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posted 3 years ago by RightSideFunding (+10 / -0 ) Pinned by moderators
We have finished the setup process for the ParSoc wiki, and the site is ready to accept new users .
You can sign up for an account here, and start contributing.
Once you create an account, the wiki will send you a verification email, and once the email is verified you are ready to log in.
When a user first creates an account, they will have access to view Pages, and Wiki entries and they can also comment on these pages.
If you would like to have access to the creation of new Wiki Pages, please let me know here, or on any of our channels and I will bump up your access for creation.
This is an important milestone for us.. Seeing as we generate a great deal of content, but until now we have no way of organizing the content and making it easy for anyone to search.
Our goal for this Wiki is to explain our immediate, and long-term goals for the ParSoc, also to discuss other ParSoc movements, their successes, and failures, or something in between.
We need Wiki entries for Gardening, Schooling, Building, Land management, tech, Debt, savings,... really anything that we discuss on any of our platforms is suitable for Wiki entries.
Please let me know if you have any questions, or challenges in signing up.
Thank You, RSF
This is what will sustain you in the long-run.
In your journey to Wealth - Land - Power.
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric (+1 / -0 )
Buy base materials, create in bulk. Find more recipes for home cleaning products.
AUTARKY: a policy of establishing a self-sufficient and independent national economy. Self-Sufficiency. Independence.
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric (+1 / -0 )
Culture, language, religion and community.
A non-Political solution.
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric (+1 / -0 )
18 years old man makes his journey to Alaska and a self-sufficient life. A mix of crowd funding, mutual aid and hard work.
The Joel & Blair Show w Thomas Sewell
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric (+0 / -0 )
EJ Generic, [7/27/2023 9:55 AM]
I have been watching a few of the Arvil videos. He has been on a long search for meaning, history, mysteries... then recently he has seemingly found what he is looking for. A true racial awakening. The Parallel Society concept looks now to be his destination. He is one of many who are keying in on Parallelism as the solution to the modern world and globalism. He is one of many. Asha Logos and others have certainly pointed him in the path he's settled on.
EJ Generic, [7/27/2023 9:55 AM]
Parallel, separate, nationalistic, exclusive.
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric (+0 / -0 ) Edited 2023-07-27 00:43:08
Hatred can blind you. Use your anger to build.
The southerner calls to build Parallel Society.
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+2 / -0 )
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.
ACADEMIC AGENT part 1/32 Boomer truth Regime.
The Amish & Mennonite Home (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+2 / -0 )
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+1 / -0 )
Why I'm Against Homesteading
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+5 / -0 )
White Landowners laboring on each other's estates in order to create and maintain infrastructure. This to provide a support system for the pro White people.
Land, buying/selling, zoning, regulations, taxes, homesteading, and development projects.
Land, buying/selling, zoning, regulations, taxes, homesteading, and development projects.
White Landowners laboring on each other's estates in order to create and maintain infrastructure. This to provide a support system for the pro White people.
Shared White Housing (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+4 / -0 )
Food security and productive marketing.
posted 2 years ago by Uncle_Adolf (+7 / -0 )
Q and A
Gordon sits down for an exclusive interview with Billy Roper, the founder of the Shieldwall Network and Ozarkia, an intentional community of White Nationalists located in Arkansas. They discuss Billy's history as an activist in the movement, the situation in America as he sees it, and his current projects.
European people seeing themselves as people. Reclaiming our culture.
Everyone may adopt it and call it their own.
All may join with us in CREATION, or CREATE alone.
A Decentralized network of Distributed networks.
White Racial Loyalty the uniting Manifesto fore all.
Watch it grow. Watch others pick it up.
From the beginning I knew that a dozen Loyalists could change the world, if they have Will and Persistence going for them, only.
God willing, it will happen.
Supremacy, much like Survival.
Belonging to they who expand, and increase Power.
To blame, to complain, to wait for another.
Not a sign of Supremacy, rather inferiority.
All that must be done, to CREATE. with a Unifying path.
Few will know the identities of the first Arete ParSocians, in the future they will all say "we did this ourselves".
As it should be, links in a Chain.
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