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posted 6 months ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
posted 6 months ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
It’s sort of a different concept. Posts and users also have position in addition to age and score. The sorting algorithm gives you complete control over how much to weight each one. It’s like if new and hot existed on a continuous spectrum. It’s sort of like what Aaron Swartz initially wanted to do with Reddit where what you like would be able to inform what you might like in the future. But in this case you get complete control over how much that matters.
I’m adding bits and knobs here and there every day. Yesterday I added the ability to have posts that are hidden from the front page. It’s probably not a feature people will use every day but it’s there if someone wants it and it’s things like that I’m working on every day. In a little bit I’m going to add a “post whenever” feature in case someone wants to post a ton of content and have it actually post over time.
I’d say all and all the project has been a success for what I wanted to do with it and I’m happy with what I’ve built. The other side of it is trying to build community on the site. For example we do a movie night once a week on Saturdays.
Oh. Another thing that is different to most reddit clones is that every community exists. Like you don’t have to create a community to post to it. Just post to it. Different capitalization maps to the same community.
You guys should check it out. It would be super awesome if anynone wants to help fill in the more obscure topics.
"2024 Great Eclipse" I Pet Goat II ENDing Scene Decoded! Time is Up. Thank you Jeremiah333 Doug - LogicBeforeAuthority [14.16]
Solar Flare Prediction During Eclipse X April 8th 2024 - LogicBeforeAuthority [36.19]
"The Whore Of Babylon Is Dead" Symbolism/Preprogramming of the near future of NYC. - LogicBeforeAuthority [12.47]
posted 6 months ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
posted 6 months ago by TokyoTrump in SpergHole (+2 / -0 )
Looking for copies of George rockwells works. Can't find any anywhere. <- Video by GDF
It's a wealth transfer from all who produce within that currency and buy in that currency to the banks. A dollar is just command over some purchasing power in a market. If you produce one grocery store shelf worth of equivalent goods a day you should be able to buy one grocery store shelf worth of goods. But you have to compete in purchasing with other people who also have a claim to purchasing power, some of whom did not produce anything to get that purchasing power, and therefore as a reward for your work, independent of taxation, you will receive less goods than you produced. Some of those who did not produce equal to their purchasing power in that period are those on welfare, and also those who took loans from banks. Now those who took loans do not have a free lunch. They owe that money back and more importantly have a payment schedule with interest whose net present value is near the value of the lump sum they received. The free lunch that robs you of your production belongs to the bank who gained access to that money in certain periods at negative real interest, and in more moderate periods, access to a below market interest rate.
Taking the period where the interbank lending rate is a negative real interest rate, because accepting those loans is actually a requirement of those banks; The bank "must" receive these loans if their cash equivalent reserves drops below a required reserve rate, the large banks basically have license set the volume of these loans. When it costs you zero interest to take out a loan, the term of the loan is undetermined and or can be paid from other artificially low interest rate loans, and you set the volume, this is equivalent to possessing a money printer yourself.
So the major banks in the country have been operating at times as if they own money printers. And at other times in a position between that and a fair market. And we are shocked that they have claim to nearly all property in the country and we have to essentially rent access to goods we the public produced.
posted 6 months ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
posted 6 months ago by [deleted] in SpergHole (+3 / -0 )
literally give this motherfucker a car, a license,a job, and a few friends who care about her, and improve her personality a bit so she can maintain those friends for more than 5 seconds, and her ENTIRE personality would change. she would develop so much. SHe's such a lazy spoiled neet fucking loser. just mooching off this place every night for literal YEARS. BYE MOXIE
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