I have a few ideas on how to accomplish the above goal that vary in complexity, but im curious to hear some other takes on this.
One idea that i had was to form an on campus, unofficial self-improvement bookclub. During discussions of "chad" books that are still socially acceptable(stuff like junger and mishima) I would ask probing open ended questions. Based on the responses, I would continue private discussion with those that answered favorably, and then organically form a circle of those who passed my filters.
This requires asking and listening instead of telling and ranting. Redpill events are answers to specific questions, not memes or shitposts. Those come after, not before.
There is an order to awakening to the JQ, and it is customized to each person.
I moved away to my homestead about 2k miles away, or else I’d be staying with them. I keep in touch with them still.