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Dragon Powered Christmas: The Curse That Keeps on Giving - NYSTV (2021) [1.26.25]
Just like every action we take is a planted seed, destined to bare fruit; everything we celebrate has ancient roots that can either curse or bless our household.
Join us as we discuss the dragon powered holiday that has played a part in what we call the "spirit of Christmas".
Globalists say that we can permanently travel to other realms using rocket ships and not meditation, but what if the truth was the exact opposite? Their materialist and globalist cosmology is based around Earth being a small and inconsequential realm within a large yet explorable universe, however what if that wasn't wrong though within an immaterialist and non-globalist cosmological framework? What if we actually live on a flat disc within a physically impenetrable bubble, and not a ball within physically traversable space as the globalists suggest? To them, the universe cyclically began with a big bang and it will end with the conclusion of entropy into a heat death equilibrium, however what if the universe in fact cyclically began with the godhead becoming the universe and all souls within it, and it will end when each of these souls has fully experienced the entirety of possible existence within our universe, or in other words, an equilibrium of consciousness? So with this, why would we as souls choose to incarnate on a gulag-like prison planet in the first place, one featuring a reincarnation soul trap based around temptation causing potentially very long periods of captivity and enslavement? Well, is that not part of experiencing the entirety of possible existence within our universe, something necessary to achieve nirvana? Surely it is. Perhaps, when the last soul achieves nirvana, our universe will end, and thereafter, be cyclically reborn.
A Critique of Modern Nationalism: Against “Ethnopluralism” and Liberal Moralizing
I wonder how the guys are Progressing.
Had this idea at some point but shelved it and didn't share (I don't think), but I saw someone else post about this elsewhere so I might as well amplify it and let it be out there for someone to do if they can make it happen.
So the simple question is if it's possible to design some kind of vehicle that a horse could power above that of a buggy or whatever.
Animal power has been a major source throughout history, and the bicycle has been a mechanical marvel. Could we put the two sources together for a high tech / low tech sustainable design?
Humans can bike maybe 15 mph, horses walk maybe 3 mph? So you could have a "bicycle buggy" that goes 15mph or more?
Another idea would be incorporating dogs as a lot of people have dogs - I see some people take their dog out for a walk and they allow them to pull them on a bicycle, so the dog powers the walk anyway.
In looking up this idea, I saw a comedy skit of a horse on a treadmill powering a car:
I don't know if horses can learn to pedal or if you'd need a treadmill design, but I'm just going to post the idea and see if anyone has thoughts on it.
Some other inspiration's been found on low / no tech magazine which had a post about horse-powered ferry boats:
Well, the idea's out there, any ideas on design?
We're live! Content will be periodically posted to the channel as time goes on. Submissions/Suggestions can be posted to this thread or to my DMs on telegram.
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in NatSocShitposting (+6 / -0 )
Discover the origins of American Consumer culture & 'Western Psychology'.
SIGMUNG FREUD, daughter ANA FRUED, Pioneers of "Psychoanalysis" and Nephew EDWARD BERNAYS “father of public relations,”
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
What is the Big Picture of the POKE missed by So Called Truthers? - SJWellFire: Final Days Report [38.29]
Lucifer is the great copycat. The Bible Says to fear him that can kill you and steal your soul. That is God. The real reason for the poke is to steal your soul. Are we seeing so called truther drama on what is killing people with the poke. The real question is why the poke that is beyond the genocide? Its a Mind Control Tech system to steal your soul. Get saved. Think Big Picture. Let no man deceive you from the truth movement built up big and fast. The beast tech infrastructure being built is all about a slave controlled race, that will allow Lucifer to be omnipresent. It is beyond killing you.
People who enter our world view often gravitate toward the softer, easier names and approaches.
Naturally conservative, movements of this sort's only revolution is a dream far down the road somewhere. This mindset makes it impossible for them to work together, no one seems to know what the goal really is, Charlottesville the result.
When the "fun" stops, the "thrill" wares off, the self-gratification halts, they split.
With absolute commitment to revolution, it becomes easy to sublimate the personal feelings and weaknesses which destroy efforts. The most incompatible of personalities can work together effectively for revolution, if nothing else.
The most limited individual can understand the sacred drive to smash the system. Everyone can find his or her proper place in the war against the establishment. The Communists have proven this repeatedly.
Instead of the current hindrance, high ideals must be the end.
The means are whatever may be necessary.
The better question is WHY, would he not help them move
ANYWHERE, so long as it was not another WHITE European
state. If Hitler truly planned to "Holocaust" the so-called
Jews, maybe he would have invited them to migrate to Germany.
The problem is, MOST German and European JEWS DID NOT
want to leave their European life of luxury and move to the
Desert, they were being "forced" to move by the ZIONISTS
who desired a "Sovereign state" where they could be protected
as a place of refuge, from their MANY international CRIMES,
this is why MANY JEWS have "Dual Citizenship". Here is a quote:
"One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe" is attributed to Yitzhak Greenbaum". YES, they were NOT given a
Choice by their Zionist tribal members who were in power! READ again
the words of Hitler.
"For while the Zionists try to make the rest of the world believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks." ~ Adolf Hitler
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