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Content mirroring between []( and []( is now ready for an experimental test run. There are bound to be some issues starting out and changes may be reverted if anything goes catastrophically wrong.
I have tried my best to minimize the number of requests to the Scored API as much as possible, which means that feed updates won't happen in real time, but they should still be frequent enough to display fresh content (currently a 15 minute interval). Old posts will be updated when accessed directly or when listed on feeds.
I've made sure to respect content deletion and not retain deleted content, so as long as everything works as intended, content deleted by users on should become unavailable as soon as someone attempts to view it, if not prior to that through feed updates detecting discrepancies.
Any posts or comments you make on Arete Network's Consume Product board will be automatically crossposted to Scored by a bot account.
Mirrored content is by default hidden from Arete's front page, but you may choose to enable it in [your settings](, or turn it off entirely if you so desire.
~ u/Elvis_Interstellar on
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LiberalAtheistBrony on
10 months ago 4 points (+1 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 2 children
Is this mirror retroactive i.e. with contact from prior to June 2023 included in the mirror? Or are you only mirroring posts from this point going forward?

Also, congratulations, this is a way cool feature. I also second not hiding the mirrors. If I could go on Arete only and not miss conpro content, that would be ideal. Wonderful work.
10 months ago 4 points (+1 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) Edited 2023-07-05 11:02:50 1 child
Not retroactive. The mirrors are currently hidden by default to prevent the front page from being flooded entirely with the ConsumeProduct board and to hide non-original content from search engines. This may change in the future if I manage to design a better algorithm that produces something akin to what Reddit's and Scored's subscription feeds look like. Posts originally submitted to Arete are always displayed however.
Note that they are still visible when directly visiting [b/ConsumeProduct](, you can also easily go to your settings and opt-in to display them everywhere if you're logged in.
head on
10 months ago -4 points (+1 / -0 / -5Score on mirror ) 1 child
> The mirrors are currently hidden by default to prevent the front page from being flooded entirely with the ConsumeProduct board and to hide non-original content from search engines

- lame to hide
- pointless feature if hidden

JUST graphically delineate local content from cloned

bright greed buttton badge, bolder text, dark green text or dark red when atop white

DONT HIDE or the work is pointless

also dont auto shoah content deleted by TheDonald mods, just hide behind a button called "UNCENSOR"

An uncensored feed of top 200 TheDonald threads per day would bring massive attention to the "UNCENSORED_TheDonald" site could soon be as large a the scored version, maybe bigger. Freedom of speech and limitations on shill downvote brigades would build it up fast.
10 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I agree. It should be enabled. Just imagine there is a conversation cross-platform, and you're missing half the comments.
Let's see if this gets mirrored too. u/PurestEvil
deleted 10 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) Edited 2023-07-05 10:17:47
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