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ParSoc in Orania festival (
posted 1 year ago by RightSideFunding in ParallelSociety (+6 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom YE24?](
In this weekly we consooom Ye? Ye (formerly known as Kanye West) continues to be the star of the current news cycle. He has been gaining massive attention for statements regarding God's chosen people. This has resulted in him losing billions of dollars, getting banned on Twitter, and drawing out statements from Joe Biden and Benjamin Netandyoohoo. In the past weeks Ye has acquired this massive press attention from his statements on social media and numerous appearances on shows / podcasts. Most recently Ye, along with Nick Fuentes appeared on Infowars with Alex Jones for a 3-hour interview. This interview has spread virally across the internet. Ye even indirectly announced he is running for president in 2024.
Some say Ye is simply insane, some suggest he is merely trolling at a master post-ironic level, some even argue he is hurting the conservative movement / right. The goal of this weekly is to get to the bottom of what is going on and laugh at the clown world.
Discussion ideas:
* YE24, thoughts?
* What if anything is Ye doing that is good or being misunderstood by the average person? What could be done differently or better?
* Share watercooler talk i.e., what have you heard normies say about it?
* Is Ye hurting conservatives / the right with his antics? (Bad optics / useful idiot / controlled opposition)
* Hitler, Ye, Nick Fuentes, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Joe Biden, and Benjamin Netandyoohoo how far does this rabbit hole go?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (12-11)](◀
* [Suggest a new weekly themes to be added to the list](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Master List](
SHTF! Why we didn't expatriate (
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in ParallelSociety (+5 / -1 )
Law and Ethics: The Bahnsen Conference 2022 Thursday November 17th [8:43:30]
9.00 - 16.30
Intro: Jason Gallagher
16.30 - 1.04.00
Lecture 1. Rev. Christopher Neiswonger JD MA: "An Introduction to Theonomic Ethics" (the way it was understood through Christian history and in the confessions of faith.)
1.21.00 - 1.56.00
Lecture 2. Pastor Chris Neiswonger: "An introduction to the nomological thought of Greg Bahnsen in "Theonomy in Christian Ethics.”
2.32.50 - 3.43.00
Lecture 3. Dr. Joe Boot: “The Relationship between Biblical Law and our Contemporary Politics”
5.03.40 - 6.05.30
Lecture 4. Dr. Joe Boot: "Thinking Christianly"
6.19.20 - 7.23.10
Lecture 5. Rev. David VanDrunen: "Using the Natural Law and the Noahic Covenant to tutor the nations in ethics"
7.23.10 - 8.42.40
Alex Kascuta: I speak with REN about being in your body as an act of defiance against a regime that wants to enslave you through disembodiment. We also speak about the virtues of slonking, weight lifting, women in "the movement," medical malpractice, frankenfood, covid amnesty, and much more.
Raw Egg Nationalist is an author and the editor of Man’s World magazine. You can find his books everywhere fine books are sold, including Amazon, and his ideas on Twitter.
“If the broscientists have a spiritual leader, it would be a man who calls himself Raw Egg Nationalist.“.'s-great:0
The Dig - Exploring the unique passage of the Cepher in Bere'shiyth - Stephen Pidgeon, Chelle Wagner, and John Barr. [1.16.20]
The Dig is a new format which will allow us to dig in to scriptural research in the hopes of finding those hidden truths which have been buried for so many years - yet they are staring right back in our face should we look closely. Join Stephen Pidgeon with a panel of commentators including this week Chelle Wagner and John Barr as they discuss the controversial verses of Bere'shiyth 6:1 - 6:4.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in ParallelSociety (+6 / -0 )
Today let's take a look at arguably one of America's strangest religions, the bearded men of the Amish and Anabaptists faiths. We will be going over the origins of the Amish, Mennonites and other Anabaptists in the European continent and their journey from Siberia, to the American frontier and even to the depths of the Amazon rainforest. From Pennsylvania to Bolivia, the Anabaptists continue their unusual luddite form of Christianity that prohibits them from using many forms of modern technology and the ramifications for this cultural microcosm in the future of the US, Latin America and elsewhere.
Next Leap Pt1 ( IronMarch
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in NationalSocialism (+6 / -0 )
Next Leap from Iron March
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[FashBird2814 Channel](
144 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated? Who Can You Trust? [1.12.01]
In Episode 144 we discuss the two streams of information about Covid 19 / Sars CoV-2, the vaccines and boosters that are going out into the world. When looking at real data and statistics, it becomes clear that it is no longer about science. Who can you still trust?
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
The Parting Glass (
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in WhiteBeauty (+2 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in NatSocShitposting (+2 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in NationalSocialism (+5 / -0 )
It was an edelweiss (Edelweiss)
the edelweiss, (Leontopodium nivale), a white flower found high in the Alps
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
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