protests. Women in Israel are protesting in handmaid's tale costumes as the Religious Talmudic dictatorship threatens basic women rights.
BREAKING: Israel Wants to Criminalize The Gospel - INL [10.13]
Israeli Knesset members Moshe Gafni and Yaakov Asher introduce a bill to criminalize spreading The Gospel of Jesus. The bill would criminalize preaching in person, online and even in the mail. Those who violate the law would be sentenced to a year in prison, and two years in prison if they preach to a minor.
Sources used in the video:
Talmudic Dictatorship in Israel In Progress - INL [20.07]
Have you noticed that we get spammed/flooded with low quality, ubiquitously downvoted posts in batches of 5 to 10 several times a day?
Next time you feel that a post is particularly high quality or relevant, check the user, you'll probably see that it was their only post all day, if not multiple days or sometimes weeks.
Totally anecdotal but it is a reminder that a few unhinged people have basically got the forum in a soft hostage situation at all times a la Insurgent because we have no limits on post volume or rate. And those people can be anyone acting for any reason.
Even with an army of alts, a post limit tool would go a long way in regard to increasing the effort that a mentally ill person needs to commit to in properly destroying the place.
In a moment of need Elvis could simply adjust the max daily posts from say 5 or 10 daily to only 1, so that even an army of 30 alts can only flood at 30 posts/day. It could turn a full scale raid into a piddle.
Being able to deflect a raid by any extent without mod actions would mean that the forum would be free to ban legitimately insane or abusive people without immediately going to manual "one by one mod action" war for however long a sperg can keep it up (long).
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